Chapter 815: Tit for tat

Qin leran: "..."

It turns out that her strong brother is not not fierce, but he just doesn't show her fierce side in front of her.

He yelled like this, so scared that she didn't dare to say anything anymore. She just rolled her eyes and looked cute and pitiful.

But no matter how Qin leran pretended to be pitiful, this time Quan Nanzhai's face was still frighteningly gloomy, and he didn't say a word, looking very angry.

Quan Nanzhai didn't let her speak, so Qin lelan put her head on his chest and rubbed it again and again like a poor kitten.

Once or twice, rubbing again and again, she didn't believe that brother lie had the heart to ignore her.

After rubbing for a few times, Quan Nanzhai still ignored her with a gloomy face.

Qin lelan quietly raised her head and glanced at him. As soon as she saw his face, Qin leran knew that her brother lie was really angry this time.

This man!

She looks so good when she's angry, how can girls not like her?

She reached out and touched his chest: "Brother Lie, don't..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard Quan Nanzhai yell again: "I told you to shut up!"

Qin leran: "..."

She is so wronged!

She was the one who was hurt, she was the one who was in pain, and he was still treating her cruelly. Did he still have any sympathy at all?

Quan Nanzhai carried Qin lelan to the car as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, his car was spacious enough and there was enough room for movement.

He placed Qin lelan on the chair, turned around and got the medicine box, and ordered in a deep voice: "Put your feet out."

"Humph, just tell me if you feel sorry for me. Why are you so fierce?" Qin lelan flattened his mouth, blinked, and pretended to cry to him.

If it were normal times, her brother would have immediately raised his hands and surrendered as soon as she showed this expression, but today, not only did he not surrender, he still kept a straight face.

Although he looks good when he's angry, he's also very fierce when he's angry. He's good-looking but not cute.

Quan Nanzhai didn't say anything anymore, and stretched out his hand to hold her feet.

His movements seemed rough, but when he held her feet, his force was very light, and she didn't feel any gravity at all.

Quan Nanzhai took off the two large slippers on her feet, and then gently took off the dancing shoes on her feet.

Even though he had been very careful, Qin leran's feet were severely bruised, and the tortured flesh had stuck to the shoes.

Quan Nanzhai touched it lightly, and the pain made Qin lelan gasp in pain, and the pain made her bright eyes full of tears.

Listening to her gasping, Quan Nanzhai's heart twitched, but he said more sternly: "You know it hurts now, but you didn't know it just now?"

Qin leran bit his lip stubbornly, hum, he was mean to her, so she shouldn't pay attention to him.

Because the shoes are stuck to the rotten flesh, forcing the shoes off will definitely re-open the wound.

Quan Nanzhai quickly took the potion and soaked the shoes. After the shoes were soaked, he helped her take off her shoes. This would be much easier and would not cause a second injury.

Qin lelan's feet are white and tender, with some baby fat, and they look cute... But today, the fat soles of his feet became bloody and bloody, which stung Quan Nanzhai's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Quan Nanzhai's face became even more gloomy and terrifying: "Qin leran, are you filled with tofu dregs in your mind?"

Why does this silly girl continue to dance after being so seriously injured?

Doesn't she know how many people will be worried about her?

Qin lelan still didn't speak. This time it wasn't that he didn't want to talk to him, but that he was so angry that Quan Nanzhai was speechless.

He actually called her by her first name.

This is the first time!

"I'm talking to you, don't you know the answer?" Quan Nanzhai said unpleasant words, but the work on his hands did not stop.

He immediately took medical cotton and dipped it in wound cleaning liquid, and carefully cleaned the blood stains on her feet.

Qin leran still didn't speak, looking at him with big black eyes.

"Qin leran..."

"Quan Nanzhai, who do you think you are? Am I someone you can bully?" After being yelled at by him again, Qin lelan became more angry. He raised his foot and kicked him, "Get out of here." "You don't have to worry about my affairs."

So angry!

So infuriating!

How could he yell at her like that?

Was her foot injury caused by her playfulness?


She did not expect that the conditions of the makeshift stage were so poor. If the dance stopped midway, it would not only disappoint so many spectators but also worry many friends who cared about her.

She didn't want the folks in the disaster area to be disappointed, and she didn't want Yaya and the others to worry about her, so she gritted her teeth and persevered.

The injury was very painful, but she thought about going back to the tent to take care of the wound and endure it for a while.

However, she didn't expect that this man, the man she cared about most, would treat her cruelly.

"Qin lelan, you..." Quan Nanzhai's chest heaved with anger, and he wanted to catch her and spank her hard.

"What's wrong with me? Do you want to hit me? Quan Nanzhai, do you dare?" Qin leran turned around, opened the door and was about to get out of the car, regardless of whether his feet were still injured, let alone whether he was wearing shoes. .

"You..." Quan Nanzhai was about to be pissed off by this wayward girl. He stretched out his long arm and grabbed her back, "You don't want to die anymore?"

"Let go!" Qin lelan stared at him and said angrily, "I don't need a man who can only be cruel to me and pretend to be good to me."

"Hypocritical? Okay, since you said so, I'll show you the falsehood." Quan Nanzhai pushed her onto the chair, raised his palm, and slapped her hard on the butt.

"Quan Nanzhai, you hit me! You actually hit me!" Her parents have never hit her, so why should this man?

Why did he treat her like this?

Qin leran gritted her teeth in anger. She felt like there was a bag of explosives in her body, and she was about to explode because of this man's anger!

"I just want to hit you!" After saying that, another slap fell heavily on Qin lelan's round butt.

"Quan Nanzhai, you..." Qin leran struggled, but only controlled by his palm, she could not escape from his clutches.

"Do you know what's wrong?" he asked sharply, as if he was lecturing an ignorant child.

"Asshole! How dare you say I'm wrong." Qin lelan howled like a little beast, "Quan Nanzhai, even if you apologize to me, I won't forgive you."


If he hits her, she will never forgive him!

Absolutely not!


Before he finished speaking, he received another slap on his butt.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Quan Nanzhai asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not wrong!" Qin lelan yelled hard.

"Still don't know where the mistake is?" Quan Nanzhai raised his hand again, but this time he was unable to do so.

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