My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 810 The murder incident was leaked

Chapter 810: Murder incident leaked

"I can't save her anyway. If you want her to live, then you go find someone else... By the way, it would be even better if you can find living gods in the sky. I heard that with a wave of their hands, the dead can come back to life. "

"I am a very old man, and I have never seen a living god save anyone with my own eyes. Boy, just give it a try and ask the living god to save Girl Shen."

After saying that, Mr. Meng's box was packed. He took the box and left. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned back.

He looked at Long Yi and said earnestly: "Boy, a year ago you were seriously injured and changed beyond recognition. I helped you change your face. I know how difficult your life has been this year. But I still want to tell you, You only live once and never again.”

"The past is past." Long Yi didn't want to mention the suffering he suffered this year, but he would always keep in mind what Mr. Meng said to him.

Mr. Meng added: "Boy, you have lost too many relatives, so cherish the people you want to cherish. Before doing anything, think calmly, and don't do something that you will regret for the rest of your life in a moment of enthusiasm. . It was her fault that she betrayed your feelings for her, but who made you unable to let her go?"

Yes, who made him unable to let her go?

Speaking of being mean, he is probably the meanest person.

Because of her, his whole family was brutally attacked, and more than a dozen members of his family died. He and the two people around him did not die, but they were also seriously injured.

Especially him.

Long Yi reached out and touched his masked face.

It has been nearly a year since this face changed, and he still can't believe that the person he sees in the mirror is himself.

Love is a very magical thing. It doesn't mean that you can stop loving it if you say you don't love it anymore. It doesn't mean that you can let it go just by saying let it go.

It just wants to confront you. If you want to forget, you will remember it more clearly.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the uncontrollable factors of emotion that make men and women in this world crazy.

Shen Lingxi, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked pale without a trace of blood. If her slightly rising chest hadn't seen her breathing, she might have thought she was dead.

After staring at her for a while, Long Yi walked to the bed and sat down: "Shen Lingxi, didn't you say you wanted to kill me? If you die like this, how else are you going to kill me?"

His voice was as hoarse as gravel, and one couldn't help but feel some pain in the throat.

"Dragon, dragon wings..." Shen Lingxi opened her mouth slightly and murmured these two words buried deep in her heart.

As soon as the word "Long Yi" came out, he heard Long Yi's anger rushing straight to his forehead. He pinched Shen Lingxi's chin: "Shen Lingxi, you are not qualified to call his name. You have nothing to do with him. Qualified to touch.”

He would feel dirty when he heard his name being called from her mouth, extremely dirty... But in his heart, he wanted her to call his name.

This damn damn woman, why did she have such a great influence on him? Even though he found out everything she had done, he foolishly imagined that the truths he found out might be false and were someone else's. Deliberately forged.

But how is it possible?

"Dragon Wing..." She called out his name again.

Long Yi clenched his fists tightly and restrained his anger. This damn woman could call his name even in a coma. It was a pity that she didn't become an actress.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't keep our..." Shen Lingxi frowned and said painfully.

"I'm sorry? Shen Lingxi, you are so naive. Do you think your apology is useful?" Long Yi sneered and asked her in a coma.

Can her apology make up for the mistakes she made?

Can she make the dead people in his family come back to life just by saying sorry?

How ridiculous!

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" In the dream, Shen Lingxi was crying, shedding tears, crying so sadly, as if her world had been destroyed.

Catch her back, torture her, see her cry, see her repent for what she has done before... isn't this what he wants to see?

but why?

When he saw her crying, he still felt reluctant to let her go.

What a hateful woman.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Shen Lingxi was crying and kept saying these three words. It seemed that this would make her feel a little better.

"If I had known this, why did you do it in the first place!" Long Yi clenched his fists, stood up suddenly, turned around and walked out, slamming the door shut.

"Longyi, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't save our child." She was still having nightmares and kept mumbling.

She felt sorry for him because she was useless and failed to save their two children. Now she even lost the ring he gave her.

His innocence was also ruined.

After the Shen family released the news about Shen Lingxi's murder, the front pages of major newspapers and major news websites were all about Shen Lingxi's murder.

As soon as this news was released, it caused a stir and even foreign media were alarmed.

Murder cases happen every day. The fact that Shen Lingxi's case has received so much attention is of course related to her status as the fiancée of the president of country A.

Although the various media outlets did not have the guts to write the words "Mr. President's fiancée" when reporting on it, people who had read the reports had no such scruples when talking face to face.

On the streets, in offices, restaurants, and other places, netizens left messages on the news. When people talked about this matter, they were talking about the president’s fiancée.

Soon, another piece of news came out that Shen Lingxi was hidden after committing murder, and no one could hold her criminally responsible.

As soon as the Shen family spread the news deliberately, people's first reaction was that the president had hidden someone.

There are two reasons. First, as Mr. President is Shen Lingxi’s fiancée, the two of them have a good relationship. There is no doubt that Mr. President will protect Miss Shen’s family.

Second, in the world, I am afraid that only Mr. President can hide Miss Shen's family so that the caster cannot catch her.

As a result, people's imaginations were so wide open that they all became the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes and talked about their opinions and doubts about the murder case.

"The president's fiancée committed murder. This is really a sensational and explosive matter. This murder case is related to our new president who has just taken office. If he is stupid enough to defend the murderer, I am afraid it will be difficult to establish prestige in the hearts of the people. ." Yaya looked at the news on the Internet and expressed her opinions while watching it.

"Sister Yaya, if all netizens were as sensible as you, no one would be forced to behave naturally." Qin lelan was also reading the messages from those netizens, but this time she was much calmer than the last earthquake.

Those trolls are pitiful. They believe whatever news others release. They never care about the truth behind the matter. They just follow the trend and keep trolling.

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