My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 762: Encountered resistance from three parties

Chapter 762: Encountered resistance from three parties

"Quan Nanzhai, if we dare to touch your car, we have no thought of living. Hum... Even if you chop us with a knife, you can only destroy our bodies. If you can't destroy us, you must destroy your spirit. You This kind of person is not qualified to be the supreme leader of a country!" The man shouted without fear of death.

"Am I not qualified to be the supreme leader of the country?" Quan Nanzhai still smiled softly, but his smile made people feel scared, "Secretary Lin, you have heard it. Since they don't want to live well, then help them .”

Lin Jiacheng received the instructions from Mr. President, beckoned to the guards on the side, and said: "They don't want to live anymore. You guys, please show your housekeeping skills and serve them well. If you want more comfort, serve them as much as you can." Comfortable."

"Yes." After receiving the order, several subordinates immediately opened the cell door, rushed in, and sealed the mouths of several prisoners with sealing tape. They subdued each person, and in two or three movements, the arms of several prisoners were twisted loosely by them. Fall on you.

Their movements were very fast, as fast as lightning, and they trampled the prisoners heavily under their feet.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Jiacheng suddenly stopped him, "Mr. President, the next scene may be a little bloody. Do you want to leave here first?"

Quan Nanzhai glanced at the situation in the cell expressionlessly, turned around and left.

As soon as he turned around, his men had already punished those people, but those people were gagged and he couldn't even hear a scream.

There was an indifferent arc on the corner of his lips. Those who wanted to remove him from power probably had only these tricks.

The night is very short. When I close my eyes and wake up, it will be bright, but Qin leran's sleep is not stable.

I dreamed all night, dreaming that brother lie was alone and surrounded. He fought hard, and although he defeated everyone in the end, he was also seriously injured.

Brother Lie was lying in a stream of blood, dying, but he still called her name softly - Ran Ran!

"Brother Lie!" Even though he had been awake for a long time, Qin leran was still in panic and didn't know what he was doing for a long time.

She thought that she would have such a dream because of the tire explosion incident yesterday and the news she read on the Internet.

Before brother lie took office as president, he encountered obstacles from three very powerful forces. The details were not introduced in detail, but Qin lelan could imagine how bad the situation was at that time.

Brother Lie is young, and it is not easy to successfully take the position of president. It will be even more difficult if he encounters the obstruction of the three parties.

Now, even though Brother Lie has taken the position of president, the three parties that prevented him from taking office must still have residual forces, so they want to use this method to get rid of Brother Lie.

No, no... Qin lelan screamed a few times in her heart. She could no longer let others hurt brother lie secretly. She had to find a way to help brother lie.

When she thought of helping brother lie, the first person that came to Qin leran's mind was her father Qin Yue. He would definitely be able to give her some advice and guidance.

When she thought of it, she dialed her father's mobile phone. Just as soon as the call was connected, the person over there answered the phone: "Ranran?"

"Dad!" Qin lelan shouted dullly, but didn't know how to tell his father about this. If his father felt that brother lie was unable to protect her, he might ask Qin Yinze to take her back. New York.

"Of course, what's wrong?" Qin Yue asked patiently.

"Dad, it's okay, I just miss you." Qin leran swallowed back the words he was about to say, not wanting his father to worry about her anymore.

After all, it was her own idea to stay with brother lie and protect him. There was no reason for her father to worry with her.

Besides, she should believe in brother lie. Brother lie was able to overcome all dangers and sit in the position of president. He must also have his abilities.

"Of course, no matter what happens, don't forget that you still have us. We are your most solid support." How could Qin Yue not know about his daughter's little thoughts? It's just that he didn't say it clearly, using another way. Tell your daughter how to do it.

"Dad, do you think I saved the galaxy in my previous life?" Qin lelan felt warm in his heart and his tone became much more relaxed when his father said this.

"Why do you say that suddenly?" Qin Yue asked seriously.

"Because I am your daughter. From childhood to adulthood, you have loved me so much, protected me, and taken care of me. I feel that I must have saved the galaxy in my previous life, so that I can be reincarnated as you and my mother's baby in this life." Qin leran said sweetly said.

"You're the only girl with a sweet mouth who knows how to make your father happy." In front of his daughter, Qin Yue would unconsciously take off his cold coat, no different from an ordinary father.

"Dad, how can you call this a sweet talk? I just accidentally told the truth again." It's good to chat with dad, and you can temporarily forget your fears and worries.


"Did the baby call?" Jian Ran pushed the door open and entered the study. At the same time, she handed a cup of hot milk to Qin Yue's hand, "You are not allowed to work anymore. Drink the milk and go to bed early."

"It's your baby calling." Qin Yue handed her the phone and smiled softly, "I don't know who your baby learned to have such a sweet mouth from."

Jian Ran squeezed Qin Yue's shoulders and said, "Of course my baby learned from me. He is not like your cold and cold baby son. He is only eight years old. I accidentally saw him changing clothes today. , he actually showed me the grievance of being peeked at, and ignored me for a long time. "

Qin Yue took a sip of milk, the temperature was moderate: "You gave birth to him and developed that character. Do you dare to say that you, as a mother, have no responsibility at all?"

Jian Ran squeezed him hard: "Mr. Qin, if you were gentler to him, would he develop such a character?"

Qin Yue said: "He is a boy, and boys should be raised like boys. Do you want me to hold him and coax him to sleep every day?"

The bickering between mother and father came over the phone, and they were just talking about trivial matters at home, and Qin leran also listened to it with interest.

She pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Mom, did the little cutie make you angry again? Tell him that if he dares to make you unhappy again, I will definitely take care of him when I get back."

"Baby, don't worry. Mom has many ways to take care of the little cutie now." Think about it, she can make their cold ice cube melt into water, will she not be able to take care of their cutie? ?

No matter how cold the little guy is, he is just an eight-year-old baby... However, their little cutie is really different from an eight-year-old child. Just his strict logic can make Jian Ran Resigned to defeat.

"Mom, then you and dad have a rest early, and I won't disturb you anymore. Let's talk another day." Qin leran said.

"Baby, the weather in Linhai is getting colder. You should take good care of yourself and don't catch a cold. Aze is also in Linhai. If you encounter anything, discuss it with him. Remember, he is your brother. You You should have a better attitude towards him, you know?”

"Well, I understand. Mom, dad, goodbye!" Qin lelan hung up the phone and couldn't help but flattened his mouth when he thought of what his mother said about Qin Yinze. Qin Yinze, that hypocritical guy, really knows how to please his parents.

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