Chapter 725: Cause of injury

The elders' instructions to Qin lelan, whatever she found useful, were firmly kept in mind and could be used at many times in life.

For example, her uncle is a master of psychology, and she was always used as a "guinea pig" for research when she was young.

Over a long period of time, she was able to guess at least eighty-nine points about the psychology of ordinary people, but she was often unable to see accurately.

The person Qin lelan called was Qin Yinze. Although she was very dissatisfied with that person, he was the only one who could help her get materials to help brother lie.

In order to help brother lie, let alone calling Qin Yinze, she would not hesitate even if she was asked to go up the mountain of swords and get out of the frying pan.

"Qin lelan, you really went to the disaster area." After the call was connected, even if it was a strange call, the person on the other end knew who she was immediately.

"Are the supplies I asked you to prepare for me ready?" Although she and him had an argument last night and hung up the phone, she still felt that he would help her get things done.

Over the years, it seemed that it had always been like this. He seemed to help her with everything she asked him to do, but she often listened to his nagging.

"If I say no, what are Miss Qin going to do? Ignore me for the rest of my life, or think of other ways to treat me?" Qin Yinze's voice is always unhurried, especially when she is anxious When I heard his tone, I really wanted to beat him.

"Are you ready? There is a shortage of water, tents, warm coats and jackets in the disaster area." There has been light rain in the sky, and the sky is getting darker. If the supplies are no longer available, many people may be frozen. , so Qin leran was anxious.

"Ten helicopters sent it. It should be time to arrive." Before Qin Yinze could finish his words, several helicopters flew into the sky.

Helicopters are different from the military models. Qin lelan counted them and found that there were not more than one out of ten, so it should have been arranged by Qin Yinze.

"It sounds like the plane has arrived. Take care of yourself and help your brother lie. You don't have to say thank you to me. Anyway, these things belong to Shengtian, not to me, Qin Yinze." Qin Yinze's voice started from came the phone.

"Thank you..." Just as the word thank you was about to come out, Qin lelan swallowed it back. Forget it, he didn't care about her thank you. Why did she say so much?

"Secretary He, a non-governmental organization has sent relief supplies. Send someone to receive them quickly." Qin lelan hung up the phone and urged Secretary He.

Secretary He also heard the content of her phone call just now, and he was really curious, what kind of private organization is so awesome?

Being able to send ten helicopters to deliver supplies at such a critical time really relieved their urgent need.

"Xiao Jiantan, what is the name of this organization you are talking about?" Secretary He wants to know. After the rescue is completed, he will also give out a reward when he goes back to encourage this kind of local tycoon-level non-governmental organization to do more good deeds and benefit others. country and people.

Qin lelan smiled sweetly: "Secretary He, do you really want to know?"

Secretary He nodded: "Yes, of course I do."

Qin lelan took the opportunity and said, "then tell me something first."

Secretary He: "What happened?"

"Where did the injury on our Mr. President's left shoulder come from?" She really kept it in mind about brother lie all the time and never forgot it for a moment.

"It was caused by the biggest aftershock today." This matter was a glorious matter. Secretary He felt that there was no need to be secretive, so he told the truth.

"What caused it?" Qin leran was a little frightened when she heard the aftershocks. She had experienced it personally at the time and knew how terrible it was.

"When the aftershock hit today, Mr. President and several soldiers were rescuing a young man whose body was half buried. Unexpectedly, at that moment, the aftershock suddenly struck, and the ground shook in an instant, and rocks were flying. When he was about to hit the trapped young man, Mr. President used his body to shield him from danger. "Recalling the situation at that time, Secretary He's face turned slightly pale. It was really dangerous.

"So that's it." Qin lelan felt sad when he heard it. When the earthquake came, most people's reaction was to protect themselves. In such an emergency, those who can think of saving others are true heroes.

Her brother-in-law is in such a high position, but he still wants to save a child. He is also a real hero.

Although being a hero is a very glorious thing and something that many people advocate, Qin lelan selfishly doesn't want him to be so heroic.

The stone hit him on the shoulder today. What if the stone hit his head? The consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of such a scene, she was extremely scared, not to mention that if the real situation happened, she would definitely collapse.

So she selfishly asked brother lie to be her only hero and not care about others.

However, brother lie does not belong to her alone, he belongs to his country and his hundreds of millions of citizens.

You see, when she left just now, she asked him to have a good rest, but now he ran out again and worked hard with everyone to rescue her.

But when he was around, the rescuers were even more heroic and energetic, simply because they knew that their country's top leader, Mr. President, was fighting side by side with them.

"Secretary He, among you who are here this time, apart from Mr. President, who else can take charge?" Qin lelan turned back and asked Secretary He.

"Xiao Jitan, you haven't told me who that non-governmental organization is?" Secretary He's mind was on the ten helicopters hovering in the sky.

"Well, actually I don't know. Secretary He, no matter who sent these supplies, please hurry up to receive and distribute them. We must not let everyone freeze tonight. Remember, Mr. President has an injury on his shoulder. Let him rest...forget it, I'll just go and watch him, he's not a worry-free person."

Really, he is obviously the elder brother, and she is so many years younger than him, but now she is doing things like a mother in advance.

Thinking about how much she worried about him at such a young age, what if she worried about her and turned old and he didn't like her in the future?

Supplies suddenly arrived, including tents, military coats and the most needed pure water.

With these things, everyone no longer needs to be cold at night and has water to drink. After solving these problems, the people thanked the President again.

Qin lelan looked at everyone supporting her brother lie so much. She was happy from the bottom of her heart. She finally did something small for brother lie.

Quan Nanzhai turned around and saw Qin lelan standing on a small slope. She pursed her lips and smiled softly, as if she thought of something very happy in her heart.

What could make her so happy?

He wanted to know, so he walked towards her uncontrollably. When he came to her side, he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about my brother lie." She smiled, with a starry sky in her eyes. Every time she mentioned her brother lie, she looked so happy and happy.

He raised his eyebrows: "It's him again?"

"Of course it's him. I like him, so I want to see him all the time and be by his side all the time."

Even though she knew he was her brother, she still confessed openly.

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