My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 812 The murderer behind the scenes

Chapter 812: The murderer behind the scenes

"It was my negligence." Chang Li blamed himself.

As a qualified bodyguard, he should take the initiative to check the situation around Qin lelan, but he only thought about preventing her from being attacked and ignored these small details.

Qin leran said calmly: "Internet public opinion will soon involve me. Go and help me find evidence. Before the matter expands, I want to know who is behind the scenes."

After a long time of turmoil, as Qin Yinze said, what those people wanted to cause trouble was not Shen Lingxi's murder case, but that they forged a murderer behind the scenes. The real murderer was Qin leran.

How ridiculous!

If she wants to use her to control brother lie, let alone the door, she will not leave even the crack in the door to those hateful villains.

Chang Li said: "Miss, someone has found out the news about you in the disaster area. For the sake of safety, you should go back to Linhai City with me first. We will discuss everything in the long run."

"I promised the children in the disaster area that I would teach them for a month. If the deadline is less than one month, I won't go anywhere." Qin leran pursed his lips and said.

She didn't kill the person, so she wasn't afraid of those people getting involved with her. Since those people dare to take advantage of her, let's wait and see.

Chang Li frowned: "Miss, what happened last night is still fresh in my mind. If those people try their old tricks again, I'm worried..."

Qin lelan interrupted him: "I know."

Being afraid of the dark is indeed a psychological shadow that Qin leran cannot overcome, and it is also the only weakness that the enemy can catch her in. But she can't back down because of this reason... absolutely not!

[Of course, what are you doing? Brother lie called! Answer the phone quickly! Answer the phone quickly! 】

Brother Lie's own bass bubble effect suddenly sounded in the cold wind. Of course, it wasn't Brother Lie who came, but Brother Lie's call.

"Then I'll go down first. If you need anything, call me." Chang Li was very sensible.

"Yeah." Qin leran nodded and watched Chang Li leave. She cleared her throat before answering, "Brother Lie, aren't you in a meeting at this time?"

Quan Nanzhai's pleasant voice came from the mobile phone: "Of course, no matter what happens, you don't care, just teach the children in the disaster area, you know?"

"Well, I know." Qin lelan smiled and said, "brother lie, you should also work hard and don't always miss me during meetings. I know you are thinking about me, so you don't have to take the time to call me."

Quan Nanzhai: "Of course..."

"Brother Lie, I like you." Well, she was smart and knew that she could block all of Brother Lie's words with these words.

Look, look, brother lie hasn't said a word for a long time, he must be secretly having fun.

After a while, Quan Nanzhai's voice came again: "Of course, remember what I told you, just teach the children well in the disaster area, and don't worry no matter what happens."

Qin leran said angrily: "brother lie, you are so wordy. I said I knew it, but you still stressed, aren't you afraid that I will dislike you?"

Quan Nanzhai chuckled: "Then will you dislike me?"

Qin lelan said, "of course not, I like you."

"Yes, I understand. You should be good in the disaster area."

"Brother Lie, don't talk to me in the same tone as a child. I'm no longer a child, I'm an adult."

"But in brother lie's heart, you will always be a little girl."

"Brother Lie, I will be your wife in the future. Please don't call me little girl again, otherwise I will be angry."


Quan Nanzhai didn't say anything on the phone, but Qin lelan could imagine that her sullen brother lie must be snickering.

Thinking of her sultry brother lie secretly having fun, Qin leran couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and smiled softly.

No matter what kind of storms they are about to face, they can still talk and laugh because of each other.

In the afternoon, Qin leran taught the children as usual.

Because of her interesting teaching methods, the atmosphere in the class has always been very active, and the children enthusiastically raised their hands to answer questions.

Looking at their innocent smiling faces, Qin leran had already forgotten those things on the Internet.

Qin leran didn't take the matter involving her to heart, but Yaya had always been uneasy. She took advantage of the break to find Qin leran: "little jealousy, no matter what happens, we all believe in you."

"Sister Yaya, thank you. But don't worry, those who are clean will be cleansed themselves. No one can wrong me for things I haven't done."

Yaya asked: "Does your brother know?"

"Sister Yaya, you miss my brother, right?" Qin leran patted Yaya on the shoulder and smiled ambiguously, "Don't worry, I will introduce you to him when I return to Linhai."

"Who misses your brother?" Yaya glared at her, "I just think that if you encounter such a thing, he is your brother and there are always more ways than you. You have to tell him that there is always one more person to think of a way. Better."

Several of them also wanted to help Qin lelan, but they were just ordinary students. They couldn't find any connections and couldn't help even if they wanted to.

Qin lelan said confidently: "Sister Yaya, don't worry. I don't need him to worry about it, I can still settle things."

She has the Chang family, mother and son, and brother lie arranged for her by her father. There is nothing that cannot be settled.

Qin leran is so proud and confident.

But while she was confident, she thought of her Achilles' heel - fear of the dark!

The cause of the fire that broke out last night was not found out, but Qin lelan knew that the person he wanted to catch must have set the fire deliberately.

Fortunately, there were no casualties last night, otherwise she would have been guilty.

"Little Jealousy, is the man holding you in the photo really Mr. President?" After enduring it for a long time, Yaya couldn't help but ask.

"What do you think?" Qin leran smiled and did not answer directly.

"I think so." Yaya didn't want to lie.

As early as during the disaster relief work the previous month, she discovered that their president took special care of Qin leran, and in the end Qin leran was sent back early.

"Well, that's what you think." Qin leran raised his lips and smiled, "Sister Yaya, I'm going to class."

Qin lelan doesn't want to say too much about brother Helie.

First, they don't want to cause trouble to Brother Lie at this juncture, and second, the time is not yet ripe for them to make their relationship public.

Tonight, a national art troupe will perform in the disaster area to cheer up those who are rebuilding the disaster area.

After the day's class, Qin leran had dinner early and helped Yaya and the others rehearse their sketches in the tent.

The show performed by Yaya, Xiao Xiao and others is a sketch, because they have performed it before, and it will be fine if they get the lines right.

The show Qin leran prepared was a solo dance, but so far, she has not announced the name of the dance. She wanted to give everyone a surprise.

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