Chapter 805: Changed face

The man's words were so gloomy and cold that they made Shen Lingxi shiver.

She looked at him coldly and said coldly: "Devil, who do you think you are? When will it be your turn to decide my affairs? Give me my ring back, or I will not let you go."

He said she was not qualified because she was defiled by him... But even so, she still wanted to get back the ring Long Yi gave her.

That was the only thing Long Yi left for her.

When Long Yi is away, and she is not qualified to be by Long Yi's side again, at least she can hold this ring and think about him.

"Who am I? Ha..." The man sneered.

This damn woman has such a good memory, she completely forgot about him in just one year.

Even if his face was ruined, even if he changed his face, didn't she find something similar to Long Yi in him?

Maybe it's not that her memory is bad, but that the man she once toyed with has never stayed in her heart, so it's strange that she remembers it.

The moment the man was distracted, Shen Lingxi gritted her teeth and pushed him away, turned around and jumped into the pool again.

But as soon as she turned around, the man grabbed her, picked her up by the waist and carried her back: "Then I will tell you now, who I am."

"Don't touch me, let me go. Devil, if you dare to touch me again, I will stab you to death with a fucking knife." Shen Lingxi scratched and bit her. She had already done this once. She would never let this hateful thing go. The man touches her again.

The man held her in his arms without any pressure, went upstairs in a few steps, and threw her on the small hospital bed in the room.

The water all over her body quickly soaked the quilt on the bed.

Shen Lingxi's head and body were covered with injuries. When he threw her on the bed like this, she felt dizzy.

Before she could turn over, the man's tall and strong body had already leaned over, and he stretched out his hand to firmly control her.

"Get away!" With her hands controlled, Shen Lingxi raised her foot and kicked the man, but the man turned slightly to avoid her attack.

"It's not like you've never been fucked by me before. What are you pretending to be?" The man stepped onto the bed, pressed his body against Shen Lingxi, and leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Don't you want to know who I am? I'm here now." Tell you, who am I?"

Realizing what the man wanted to do, Shen Lingxi turned pale with fear and wanted to push him away, but her hands and feet were controlled by him. She could not resist at all and could only watch the man do whatever he wanted to her again.

"Do you feel it? Do you feel who I am? My pure and innocent Miss Shen, you have to feel it carefully and feel how I want you." A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the man's face, and he was even more serious. one strike.

Shen Lingxi closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists... She silently told herself that she felt like she was being fucked by an animal.

He'd better not let her get the chance, otherwise she would tear him into pieces.

If she doesn't cut him into pieces, she will never be human again!

The day goes by very quickly, and teaching dozens of children in a class is also very hard, but Qin lelan doesn't feel tired at all.

As long as she thinks that all she has done is to help brother lie cultivate a new generation of talents, she has a steady stream of motivation that she can't seem to use up.

After dinner, I took a casual bath and soaked my feet in hot water. The next step was the happiest moment of Qin leran's day. She could lie in the warm bed and chat with her brother lie.


She picked up her phone and sent a message to Brother Lie - [Brother Lie, the busy day is over, how much do you think about it? 】

Well, this time, Qin lelan didn't ask you if you thought about Ranran, but directly asked him how much he missed her, so he had to think about it if he wanted to, or he had to think about it if he didn't want to.

Qin leran feels that he is so smart!

After the message was sent, Qin lelan stared at the phone screen, hoping that she would see it as soon as brother lie replied to her.

While staring at the screen of her phone, a call came in. The phone number was one she was extremely familiar with.

These days, she was helping in the disaster area. After finishing her work, she thought about brother lie and did not call home to say that she was safe.

My mother called me. Thinking about it, she is really not a good and filial child.

Qin leran answered: "Mom, are you sure?"

"Well, I miss my baby so much." On the other end of the phone, Jian Ran sighed, "I haven't seen my baby for just a few days. I feel like I haven't seen him for several years."

"Mom, I miss you so much, but..." Halfway through his words, Qin leran's nose was so sore that he couldn't speak.

what to do?

Normally I don’t think I miss my mother that much, but when I hear my mother’s voice and think about not being around my parents to be filial to them, why do I feel so sad?

"Of course, don't worry about mom and dad, we are all fine... As long as you are well outside, your grandparents, mom and dad will be relieved." This is the mentality of parents in the world. As long as the children are well outside, then the rest of the family will be well. of.

"Mom, where's dad?" Qin leran nodded. She is really the happiest child in the world, with so many people around her loving her.

"Your dad is right next to you..." Jian Ran glanced sideways at Qin Yue, who was pretending to read a newspaper and remained silent, and then said, "Your dad seems to be very busy, so let's not disturb him."

"Cough..." Qin Yue pretended to cough and looked at Jian Ran dissatisfied. When did he say he was busy?

"Do you want to talk to the child?" Jian Ran pretended to be surprised and pretended not to understand what he was thinking.

Qin Yue frowned. He didn't want to talk to the child. Why was he sitting here listening to the nagging of the mother and daughter?

"If you want to talk to your child, just say it. If you don't say anything, how do we know you want to?" Jian Ran handed the phone to Qin Yue, "Speak carefully and don't make my baby angry."

This man is thinking about his daughter every day, but he still maintains a cold attitude. If his daughter doesn't call him, he won't care about her.

Jian Ran wanted to expose him: "Mr. Qin, if you pretend like this, it's not you who will feel uncomfortable. Is that really okay?"

"Dad... I miss you!"

No matter how much he pretends, no matter how dissatisfied he is, Qin Yue's heart will melt when he hears his daughter's soft voice on the phone.

He couldn't help but soften his voice: "Of course, the weather in Linhai is getting cold, so remember to put on extra clothes sooner or later to avoid catching a cold."

Thinking about CEO Qin, he is a big shot who cherishes his words like gold, but talking to his daughter is still such trivial matters.

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