My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 827 No time to wait anymore

Chapter 827: No time to wait any longer

"Silly girl, how could you hold me back?" This silly girl, she didn't even know how much power she gave him, how could you hold him back.

"Brother Lie, don't worry about your state affairs. Don't worry about me. I'm fine in the disaster area. When you return from your visit to China, I will almost be able to return to Linhai. Then you won't have to work hard to see me every day." Mingming thought in his heart She wished that brother lie could come back to her right away, but Qin leran still said such words to comfort brother lie sensibly.

"Well, okay. Then go to bed early and don't freeze." Quan Nanzhai hung up the phone after telling Qin lelan again.

Looking at the darkened mobile phone screen, Qin lelan pressed his face tightly against the mobile phone screen, as if he could still hear brother lie's voice.

"Brother Lie..." She called him silently. She felt so uncomfortable when she missed someone but couldn't see him.

"Little Jealousy Tan, I've finished the phone call with your lover brother again." Yaya just came back from outside and saw Qin leran holding the mobile phone. She knew that the girl must have had a phone call with her lover brother again.

Qin lelan turned over, propped his head on his hands and looked at Yaya: "Sister Yaya, have you ever liked someone? You like him so much that you can't even see him, and you feel like you have no appetite for anything."

Yaya thought for a while and gave the answer: "I don't know."

Qin leran pursed his lips: "What do you mean you don't know?"

Yaya said: "There was a man who made me lose my appetite for several days, but I don't know if I like him or hate him."

Qin leran became interested when he heard it, and immediately asked: "oh, tell me, I will help you analyze it."

Yaya said: "Xiao Jiantan, let me ask you a question first."

Qin lelan nodded and said as a person who has come before: "Sister Yaya, you ask."

Yaya scratched her head and said, "Is your brother usually a person who talks very little and doesn't like to talk?"

"How is that possible?" Qin leran never felt what Qin Yinze said, "Sister Yaya, let me tell you, he is a very nosy person. He cares about this and that, and nags in my ear from time to time. , Even more wordy than my mother. Of course, this does not mean that my mother is wordy, but my brother is really a nosy person. "

Speaking of Qin Yinze, Qin lelan can complain about him endlessly all night, but she may not be able to finish her resentment towards him.

While talking, Qin lelan reacted slowly. Her eyes widened in surprise: "Sister Yaya, could it be that you really like Qin Yinze?"


Absolutely impossible!

Qin Yinze is so wordy and annoying, how can any girl like him, especially a girl as outstanding as Yaya?

Yaya shrugged helplessly: "So I said I don't know if I have ever liked a man."

Logically speaking, she is not the kind of character who would be attracted to a man who looks good, but Qin Yinze, that man, really tickled her heart.

In her dreams a few nights ago, she dreamed of that man. He didn't want to talk in real life, but he was much cuter in the dream.

"Sister Yaya, how many men do you usually know?" Qin lelan thinks that if Yaya really likes Qin Yinze, there can only be two reasons.

One is that Yaya has a problem with her eyes, and the other is that Yaya sees too few men, so it must be like this.

Yaya said dissatisfied: "Xiao Jiantan, what do you mean?"

Qin lelan quickly explained: "No, sister Yaya... there are so many men in the world, you really should choose carefully. It's really not me who hurt him, he is really a particularly annoying man."

Okay, she admitted that she shouldn't hurt him like this in front of others, but she wasn't hurting him, he was indeed that kind of person.

She couldn't drag Yaya, a good girl, into a pit of fire by saying good things about him against her own conscience just so that he could get a wife.

Yaya sighed: "But I just have a crush on him. If I don't get him, I won't feel comfortable in my life."

"Sister Yaya, are you serious?" If Yaya really likes Qin Yinze, Qin leran can seriously consider pulling strings for the two of them.

"What if you are serious? So what if you are not serious?" Thinking of Qin Yinze's cold attitude that night, Yaya felt unspeakable.

"If you really like him, then feel free to chase him. Although he is wordy and nosy, his ability to do things is still good." Therefore, Qin lelan hates Qin Yinze for being nosy, but he She still highly recognizes her ability to do things.

Yaya fell on the bed and kicked her feet up: "Huh, if he falls into my hands..." She will definitely take revenge on him for ignoring her that night.

"Sister Yaya, then I wish you success in advance. If you can marry him, we will have a companion in the future. No..." Qin lelan suddenly blushed, "I will also get married in the future, and we are still very happy. It’s hard to live together every day.”

Yaya smiled and said: "Little girl, how old are you? You think about getting married all day long, aren't you ashamed?"

"Isn't it natural to marry?" Qin lelan said confidently, "Besides, it has nothing to do with how old you are. The key is that I have good eyesight and have identified people since I was a child. When I grow up, I no longer need to screen them one by one."

She has identified Brother Lie since she was a child, so she must take advantage of it and never give others the opportunity to take advantage of him.

The two of them were chatting animatedly inside the tent, unaware that every word they said fell into the ears of a man outside the tent.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, he still stood upright, seemingly without any emotion, but his clasped hands hanging by his sides betrayed him.


Qin leran clearly knew what he was thinking and what he wanted, but he still wanted to push him to another woman.

Before, he was still wondering why the woman named Yaya suddenly came to him, but now they gave him the answer he wanted to know.

On his side, his two fists were clenched tighter and tighter, so that veins appeared on his forehead, making his cold facial expression look a little ferocious.

"Master..." Chu Yuan, who was standing behind Qin Yinze, felt the anger radiating from him and said tremblingly, "Miss is still young and ignorant. When she gets older, she will understand your good intentions. bitter."

"Still young? Wait until she gets older?" Qin Yinze sneered. Now she and Quan Nanzhai are not clear about each other. When she gets older, will it be his turn?

No, there is no time for him to wait silently!

He didn't want to wait any longer.

Why did the girl named Quan take advantage of the girl he had protected for fourteen years?

Absolutely not!

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