Chapter 828: It’s time

Fog Mountain.

As the name suggests, there are 365 days a year, at least 200 of which are foggy, so it is called Foggy Mountain.

The mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the Wushan Mountain is looming in the clouds and mist, just like a fairyland on earth, so some people call the Wushan Mountain a fairy mountain.

Wushan is not only foggy but also rainy.

Shen Lingxi probably remembered that she had been here for nearly a month and thirty days, and it rained for more than twenty days.

The rain continued, as if it would never stop.

Shen Lingxi sat by the window of the room, staring blankly out of the window, looking at the drizzle of rain, and couldn't help but reach out to catch the rain.

The weather in Wushan today was around five degrees. When she opened the window, a stream of cold air rushed into the room, making Shen Lingxi shiver.

But as if she couldn't feel the cold, she took the rainwater in her palm and swayed it away. She repeated this several times.

She played like a child, and after playing for a while, you could even vaguely see a very faint smile on the corners of her lips.


Yes, it should be a smile.

After being insulted that day, the devil man never came to see her again. She should be happy that she no longer has to endure that kind of inhuman torture.

But if you look closely, you can see clearly that the smile on her lips is not a smile from the bottom of her heart, but a helpless and bitter smile.

She is just a little bird imprisoned, unable to escape from this cage, unable to fly to the vast blue sky, how can she not be helpless.

Having lived here for nearly a month, she had thought of a way to escape from here, but she could only walk out of this small room and walk around on the air platform outside. As long as she wanted to go further in other places, she would Someone appeared like a ghost, blocking her way.

She even thought about finding a way to open the window and slide down the stone pillar from the window, but there was nothing hard in this room, so she couldn't remove the steel bars on the window with bare hands.

If she couldn't escape, then she would have to wait, wait for a chance, wait for a chance to escape from here.

I just hope that day can come soon and don't keep her waiting too long. She is afraid of her physical condition and may not be able to wait too long.

"Xiaoyu, can you hear me?" Shen Lingxi held a handful of Yuyu and asked gently, but she felt that she was too ridiculous. How could Yuyu hear her? She must be going crazy.

"Xiao Yu... such a beautiful name!" Shen Lingxi looked at the rain in her palm and muttered softly. Vaguely, she seemed to see a child lying in her palm.

A newly born, naked, and pitifully small child, he lay quietly in the palm of her hand.

As she watched, she suddenly burst into tears: "Xiaoyu, are you a girl or a boy?"

"But no matter you are a girl or a boy, I like you the same, because..." She wanted to give this nice name to her lost baby, imagining that her baby was lying in the palm of her hand.

She can touch the child's body, even feel the child's body temperature, and talk to the baby.

Shen Lingxi slowly raised her hand and held the rainwater against her face, as if stroking her baby.

"Xiao Yu, do you feel it? Mom is missing you. If you can hear mom talking, if you can see dad, please tell dad on behalf of mom, tell dad that mom not only misses you, but also misses him very much."

She murmured softly in her heart, thinking about her children and her lover in this way. Although she was no longer with them, her heart would always be with them.

at the same time.

On the third floor, Long Yi's study.

Shen Lingxi's every move appeared clearly before his eyes on the computer screen.

These days, she always sits alone by the window in a daze, and he sits in front of the computer and looks at her, wondering what on earth is she thinking?

Is she repenting for what she has done, or is she thinking about how to escape?

Or maybe she was thinking about how to help the Shen family get more things from Quan Nanzhai?

In the past, he thought he could read vicious women so thoroughly that he felt he understood every thought in her heart.

He felt that she was like a transparent container in front of him. He could see everything about her with just one glance.

Now, he knew clearly that she was not what he originally imagined. There were many unknown things in her heart, and he had never understood her.

"Shen Lingxi..."

Even though he told himself countless times that she was his enemy, the woman who betrayed him, and that her heart was as vicious as a snake or scorpion, when he looked at her face, he still couldn't help but want to get close to her.

At this time, he didn't even know when he reached out his hand and gently touched her thin and pale face.

She was already very thin, but after staying here for a month, she lost a lot of weight. He could feel the tingling of the bones under her flesh when he touched her through the computer screen.

"Shen Lingxi, what is your heart made of?" Many times, he thought about digging out this woman's heart to see if her heart was made of flesh or made of iron and stone.

Her heart is definitely not a human heart, and the blood she sheds when dug out may be black instead of bright red.

Dong Dong——

The rhythmic knocking on the door interrupted Long Yi's thoughts. He quickly retracted his hand and said in a deep voice: "Come in."

Long Tian pushed the door open and handed over a piece of information: "Master, we have checked all the information you asked for. The girl involved in the murder case of Miss Shen's family is the head of Qin family, Shengtian, a business tycoon with business all over the world. Yue’s daughter Qin lelan.”

"Qin lelan?" Longyi read the name silently, which seemed vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite remember when he had heard it.

Long Tian reminded: "Master, do you still remember that more than ten years ago, Mr. President, who was only a teenager at the time, went to Jiangbei under a disguised identity and was chased by Quan's son?"

"It turns out it's her!" As soon as Long Tian mentioned this matter, a picture immediately appeared in Long Yi's mind.

That was more than ten years ago, when Quan Nanzhai was seriously injured and returned to China. He received the news and quietly went to see Quan Nanzhai. At that time, Quan Nanzhai was holding a photo in his hand.

In the photo, there is a pink little girl with two pigtails. Her pink look makes people want to pinch her.

Long Yi remembered that Quan Nanzhai told him personally that Quan Nanzhai was seriously injured in Jiangbei and almost died. It was the little girl named Qin leran in the photo who saved his life.

What impressed Long Yi particularly deeply was the way Quan Nanzhai, who was seriously injured, looked so radiant when he talked about this little girl, as if she was his treasure.

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