My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 809 Preparing for funeral arrangements

Chapter 809: Preparing for funeral arrangements

It has been two days, and the rain in Wushan has not stopped yet.

The drizzle of light rain makes the villa and mountains named Wushan even more hazy and beautiful.

This villa named "Wuliang" is the most dazzling building in the Wushan villa area. It is not that it is magnificent, but that it has the longest history among these many buildings.

This building is a typical European castle-style building. It was built at the highest altitude of Wushan near the coastline. It faces the sea on both sides. The terrain is dangerous and majestic, so it has become a landmark building in Wushan.

The architectural shape of "Wu Liang" is simple, smooth and exquisite.

There are closets, wooden spiral escalators with exquisite texture, floors and wall skirts in the room. The room is small and bright, with complete living facilities. When you open the window, you can see the vast sea.

There are broad lawns, rockeries, and fish ponds in the southwest outdoor area, which set off the elegance and uniqueness of the main building.

It is said that this villa was built by a European royal family member who traveled here more than a hundred years ago for his beloved wife.

But no one would have thought that during the construction of the villa, the man's wife died of a sudden illness, so the owner of the villa he prepared for his wife was ultimately unable to move in.

Later, the owner of the villa changed one after another, and no one knows who the owner of this villa is.

Until half a month ago, a group of people came to take care of this villa. It is said that the old owner here sold the house again.

The villa was taken care of inside and out, new furniture was purchased, and the garden grass was cleaned... So, a few days ago, the villa welcomed a new owner.

At this time, an inconspicuous black car slowly drove towards "Wuliang" and finally stopped in front of its courtyard gate.

The car stopped, and an old man with gray hair got out of the car. Wu Liang's housekeeper hurriedly went out to greet him: "Mr. Meng, you are finally here."

"What are you kidding about?" The old man, known as Mr. Meng, had white hair, but his face looked like he was only in his early fifties.

"It's Miss Shen..." That was all he said. The housekeeper believed that the old man understood the key to the problem.

"Take my medical kit." After Mr. Meng ordered, he turned around and left.

The housekeeper took the medicine kit from the driver and hurriedly followed, fearing that he would neglect the old man by taking a step or two too late.

Entered the courtyard and went upstairs.

Then the man's angry roar was heard: "You losers, you can't even save a person, so why are you doctors?"

Then there was another banging sound...

"Is the girl from the Shen family sick?" Mr. Meng frowned and asked as he walked.

"Yes. Comatose. The doctors were helpless, so I dared to ask you to come here. If there is something wrong with that girl from the Shen family, I'm afraid our young master..." The housekeeper is worried about whether Shen Lingxi is dead or not. He was worried that their young master would be affected by Shen Lingxi's life and death.

The housekeeper is one of the three survivors of the Long family. He is the one who has experienced life and death with Long Yi. He knows very well what Long Yi has experienced this year.

Now that their master has finally stood up and has the capital for revenge, they cannot tolerate others ruining their plans.

"Get out! Get out of here and die!" As the man roared, a doctor in a white coat was thrown out.

The doctor rolled around and got up. He stood at the door and could neither enter nor retreat. This Lord of Hell was angry and they really didn't dare to provoke him.

"You go down first." Mr. Meng saw such a violent scene when he arrived and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

When the doctor saw that Mr. Meng was here, he almost cried with joy as if he were seeing a living Bodhisattva: "Mr. Meng, you are here."

"Go down." Mr. Meng waved his hand and walked to the door. Just as he reached the door, a water glass flew out of the room and hit him directly in the head.

He quickly took a step back, successfully dodging the fatal blow, but he was almost scared out of his mind.


The cup hit the wall and shattered on the floor.

"Mr. Meng..." The butler reacted a moment too slowly. When he was about to help Mr. Meng, Mr. Meng pushed him away.

Mr. Meng said sternly: "You brat, are you going to kill me too?"

As soon as Mr. Meng's voice came out, the irritable man in the room instantly calmed down a lot. He looked back and said, "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, you will kill people. Do you think I can't come?" Mr. Meng walked into the room and waved the remaining two doctors to go down. He sat in the doctor's seat and replaced Shen Lingxi who was lying on the bed dying. diagnosis.

With Mr. Meng here, Long Yi's hanging heart dropped by half. If Mr. Meng could save him who was seriously injured a year ago, then a year later Mr. Meng will definitely be able to save the dead woman Shen Lingxi.

That woman was so vicious and willing to sell her body for the benefit of the family. Such a dirty and despicable woman would not die so easily.

Yes, a despicable person like her, a shameless woman like her, should have a very hard life, how could she die so easily.

After being busy for a long time, Mr. Meng injected the last injection into Shen Lingxi's body, and then he looked back at Long Yi, who stood aside like a sculpture.

Long Yi clenched his fists. Although he tried to keep himself calm, he still couldn't hide his nervousness when asking: "Mr. Meng, she..."

Mr. Meng glared at him fiercely and said unceremoniously: "My little ancestor, the injury on the Shen family's girl's body has not healed, and she has caught a cold. If you continue to torment her carelessly, she will not survive like this. You It’s time to prepare for her funeral.”

Prepare for the funeral!

These words exploded towards Long Yi like an atomic bomb, blowing his mind, reason and soul to pieces.

"No, no...impossible!" Long Yi murmured unconsciously.

She owes me so much, why should she die?

She was the tool he used to vent his anger and make amends for the past. She was not even qualified to die before paying off the debt she owed.

"Anyway, if you hate her so much, just let her die. Once she dies, all the debts between you will be settled." Mr. Meng said very easily while packing up the injections.

"I won't allow her to die! She must live for me! She must live to repay my debt." Long Yi's eyes were scarlet, like the hair of a beast that had lost its mind.

"Little Ancestor, it's not that I won't save Shen Yatou, but you want her to die and there is nothing I can do." Mr. Meng shook his head and sighed.

Only he dared to talk to Long Yi with such an attitude.

Long Yi punched the wall hard and roared: "I want her to live, she must live... A woman like her has done so many abominable things, I will never let her die so easily."

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