Chapter 763: Meeting the fiancee

Ding dong——

Just thinking about that guy Qin Yinze, the doorbell rang, and Qin Leran saw Qin Yinze standing outside the door from the video doorbell.

He is dressed very neatly in a suit and leather shoes, and his hair is neatly combed. He looks like a successful businessman, but Qin lelan thinks that he is pretending.

Ding dong——

Qin leran doesn't open the door, Qin Yinze continues to ring the doorbell, Qin leran simply covers his ears and pretends that he doesn't hear anything.

But Qin Yinze is not such a person who gives up so easily. She doesn't open the door when she rings the doorbell. Instead, he pats the doorknob: "Qin lelan, I know you're awake, open the door!"

Is this man finished?

Qin lelan was very reluctant to open the door, and said dissatisfiedly: "you ring the doorbell early in the morning, do you mean not to let people sleep?"

"I asked someone to prepare breakfast, and I also prepared one for you." Qin Yinze handed her the bento box in his hand, "you have to eat breakfast, otherwise it will be bad for your health."

He kindly brought her breakfast early in the morning, but she yelled at him when she opened the door Qin lelan was a little sorry, but she was too embarrassed to admit her mistake in front of Qin Yinze, so she didn't reach out to pick up the lunch box: "I can make breakfast myself, no need Please."

"You make breakfast?" Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows in disgust, and said, "Do you want to blow up the whole building?"

Having lived with her for fourteen years, as her brother, he knows very well what she is good at and what she is not good at.

"Qin Yinze, can you speak human words well?" Look, look, she doesn't want to quarrel with him, but he just wants to make her angry.

"Take the breakfast. If you are full, what do you want to do? No one will stop you." Qin Yinze stuffed the bag into her hand, turned around and left.

"Qin Yinze, do you think I will forgive you for burning brother's photo? Don't think about it, I won't, so don't do these useless efforts in the future." She doesn't need him to treat her too much Well, don't want to owe him anything.

People often say that debts are repaid, but the favors owed will never be cleared in a lifetime. Now that she knows that Qin Yinze may have other thoughts about her, she can't give him any hope and let him understand her clearly Brother lie is the only one in my heart.

Qin Yinze who left stopped, turned back slowly, looked at her and smiled slightly: "Qin lelan, where does your self-confidence come from? Let me tell you, if you are not the daughter of your parents, you think I will treat you good?"

" are the child of your parents. If you want to be filial to them, you should just be filial to them. I don't need you to take care of me." She still didn't want to be soft in front of him, she had to fight to win.

"Then you mean that you don't want me to take care of you by the way, do you want your parents to fly over for more than ten hours to take care of you?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

"Qin leran, it's you who said that you are an older child, so think about things comprehensively. Don't think that your brother lie is your whole world."

"In the end, you just can't see me being with brother lie." She knew it, from the time he burned the only photo left by brother lie, she knew it.

"Not only do I dislike him, but I want to kill him." Qin Yinze made no secret, gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

If he can, if he has the chance, he will drive Quan Nanzhai into a place of eternal doom, so that the man can never turn over.


"I'm going to work." In the blink of an eye, Qin Yinze regained his composure, said a word and left.

Qin leran stood blankly at the door with a bento box in his hand. He watched Qin Yinze get into the elevator before he came back to his senses. The man's expression was too scary just now.

Thinking back, Qin leran shivered suddenly again, and almost dropped the bento box in his hand on the ground.

Looking at this bento box, she still opened it and looked at it. They were all made according to her taste. I have to say that Qin Yinze is actually a good brother, if he has no other ideas about her.

After breakfast, Qin leran went out. If she wanted to help brother lie, she had to know the city and the thoughts and opinions of the people of this country first.

To do these things, you can't bump into it like a headless chicken, and you have to find someone who is familiar with the local area as a companion, so Lin Xiaoxiao is the best candidate.

Seeing Qin leran, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, Lin Xiaoxiao danced with excitement: "Leran, it's great to see you in Linhai City."

"Xiao Xiao, you can go out with me for a walk today."

"Okay. Which attraction do you want to go to, I promise you will have fun."

"I want to go to the most common civilian area here to experience their life." The first step is to help brother lie understand the basic conditions of the people.

"Leran, are you not sick? Or is the eldest lady tired of doing it and want to have a different life experience?" Lin Xiaoxiao said that she didn't understand Qin lelan's idea very much.

"Even so." Qin leran didn't want to explain too much, and he couldn't explain too much to Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, then I'll take you out for a walk." Although Lin Xiaoxiao didn't understand why Qin Leran did this, he took Qin Leran to the famous civilian area of ​​Linhai City.

The civilian area, as the name suggests, is the area where ordinary people live. They are the majority of the country's total population. A large part of their satisfaction with Mr. President can improve the status of Mr. President in the hearts of the people and help consolidate the position of Brother Lie.

It's just a coincidence that they met a person here, someone they knew but not necessarily knew them—Mr. President's fiancée Shen Lingxi.

Qin leran never expected to meet Shen Lingxi, brother lie's nominal fiancee, here, and she was stunned for a moment.

"Sister Lingxi?" Lin Xiaoxiao didn't really believe what she saw, so she tentatively called out a woman who was dressed in ordinary clothes but still had an elegant temperament.

Hearing the call, the woman who was talking with ordinary civilians turned around and saw Lin Xiaoxiao and Qin leran beside Lin Xiaoxiao at a glance.

When she saw Qin leran, Shen Lingxi's heart trembled slightly, and she didn't know what attitude to use to face this little girl.

She can recognize this little girl at a glance, that's because this girl is the one who Quan Nanzhai has been thinking about all the time.

She knew about the existence of this girl many years ago, but she never thought that they would meet for the first time in such a way.

When she was looking at Qin leran, Qin leran was also looking at her.

Shen Lingxi herself looks better than on TV, just standing there can become a beautiful scenery by itself.

Qin lelan thinks that such a girl is worthy of being with brother lie, and also worthy of the title of Mrs. President.

Thinking of this, Qin leran felt a little bitter in her heart. Such a beautiful woman stood in front of her, looking at them with a smile, but she secretly wanted to rob her fiance. It's really...

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here?" Shen Lingxi looked at Qin lelan again, and said softly, "Xiaoxiao, is this your friend?"

Because Shen Lingxi doesn't know Qin lelan on the surface, so Lin Xiaoxiao must introduce it.

"Yes, sister Lingxi, she is my friend Qin Leran, who came to Haishi to find me to play." Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Leran again, "Leran, this is Mr. President's fiancee, we were far away last time I have seen her from afar, and she has also appeared on TV, so you should recognize her."

"Ms. Shen, hello! I'm my little friend Qin leran!" Qin lelan smiled and introduced himself generously.

In front of outsiders, especially in front of brother lie's fiancé, Qin lelan tries to be generous and competes secretly.

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