Chapter 830: I am a man

【I will make you the mother of my child! 】

This sentence exploded into Shen Lingxi's heart like an atomic bomb. She originally gave up struggling to resist, but then struggled with all her strength: "Devil, get out of here!"

However, no matter how hard Shen Lingxi struggled, she could not escape the fate of being bullied by Long Yi.

"Dragon Wing..." She closed her eyes in despair, thinking about Long Yi, and even ridiculously imagined that the man on her body was her Dragon Wing.

Only by thinking this way could she feel a little better and have the courage to grit her teeth and persist in living.

This devil seemed to know what she was thinking. He tortured her more forcefully every time, insisting on letting her know who her tormentor was.

I don't know how long it took, maybe forever, before the man let her go and said coldly: "Shen Lingxi, this is the price you should pay."

She aborted his child, so she should return another child to him. He must make her give birth to his child.

If he can't be happy, then he will drag her to hell with him, and no one of them can escape from this conspiracy game.

As soon as Long Yi left, Shen Lingxi immediately dragged her tired body into the bathroom and washed herself from top to bottom, inside and out, over and over again.

But no matter how much she cleaned, she couldn't remove the marks that the man had made on her body. She simply didn't dare to think about it, what if she was really pregnant with that man's child?

No, she can't stay here anymore. She must find a way to escape. Only by leaving here will she not be controlled by others.

Then, next, she should think carefully about how to escape, and she must never fall into the hands of this devil again.

After half a month, Quan Nanzhai finally completed his visits to several countries and returned to the embrace of his motherland.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin lelan not to know about Quan Nanzhai's return to China.

Having completed one month of teaching work, she got the news three days ago and came to the airport early today to wait for her brother Lie to return home.

She knew when brother lie's special plane would arrive at Linhai International Airport, but she arrived at the airport two hours early to wait. She couldn't wait to see him.

She planned to run up to her brother and give him a big hug as soon as he got off the plane, telling him how much she missed him.

However, imagination is always full and reality is always skinny.

After she arrived at the airport, she remembered that she, a small civilian, could only wait in the crowd in the arrivals area like everyone else.

She also knew that with Brother Lie's status, he must have taken a special passage, and she wouldn't be able to wait for him at the exit of the arrivals area.

So Qin lelan squeezed into the place where there were many guards, thinking that as long as she could see brother lie, she could find a way to say hello to brother lie and let him know that she was waiting for him.

However, reality slapped Qin lelan hard once again.

Brother Lie's special plane hasn't landed yet, and the airport has taken the strictest precautions. Special forces personnel have surrounded the special passage he is going to take on three levels inside and outside.

The security work was done so well that not even a fly could get close to him, let alone a living person like her.

Therefore, after Brother Lie arrived, Qin leran didn't even see Brother Lie's shadow. The President's special car had already left under the escort of guards.

Seeing the large troops escorting Mr. President walking further and further, Qin lelan lowered his head in disappointment, almost crying with sadness.

It felt really uncomfortable to not be able to stand upright by Brother Lie's side. She couldn't even be by Brother Lie's side.

"My lovely Miss Qin, what makes you so sad?"

Suddenly, a pleasant male voice that she was so familiar with sounded next to her, which shocked Qin lelan's heart.

She looked up and saw Brother Lie standing in front of her after Yi Zhuang, looking at her with a smile. She was extremely surprised: "Brother Lie, how could you do this?"

She clearly watched Brother Lie's motorcade leave with her own eyes. How could Brother Lie appear next to her? Could it be that he knew the art of clones?

"How could I be willing to leave my Ranran and go alone." Quan Nanzhai smiled, hugged her into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

"But I clearly saw your convoy leaving?" Qin leran reached out and pinched brother lie's face. The warmth should be real, not that she was dreaming.

"Silly girl, the convoy has left. Does Brother Lie have to leave?" Quan Nanzhai pinched her face. This girl also had times when she was confused.

Qin leran was ecstatic: "so brother lie, you didn't get in the car at all?"

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "Yeah, smart girl."

Qin lelan then hugged brother lie's waist and rubbed him again and again: "brother lie, I miss you so much."

Quan Nanzhai stroked her little head and asked with a smile, "How much do you want?"

Qin leran began to confess again: "I think about eating, thinking about sleeping, there is never a moment when I don't miss you. If you touch my face, I think I have lost some weight because of thinking about you."

"Well, you have indeed lost weight. Brother Lie will make you gain weight." Her answer made Quan Nanzhai satisfied and distressed. He couldn't help but hold her face and kissed her lovingly.

"Brother Lie, this is at the airport. There are many people around us looking at us." Qin leran wanted to put aside all scruples and accept Brother Lie's kiss, but the eyes around her were so bright that she couldn't concentrate.

Quan Nanzhai chuckled: "Well, let's find a place where there is no one to continue."

Qin leran: "..."

Although this is what she thinks in her heart, can brother lie not make it so clear? She will be shy too.

No. 88 Qingli Road, Tongda Street.

This is Quan Nanzhai's private residence.

Looking at the tall figure busy in the kitchen, Qin leran's heart felt as sweet as honey. She never dared to imagine such a day before.

She was playing in the living room, and brother lie was busy in the kitchen, just to let her eat the dinner he prepared for her.

After staring at Brother Lie for a while, Qin leran got up and walked to the kitchen: "Brother Lie, do you really not want my help?"

Quan Nanzhai said without looking back: "You have done me the greatest favor by watching TV in the living room."

"But I want to help you." Qin lelan came to the kitchen door. As soon as he arrived, Quan Nanzhai turned back and glared at her, "The kitchen is full of oil smoke, don't come in."

"Brother Lie, aren't you afraid of the heavy fumes?" He is Mr. President, and his status is extremely noble.

"I am a man." He gave her such a valid reason.

Because he is a man and her man, he is willing to pamper her like this.

For her, he is also willing to go to the kitchen or the frying pan!

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