Chapter 802: Dear Mr. President

Thinking of this, Qin leran really hated himself for not coming to brother lie earlier.

If she had found brother lie at that time, then he would not be alone. He would still have her by his side, and he would feel better.

But she knew very well that she had no ability to turn back time, nor could she go back to help brother lie. The past was in the past.

Then, she must cherish the present, and she must let brother lie know that he still has her, and she will always be by his side in the future.

"Miss..." Chang Li shouted a few times on the phone before Qin lelan calmed down.

"Well." Qin lelan took a deep breath and tried to calm down, "Chang Li, thank you for telling me so much. Please also help me protect Mr. President in the future and ensure his safety. I never want anything to happen to him. .”

After saying that, she hung up the phone, looked up at the sky where the sun was high, and said softly: "Brother Lie, you protected Ranran in the past, and Ranran will protect you in the future."

Qin leran turned on the camera of his mobile phone and took a shining selfie.

Then edit the picture and add text - [I just finished lunch, sitting outside the tent in the sun, missing the person I like. Let him know that no matter where I am, my heart is with him. 】

After editing, Qin leran clicked to send it to Quan Nanzhai.

She just likes him, and if she does, she should tell him and let him know, so that he will not be lonely.

Soon, Qin lelan received a reply from Quan Nanzhai - [Little girl, the person you miss is also missing you. He asked me to tell you that no matter where he is, his heart is with you. 】

[Well, I understand. Thank you for telling me, my dear Mr. President. ] Typing again, Qin leran clicked send, raised the corners of his lips and smiled softly.

Her brother lie is getting better and better at talking, and he will definitely become more able to say sweet words to make her happy under her training.

However, what if he learns to say nice things and goes to make other girls happy in the future?

"Little vinegar jar, the food is cold!"

Over there, Da Zhuang shouted at the top of his voice.

"Come right away." Qin leran shook his head, stood up, patted the mud on his body, and ran to the canteen.

At the same time, when Quan Nanzhai in the Beigong saw Qin leran's text message, he had almost the same reaction as Qin leran, with the corners of his lips raised slightly and a soft smile.

But just as his smile was rising, Lin Jiacheng pushed open the door of the office and rushed in. He said urgently: "Mr. President, the Shen family released the video of Miss Shen's murder. It seems that they thought Miss Shen was... It was us who hid it.”

"It seems that they can't sit still after all." Quan Nanzhai chuckled, "If he wants to let him go, let him go. The person who killed is a member of the Shen family, and the person who was killed is also a member of the Shen family. I want to see , are all the people in the world blind?”

It is true that the old man of the Shen family is a founding figure who accompanied Quan Nanzhai to conquer the country. It is also true that he has been in charge of military power for many years.

What's more, his power once surpassed that of the Quan family, and the Shen family almost became the leaders of the country.

But history is history. There is no if or maybe. The Shen family eventually lost to the Quan family, and the Quan family became the president of a country.

Among the three generations of the Shen family, the person with the highest position is still Mr. Shen. None of his children and grandchildren are working in the central government.

So when Mr. Shen got old and should put down his power, no one in the Shen family had the ability to take over the armed forces.

Just when the Shen family had no successor, the Quan family's third son, who had always been inconspicuous, appeared in everyone's eyes.

Quan Nanzhai stood out among many candidates and took over the three armed forces with an absolute advantage. He became the first president of country A to hold the position of president and also control the military power.

Power, this thing is more addictive than poison. Once you enjoy the pleasure brought by power, it will be difficult to let it go.

The old man of the Shen family was also the person who almost stood at the top of country A. Of course he was not willing to hand over the power in his hands and let him go home and retire.

Quan Nanzhai has always known that Old Man Shen wants the Shen family to get back the power that once belonged to him, but the children and grandchildren of the Shen family are all helpless people, and no one has the ability.

Old Man Shen struggled for two years and exhausted all his strength. He saw the reality clearly and had to let go.

But now, it is really unbelievable that the Shen family can still do such a big thing without the support of anyone behind them.

Quan Nanzhai concluded that it must be the person hiding behind, the real murderer, who started to act.

Fog Mountain.

The rain continued to fall, and the weather became increasingly gloomy. It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already as dark as night.

As gloomy as the weather was, Shen Lingxi's mood was even gloomier than the weather.

Shen Lingxi, half-clothed, lay on the hospital bed and looked up at the ceiling quietly.

That man who was as scary as a devil left her after torturing her for two hours, leaving her lying here alone.

Before leaving, he said: "Shen Lingxi, I once heard people say that you can make men want to die, but today I see you are nothing more than that. I am tired of playing with your body, you can go and die."

The devil's voice is still ringing in my ears.

There was still the aura left by that devil in the room.

All of this told her that what just happened was not a dream, but reality.

Tired of playing?

Let her die?

Who does he think he is?

He can play with her if he wants?

He said she was going to die when she got tired of playing?

She doesn't!

She wanted to live, live well, and one day kill the devil who ruined her innocence with her own hands.

Dong Dong——

The knock on the door interrupted Shen Lingxi's thoughts. She wanted to hide, and she wanted to pull up the quilt to cover the shameful scars on her body, but before it could be covered, the visitor came in uninvited: "Hello, Miss Shen. !”

Shen Lingxi covered herself with a dirty quilt indifferently, without looking back or answering.

When she didn't get a response, the woman spoke again: "Miss Shen, if you don't respond to me, then I will do it myself."

Did she do it?

What else do they want to do?

Shen Lingxi turned back, glanced at the person coldly, and asked weakly: "Who are you? Where are you? Why am I here?"

She knew she wouldn't get an answer, but she couldn't help but ask.

"I am your full-time nurse Xiaojiu. This is Wushan. My young master invited you here." Shen Lingxi thought she would not get the answer, but she didn't know that this person gave her the answers one by one.

Professional care?

The devil tortured her so miserably and gave her a full-time nursing staff. Did he want her to be grateful to him?

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