My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 801 The murder a year ago

Chapter 801: The murder a year ago

lunch time.

Qin leran found a seat early. When he saw Yaya walking into the canteen, rubbing her head, she immediately waved: "Sister Yaya, I've prepared the meal for you."

"Oh." Yaya responded, walked listlessly to Qin lelan, and then rubbed his swollen head and sore neck, "I guess I had a stiff neck last night. Not only is my neck sore today, but my head is also dizzy." ”

If he had a stiff neck while sleeping, it was obviously caused by being drugged, and the drug had not taken effect yet so he could fully wake up.

Qin leran knew the situation, but couldn't say it, but she carefully prepared the antidote for Yaya: "Sister Yaya, drink the soup first to warm yourself up, and you may feel better."

Yaya was not polite. She took the soup and took a big sip. After the hot soup was swallowed, the temperature spread all over her body instantly. Yaya sighed: "Xiao Jiantan, it's great to have you here. Da Zhuang, Xiao Xiao and I have a few friends together." I haven’t seen these two people so careful in years.”

"Who is talking bad about us?" Da Zhuang held the lunch box and sat down opposite them, "Xiao Jiantan, don't listen to Yaya's nonsense. In fact, I am very considerate. Let me tell you, whoever wants to be me My girlfriend, I will definitely take good care of her.”

"So what if you are considerate? Can you be so considerate as to have an idea of ​​our little jealousy? Let me tell you quietly, our little jealousy already has someone he likes." Yaya ruthlessly tore down Da Zhuang's tower.

"How is that possible?" Da Zhuang didn't want to believe that Xiao Jiantan had someone he liked, but if he thought about it carefully, there must be many people chasing her for such an outstanding girl, and it was not impossible that she could like one of them.

"I can't even look down on you with your appearance. Do you still want our jealous little guy to take a liking to you?" Xiao Xiao sat down with his lunch box and joined the team of the big and strong team.

"Xiao Xiao, please pay attention to the words you use, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Da Zhuang glared at Xiao Xiao fiercely.

"That's what I want to say to you. If you have the ability, bite me twice." Xiao Xiao was sure that Da Zhuang was a "gentleman", and a gentleman would talk but never take action.

Listening to their words, you hurt me and I hurt you, while Qin leran was eating, the person in her mind was her brother lie.

Last night, the two of them made it clear what they needed to say, and brother lie also met her with his true face. No matter how bumpy the road ahead was, she believed that nothing could separate them again.

When thinking of brother lie, the corners of Qin lelan's lips could not help but rise slightly, creating a nice arc.

"Little Jealousy, even you laugh at me." Others said that it was okay for him to want to eat swan meat. Qin lelan was also snickering, and Da Zhuang was angry.

"Ah?" Qin leran was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Da Zhuang was talking about, and smiled again, "Dazhuang, Sister Yaya has made it very clear just now, I have someone I like. As for me, I am more professional. First, identifying someone is a lifelong matter, so apart from him, I really don’t think anyone else is qualified to pursue me. It’s not that others are bad, but that he is too good in my mind.”

Qin leran has been a very independent child since she was a child. It is difficult to change the things she believes in.

After she recognized brother lie, all she could think about was him. Her heart was so small that she could only accommodate one person in the world of love.

Da Zhuang expressed dissatisfaction: "Xiao Jiantan, how old are you? When you meet a better boy in the future, don't regret it."

"A better man?" Qin leran pursed his lips and chuckled. Looking at it, who else in country A can be better than their president?

Anyway, not in her heart.

"Do you think what I said is right?" Da Zhuang said proudly, "Little Jealousy, fall in love more often when you are young, so that you won't regret it when you get older."

"Dazhuang, I don't agree with what you said." Yaya interrupted, "You men want to have more girlfriends. To put it bluntly, you are animals that think with your lower body."


Qin lelan's cell phone in his pocket vibrated twice, interrupting their discussion.

She smiled apologetically: "Sorry! I'm going out to take a call."

The call was from Chang Li, reporting about Shen Lingxi. After hearing it, Qin lelan couldn't calm down for a long time, his heart was tightened, and the pain came in waves.

It's not that Shen Lingxi's incident was so shocking, but that Shen Lingxi's incident involved the murder that occurred in country A a year ago.

In the murder a year ago, the person who died was a person from the highest authority of country A. At that time, it shocked the entire core and high-level group of country A.

Because it involves the largest power groups in country A, all news is blocked.

Therefore, even though Qin leran checked many things about country A and Quan Nanzhai, she still had never heard of this matter.

What she knows is something that everyone in the world knows.

Over the years, she had no idea how Quan Nanzhai had climbed up to the position of president step by step and how difficult and dangerous the road was.

She had thought that this road would not be easy, but she never imagined that it would be so difficult. Or she underestimated the political struggle.

A year ago, a murder occurred, a shocking murder with conspiracy and planning.

That day, the then president of country A attended a meeting with his wife and some high-ranking and important officials.

After the meeting, they were stopped by "guards" who suddenly rushed in. Before they could speak, they were shot to death.

Quan Nanzhai's mother, the wife of the president of Country A at the time, was shot in the heart and died on the spot.

When Quan Nanzhai arrived after receiving the news, his mother only breathed her last breath. She wanted to say something to him but had no strength to say it.

He held his mother in his arms and watched helplessly as his mother twitched several times in his arms and took her last breath without calm.

On the same day, the Long family, a famous family that had always strongly supported Quan Nanzhai, was wiped out. The life and death of Quan Nanzhai's best brother Long Yi, the son of the Long family, was unknown.

In one day, Quan Nanzhai lost his mother who gave birth to him, his best friend, and his most powerful supporter who supported his ascension to the presidency.

So much was lost in one day...

Just thinking about it makes Qin lelan's heart beat like a knife, not to mention that brother lie has really experienced all that.

No wonder brother lie has been reluctant to recognize her openly, no wonder brother lie always hesitates to speak, no wonder brother lie always changes his identity to see her.

It's not that brother lie doesn't value her, but that brother lie values ​​her too much. He must be afraid that the incident a year ago will happen again.

He had lost his mother, he had lost his best brother... and he must be afraid of losing her again.

At that time, her brother Lie lost someone so important to him, and there was no one around him to talk to him. How difficult it must have been for him in those days.

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