My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 724 The President’s Spokesperson

Chapter 724: The president’s spokesperson

The President did not blame the little girl, and Secretary He did not dare to blame. He answered the report questions honestly: "Due to the earthquake, roads within a radius of dozens of miles were destroyed. Vehicles transporting supplies cannot come in, and manual transportation is very slow. . In the air, many planes have been sent to drop supplies, but they will not be able to deliver so much in a short while. "

Having said this, Secretary He turned his head and glanced outside the tent: "Mr. President, it's almost getting dark, and it's starting to rain lightly outside. The people still don't know how to arrange themselves tonight?"

The problems Secretary He mentioned are all major problems faced after the earthquake. They will not be solved for a while, but they must be solved.

Especially Quan Nanzhai, as the leader of a country, everyone's hope lies in him. He is here, and he cannot let the people starve in the rain.

He said: "Move out the tents of me and the officials accompanying me to the masses, and give the instant noodles and boiled water left for us to the masses. Especially take care of the elderly and children, so that they can eat well first, so that the prime of life can Let them bear it if they are hungry.”

He raised his wrist and checked the time. More than ten hours had passed since the earthquake. The relevant departments began to prepare supplies after receiving the news of the earthquake.

He calculated the time and said: "Tell everyone, enough supplies will be delivered to the disaster area no later than tomorrow morning. Don't panic, we have hundreds of millions of people in our motherland supporting everyone behind us."

"Yes, I'll pass on the message right now." After receiving the order, Secretary He turned around and left.

As soon as Secretary He left, Qin lelan also finished bandaging Quan Nanzhai: "Mr. President, I have bandaged it for you."

"Okay, thank you!" He picked up the dirty clothes he had just taken off and put them on two or three times, completely ignoring the mud and blood on the clothes.

"Can't you please slow down?" Qin lelan watched him raise his hands to get dressed, and his heart was raised. "Your wound has been torn once. If you don't pay attention, it may be torn a second time...a second time." It probably doesn’t matter, you won’t feel any pain anyway, but if you get infected, think about how sad it would be for the people you care about.”

She could only say this. If he still insisted on not taking good care of himself, then he would just wait for her to feel sad because of him.

Bad guy!

Sure enough, men are all bad guys!

They were all looking after themselves, not thinking about her feelings at all.

Her bad father is like this, and so is her strong brother. Suddenly she feels so disgusted and disgusted with both of them.

If possible, she planned to change to a father, another brother, and two people who would not make her sad to accompany her.

"Thank you, Dr. Qin, for bandaging me. I will remember your good intentions." He instinctively reached out to rub her head twice, then realized that this action was very inappropriate and quickly withdrew his hand.

He glanced at her and felt a little relieved when he saw that she didn't have any abnormal expression.

How did he know that Qin lelan was the same as him. His action of rubbing her head was normal for her, so how could she feel surprised.

"President, I'll go out for a moment." She just said hello to him, not waiting for his approval before turning around and running away.

When she ran outside the tent and saw the two bodyguards who had stopped her not long ago, she smiled at them and said, "Brothers, you must stay by Mr. President's side every step of the way."

The two glanced at her, but neither of them paid attention to her. They had not forgotten how sharp and terrifying the president's hidden gaze was when the little girl called them brother not long ago.

"Brothers, I don't mean anything else. I just want to ask you, Mr. President, how you got the injury on your shoulder?" She did not ask the Mr. President himself, because she knew he would definitely not tell, but She also wanted to know the reason to avoid something like this happening again in the future.

Who knew that no matter how cute she pretended to be, the two bodyguards would stand motionless like door gods, with their facial muscles motionless, but they never thought of paying attention to her.

Forget it, she couldn't get anything out of these two people, so she could only think of other ways. She must know how brother lie's injury was caused.

As soon as she walked away, Quan Nanzhai came out with his back legs and glanced at the two bodyguards coldly: "You two don't have to follow me. Go over there and help save people."

The two bodyguards felt miserable inside. They had done nothing, and they had not responded to the jealous little talker. Why would their president punish them?

"Secretary He!" Qin leran ran several places before she found the Secretary He she was looking for. "Can I trouble you with something?"

"What's the matter?" Secretary He's tone was not very good. At the same time, he looked her up and down. No matter how he looked at her, he didn't think that this girl was someone who could endure hardships.

"The communication outside has not been restored yet, and we can't make a call. I want to borrow your official equipment to make a call, can you?" She can trouble her brother lie for such a small thing as making a phone call, but because she I didn't want brother lie to know what I wanted to do, so I just ran to Secretary He secretly.

Among the people around Mr. President, she had only met Secretary He in person. She thought that it was just a phone call and he should agree.

Unexpectedly, when Secretary He heard what she said, he didn't even ask what was going on. He immediately said with a straight face: "Little girl, we are in an earthquake-stricken area. Every phone call may be related to the survival of a life. Not for you kids to make fun of."

Qin leran spoke to him politely, but Secretary He said she was playing when he opened his mouth.

Let me ask, she has been here for so long and is so busy trying to treat the injured that she can't even think about salivating. Is she just playing?

Qin leran has always been soft-spoken. If you talk to her nicely, she will be polite to you. If you don't give her a good look, she will never be bullied.

"Secretary He, you are Mr. President's secretary. Your words and deeds do not represent yourself, but our Mr. President."

"If you talk to me with this attitude today, I don't have to argue with you, but please remember to be more polite to other people in the future. I won't allow anyone to smear our president."

She spoke so righteously that even a political veteran like Secretary He was so stunned that he didn't even react for a long time.

"Secretary He, do you remember?" Not only did she ask, she also insisted on getting Secretary He's answer.

"I remember." When she became tough, Secretary He softened. The key factor was that everything this girl said was right.

As the President's personal secretary, He Miao can pass on all instructions given by the President.

This little girl is right. He is the image spokesperson of Mr. President. What he says and his attitude are the attitude of the President in the eyes of others.

"Can I make a call now?" In fact, after going around in such a big circle, her main purpose was to make a call.

"As you please." Secretary He was much more polite to her.

"Thank you!" Secretary He was polite, but Qin lelan still smiled at him.

Her uncle often told her that as the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. People who always smile on their faces often achieve different results than those who don't smile.

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