My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 814 Confrontation between two men

Chapter 814: Confrontation between two men

After all, fourteen years of companionship and care cannot be compared with the one who came first...

From the beginning, before she even gave him a chance to fight, she eliminated him so completely that she didn't even give him a chance.

The man standing behind Qin Yinze added: "There are still two programs for the lady. I just asked about it. She performed a ballet solo. She was preparing to perform at her coming-of-age ceremony, but she did not perform the program. .”

Qin Yinze didn't respond anymore, but still looked fixedly at the place where Qin leran disappeared. His eyes were deep and hot, and contained too many unspeakable emotions.

What stands between him and her is not only her attitude towards him, but also his and her identity. He is her nominal brother.

The two programs ended in a few minutes. The host announced in a high-profile voice: "Now our little jealous group will perform a ballet solo. Please enjoy it!"

As the host's words fell, most of the lights on the stage went out, leaving only a circular light, and Qin lelan stood under the light.

She was wearing a white professional dance ballet costume that clung tightly to her body, showing her delicate figure almost perfectly in front of the audience.

She first bowed deeply to the observer, then smiled confidently, and then began his dance.

She was the only one on the stage, and everyone's eyes were on her. With every spin and every jump she made, she tried to maximize what she had learned over the years.

Her professionalism makes her dance so pleasing to the eye. Even if many people don't understand ballet, the audience in the audience is fascinated by it.

They don't understand professional things, but they know beauty. The dancing girl on the stage, under the light, is as beautiful as an elf walking out of a fairyland.

Everyone was so absorbed in watching that they even forgot to applaud her. It wasn't until a burst of applause came from the corner that the audience reacted.

For a moment, thunderous applause covered the music on the stage.

Qin Yinze still stood there, looking at the dancing elves on the stage with blazing eyes, so much so that he didn't notice when there was another person beside him.

The man was as tall as him, but what was different from him was that he was wearing white casual clothes.

The man's eyes also fell firmly on Qin leran on the stage. His eyes showed admiration, but he also couldn't hide his hot emotions.

His Ranran always brought him so many surprises.

She is like a treasure. As long as you keep digging, you will find different surprises in her.

A dance ended before everyone was finished. Qin leran stood still and bowed once again to the audience.

The stage curtain slowly fell amidst the warm applause of the audience. Qin lelan didn't straighten up until the stage curtain fell completely.

But as soon as she took a step, she stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

It turned out that the stage was not as smooth as the indoor stage. When she danced and spun, the rough surface scratched her feet. By this time, the white dance shoes on her feet had already been dyed blood red.

She showed the spirit of a professional dancer when dancing. She did not stop because her feet were injured, but still completed the entire dance perfectly with a smile on her face.

In front of the curtain, the host announced the next program.

Off the stage, in an inconspicuous dark corner, the two men's eyes were still fixed on the stage, as if the ridiculously beautiful elf in their hearts was still dancing to their heart's content.

It was halfway through the next program that they looked away, and only then did Qin Yinze notice that there was another person beside him.

He glanced at the man and said coldly: "It's you."

Quan Nanzhai looked at him directly and smiled: "It looks good."

Qin Yinze sneered: "Quan, don't be too proud. There is still a long way to go in the future. No one can tell who she belongs to."

Quan Nanzhai said neither lightly nor seriously: "She is not an object, and of course she will not belong to anyone... But she is the girl I want to marry."

"The girl you want to marry?" Qin Yinze curled his lips and smiled extremely coldly, "Quan Nanzhai, there are so many bad things around you, you have no time to take care of yourself, why do you marry her?"

Quan Nanzhai stopped talking.

He can handle the messy things around him, so he doesn't need others to worry about him. Besides, whether he can marry Qin lelan or not cannot be decided in a few words.

"You're not talking?" Qin Yinze snorted coldly and said, "Our father will give you one year. One year is not too slow, but you still pray that you can deal with the things around you. Time Once she arrives, no matter how much Ranran insists, her father will definitely take her back to New York."

"Thank you for your kind reminder, brother-in-law. Please rest assured that one year is enough." Those who are behind the scenes have no patience anymore. They used Shen Lingxi's murder case to create trouble and want to stumble him, so he will do the same. You can use this incident to lure the snake out of its hole.

"Who is your brother-in-law!" Qin Yinze was so angry that his chest heaved and he clenched his fists. If he hadn't tried his best to restrain himself, he would have punched Quan Nanzhai.

However, just as the two of them were arguing, Qin leran came out of the backstage and stepped into their sight.

The two big men walked towards Qin leran almost at the same time. However, just after taking two steps, Qin Yinze stopped.

So what if he goes?

Without Quan Nanzhai, she wouldn't let him get close, let alone Quan Nanzhai at this moment.

If he goes again, he will only watch them show off their affection.

No matter how unwilling his heart was, he could only stop.

Just watching Quan Nanzhai get closer and closer to her, his heart boiled more and more. The two hands hanging by his side were held and loosened, loosened and held again, reflecting how complicated his heart was.

Quan Nanzhai came to Qin leran in a few steps, hugged her waist, and helped her stand firm: "Ranran, what's wrong?"

"Brother Lie, why are you here?" Qin lelan said in surprise.

She was surprised not because Quan Nanzhai put on makeup and pretended to be the passerby Qin lelan knew, but because the incident on the Internet was so big today. He should have spent time dealing with it, so why did he still have time to come and see her?

Quan Nanzhai didn't answer her. He looked at her feet and saw that she was wearing a pair of very big slippers. The blood on the dancing shoes that she didn't have time to change was so dazzling.

"You..." Quan Nanzhai was angry and distressed. He didn't care that there were many eyes around him looking at them. He picked up Qin leran and turned around and left.

"Brother Lie, I'm fine, don't worry." If she had known that Brother Lie was here, she would have changed her shoes and come out.

For him to worry about her is the last thing she wants to see.

"Shut up!" Quan Nanzhai said coldly, his face frighteningly gloomy. This was a cold look that Qin lelan had never seen before.

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