Chapter 811: Shifting Target

Because someone took the lead in causing trouble on the Internet, and many keyboard warriors who had no idea about it followed, many people suddenly believed that Shen Lingxi's disappearance after killing someone had something to do with the president.

The keyboard clips on the Internet are really a magical existence. They can always tell the story clearly without knowing it, as if they saw with their own eyes that Shen Lingxi was rescued by Mr. President.

Some people say [Yes, yes, the relationship between Mr. President and Miss Shen is well known. In order to protect Miss Shen, he hid Miss Shen in his Beigong. As long as he doesn't let people go, who else will dare to arrest them? 】

Some people say, "We know about this matter. Who knows how many evil things Mr. President, who behaves gentle and elegant in front of the people, has done behind the scenes?" 】

Someone answered [Yes, yes, not long ago I heard that in order to climb to the position of president, Quan Nanzhai created a murderous crime and killed his two brothers with his own hands. 】

Others said, "Oh my God, the President is so handsome and has always been my dream lover. How could he do such a thing? I'm so disappointed!" 】

After looking at the phone for a long time, Qin leran endured it again and again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. She turned off the online news and dialed Chang Li's number: "Chang Li, send the evidence you have."

"Miss, Mr. Lie said that you are not allowed to interfere with this matter, so you should leave it alone." Of course, as long as the matter has nothing to do with Qin leran, Chang Li doesn't want to meddle in other matters.

The three of them, mother and son, had received favors from Qin Yue, and it was Qin Yue who wanted to repay them. As for whether other people were wrongly accused, they really had no interest at all.

The three of them, mother and son, only ensure Qin leran's safety and ensure that Qin leran is well during his stay in country A.

"Chang Li, whose order are you following?" Isn't this person the person her father arranged to be with her? When did you start to only listen to brother lie’s words?

"Of course it's yours." Chang Li said.

"That's right. Send out the evidence in your hand as soon as possible. There is no room for negotiation." What Qin lelan dislikes the most is brother lie who has been wronged by others.

Also, Qin leran doesn't want Shen Lingxi to continue to be charged with murder.

Although she and Shen Lingxi have only met twice, Qin lelan can see that Shen Lingxi is a good girl. A good girl should have her own happiness, not be a pawn to be used.

Chang Li hesitated and said: "But Miss..."

"Chang Li, just do as I say. It won't matter if you don't." After saying that, Qin leran hung up the phone decisively.

At this time, there was new news on the Internet. Before Chang Li, someone had released the video of Shen Lingxi killing someone.

The video of Shen Lingxi killing someone changed the shooting angle several times, which can prove that someone saw Shen Lingxi killing someone and filmed it, rather than the effect of a fixed camera.

As soon as the video was released, someone noticed the problem with the shooting angle of the video, so someone quickly asked who was it that secretly shot the video and did not stop Shen Lingxi from killing someone?

After this question came out, someone asked another question. Shen Lingxi in the video was very emotional, and she must have been stimulated before she suddenly went crazy.

So what exactly stimulated Shen Lingxi?

Who is the person who irritated Shen Lingxi?

Soon these two questions became the mainstream topics of this murder incident.

Just when no one could find the answer, a vest named [I Know the Truth] sent out a photo.

In the photo, there are two people, a man and a woman, hugging each other tightly, standing under the white moonlight.

The man's back is facing the camera and his face cannot be seen, but the woman is facing the camera and her appearance can be clearly seen.

The woman is tall and looks very young. Not only is she young but she also has a very delicate face, especially the plum blossom mark in the middle of her forehead that is particularly conspicuous.

Netizens are not only powerful in trolling, but also have great detective skills. Some people soon speculated that the man in the photo should be their president.

Although the man's face cannot be seen, the man's clothing, hairstyle, body shape, etc. are very similar to their president.

Mr. President is Shen Lingxi’s fiancé. The two often show off their affection in front of the camera... So who is the young and beautiful girl in his arms?

Did Mr. President fall in love with someone else?

Or is that girl who looks like a goblin hooking up with their president?

Each sharp question is like a bomb, detonating the online world.

"Xiao Jiantan, is the girl in the photo you?" Yaya couldn't believe it. She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes. When she looked at it again, the girl in the photo still hadn't changed.

"It should be me." Qin leran answered calmly.

Of course it's her.

There are people who look similar in this world, but it may be harder to find people who look similar and have the same special mark.

Qin leran stared at herself in the photo again and again. She remembered that this should be the night when she and brother lie met.

It's just that they didn't take pictures that night, and they didn't find anyone taking pictures of them, so how could the photos of that night leak out?

The moonlight was very bright that night. They were standing in an open place, surrounded by people arranged by brother lie to stand guard. It stands to reason that if someone takes a secret photo from an angle that can take photos so clearly, someone will definitely find out.

But nothing unusual happened that night... Thinking of this, Qin leran thought of the direction he was facing, and suddenly thought of something.

She got up and ran out, and behind her came Yaya's shout: "Xiao Zhutan, what's wrong?"

Qin lelan ignored it and walked through the tents to the outside of the tent where she and Yaya lived.

She ran to the spot where brother lie stood that night. After standing still, she looked back at the tent and the angle at which the photo was taken.

Soon Qin lelan thought of the crux of the problem.

She ran back to the tent door and searched up and down, and sure enough she found a camera the size of a pinhole.

No wonder they didn't find anything unusual that night. It turned out that the place where she lived had been monitored for a long time, and her every move fell into the eyes of the enemies hiding in the dark.

"Damn it!" Qin lelan gritted his teeth and said gloomily.

Those people had better pray that she doesn't find them, otherwise she will definitely take care of them and let them know that she, Qin lelan, is definitely not a soft persimmon that they can round up and flatten.

Chang Li arrived just in time and said worriedly: "Miss..."

"Take this." Qin leran handed the pinhole camera he found to Chang Li and said Shen Shen, "It seems that Brother Lie's call came in advance. Those people have been plotting against me in the dark."

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