My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 804 You are not qualified

Chapter 804: You are not qualified

Once, he told her personally that she was not allowed to take off the wedding ring before he put it on her.

The words Long Yi said to her still rang in her ears from time to time, but she did not keep the promise she made to him.

When she was engaged to Quan Nanzhai, she took off the engagement ring given to her by Long Yi, tied it with a rope, and hung it around her neck.

If she couldn't wear it on her finger anymore, she would wear the ring closest to her heart and wait for him to come back.

Waiting for him to come back and put the wedding ring on her with his own hands.

But she had been waiting for a long time, but she still couldn't wait for him to come back, couldn't wait for him to take off the ring with his own hands, and then put their wedding ring on her.

Now that her innocence has been ruined, how can she have the face to see him even if he comes back?

"Long Yi, where are you? Do you know how much I miss you?" She could only think about these words in her heart.

When thinking about Long Yi, Shen Lingxi always had a habitual action, which was to hold the ring he gave her in her hand.

At this time, as usual, she reached out and touched her neck, but she did not touch the ring that she had never left.

Not touching the ring, Shen Lingxi touched it again, but still couldn't find it. She was stunned, turned over and sat up.

That was the only thing Long Yi had left for her. How could she get rid of it.

Shen Lingxi ignored the pain on her head, opened the quilt, and searched all over the bed. She couldn't find it on the bed, so she searched all over the house.

She looked at every corner of the small room, but still couldn't find the ring she was looking for.

Not on the bed, not in the room, so where would the ring fall?

Shen Lingxi stroked her painful head and thought for a while... Could it be that the woman took away the sheets and quilt cover when she was packing them up just now?

It's very possible.

Thinking of this, Shen Lingxi had time to put on her shoes, turned around and rushed out.

When she opened the door, she didn't even see what was going on outside. She rushed out and hit a solid wall of flesh.

The wall of flesh was so strong that Shen Lingxi's head was almost knocked out by him. She staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the man grabbed her and stabilized her body, preventing her from having close contact with the cold and hard ground.

"Thank you..." Before she could say thank you, Shen Lingxi looked up and saw the masked face.

Everything that happened earlier flooded into Shen Lingxi's mind, making her so disgusted that she covered her mouth and vomited.

Just seeing him made her so sick.

The man curled his lips and raised a cold smile: "Shen Lingxi, Shen Lingxi, before the Long family was exterminated, you threw yourself into my arms, and when you moaned softly on me, you really acted like one. ”

After retching for a while, Shen Lingxi wiped her mouth, turned and left. The man's voice sounded slowly and rhythmically behind her: "Are you looking for this?"

Shen Lingxi turned around, met the man's dangerous eyes, and also saw the ring in his hand.

He was holding the rope, and the ring was hanging on the rope, dangling back and forth in front of Shen Lingxi's eyes.

"Give it back to me." Shen Lingxi reached out to grab it, but the man moved faster than her and dodged slightly to avoid her.

"Want it?" He looked directly at her, his eyes deep and unpredictable.

"That's mine, give it back to me." Shen Lingxi rushed over again, trying to snatch back her ring and her treasure.

This time, the man didn't even have to turn sideways. He just lifted him up so that Shen Lingxi couldn't touch the ring.

One of them is a petite figure of more than 160 centimeters, and the other is a tall figure of more than 180 centimeters.

The man stood here like a mountain, and Shen Lingxi couldn't catch him at all.

She jumped, scratched and shouted: "Devil, give me back the ring, give it back to me quickly."

He raised the ring high, like teasing a monkey: "Shen Lingxi, why do you say this ring is yours?"

Shen Lingxi roared: "This is mine. I wear it all the time. Give it back to me quickly, or I won't be polite."

The man chuckled: "Are you rude? Why are you rude? You are just a plaything I captured, why are you rude to me?"

"Give it back to me!" Shen Lingxi could only see the ring in her eyes. As for who this man was, she didn't think about it at all.

Even if he breaks her neck if she offends him, she doesn't care, nothing is more important than her getting the ring back.

"Give it back to you?" He was still smiling, but his smile was extremely evil.

"Give it back to me." Shen Jixi was still trying to grab it, but couldn't.

"Give me a few reasons to give it back to you. If you say it nicely, I might be able to give it back to you," he said.

"Give it back to me. It's mine, you must give it back to me." Shen Lingxi had already lost her mind and couldn't think calmly.

"It must be returned to you." The man smiled evilly, stretched out his hand, and threw the ring out of the window. "Shen Lingxi, you took this ring off with your own hands, so you are not qualified to own it again."

Shen Lingxi watched the man throw the ring out of the window. She rushed over and tried to get it back, but not only did she not get the ring, she hit the wall again.

"No, no, no, no..." She immediately turned around and rushed out of the yard, and saw a pool under the window where the ring had just been dropped.

Without thinking, she dove into the pool.

The water in the pool was freezing cold, but Shen Lingxi seemed not to feel it as she sank into the water to look for the ring.

She sank into the water but couldn't find the ring, not the ring Long Yi gave her.

"Shen Lingxi, are you looking for death?" This dead woman was still injured and jumped into the pool. Did she want to die?

The man did not hesitate, jumped into the water, and forcibly hugged Shen Lingxi and dragged her to the shore, but Shen Lingxi was unwilling. She pushed and kicked to prevent him from getting close to her.

When she got some free time, she sank into the water again to look for the ring.

Seeing that the time spent in the water was getting longer and longer, the man's face became more and more ugly: "Shen Lingxi, if I had known about this, why did you do it in the first place?"

This time, he grabbed Shen Lingxi and forced her to go to court.

"Devil, what are you doing?" Isn't it enough that he destroyed her innocence? Do you want to destroy the only thing that Longyi Liujing has?

He asked coldly: "It's just a ring. I see you are so nervous."

"That's not a ring..." It was her dragon wing, the engagement ring he gave her, a token of support for her to survive this year.

They had no idea how important that ring was to her.

That is something more important than her life.

"But you are no longer qualified to have it." The man said.

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