Chapter 831: Pre-meal “snacks”

Because I am a man!

Although the answer is simple, Qin lelan understands that brother lie is also indirectly telling her that he is just an ordinary man in front of her, not Mr. President.

Thinking of this meaning, Qin lelan ignored Quan Nanzhai's stop, stepped into the kitchen, and hugged his lean waist from behind.

Being hugged by her soft body, Quan Nanzhai's body froze slightly, and the hand holding the spatula was too stiff to know what to do.

Think about it, Quan Nanzhai, the majestic president of country A, the supreme leader of a country, has never been nervous on the day he took office, but this little girl can make him at a loss.

"Brother Lie..." Qin leran called him, rubbing his little face on his back again and again: "It would be great if we could live a simple life like this."

Usually, the two of them go to work and get off work together.

Go home together after get off work, or like today, go to the supermarket before going home, buy some ingredients you like, and then cook yourself delicious food for your loved ones.

This kind of life happens every day for ordinary people, but for people with their background, it may be a luxury.

Today, Qin leran finally understands why her mother always takes time to cook for the family, and also understands the true meaning of why her father, who is so busy, often cooks with her mother.

In fact, parents use such ordinary and simple actions to express their love for their family and each other.

In this life, she does not expect the people she loves to be more affectionate than her parents, but she still yearns in her heart to be loved like them.

"Of course, as long as you are willing, we will definitely be able to live like this for the rest of our lives." Quan Nanzhai stir-fried the vegetables without forgetting to take care of Qin lelan's feelings.

Outside and at work, he is the president, the supreme leader of a country.

When he returned home and to Qin lelan, he was willing to just be her man, an ordinary family man.

"Brother Lie..." Qin lelan hugged him tighter and pressed her whole body against his. Naturally, her soft and delicate body also pressed tightly against his back.

Quan Nanzhai was so excited by her that he wished he could throw away the spatula in his hand, stop cooking, and eat this "little snack" beside him tonight.

Men, especially men like Quan Nanzhai who have an extremely strong desire for control, often have more power than they imagine.

He just had this idea. His body was one step faster than his thoughts. He turned around and quickly pulled Qin lelan into his arms, followed by a hot kiss.

Qin leran was still holding him, and was imagining some messy things in her head. Suddenly she felt like the world was spinning, and the next moment she was held in his arms and kissed.


Qin lelan sighed secretly. It seemed that she had a high opinion of brother lie's determination again. She didn't do anything. How could she get brother lie?

When his head was still clear, Qin lelan thought about it vaguely. After much thought, he finally thought of where he had attracted brother lie.

Could it be that...

"What are you thinking about?" Quan Nanzhai suddenly let go of Qin leran, her breathing became smoother, and brother lie's slightly hoarse voice came from above her head, "however, if you don't invest at this time, brother lie will be very angry. If my brother is angry, the consequences will be serious."

"Brother Lie..." Qin leran knew that he had accidentally lit a fire, so he quickly pushed him away and stood aside, "Brother Lie, the vegetables in the pot are burnt."

Well, she felt that she was really smart and could think of such a good way to "avoid danger" at such a critical moment.

Quan Nanzhai looked at her seriously without saying a word, his eyes were hot and deep, as if he would transform into a beast the next moment and swallow her in one gulp.

"Brother Lie, I...I'm hungry!" When one move didn't work, Qin lelan thought of the second move. This time she was sure that Brother Lie would not pursue the fire she had just accidentally escaped.

Quan Nanzhai swallowed his saliva and said in a hoarse voice: "Go to the living room and sit down. Don't move around anymore, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Yes." Qin lelan nodded, turned around and ran away just in case it became a snack and was eaten by brother lie.

Back in the living room, Qin leran looked at brother lie with the best view of the kitchen.

Looking at it, she couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of her heart again. Her brother lie was not only so handsome that he had no friends, but he was also handsome when he was cooking.

Why is my vision so good?

So good that I almost have no friends.

Not long after, three dishes and one soup were served.

There are steamed crab roe, steamed sea bass and bitter melon stuffed tofu. These three simple dishes are not made by Quan Nanzhai at will, but according to Qin leran's preference for light taste.

"Brother Lie, how could you do this?" It's incredible. Qin lelan originally thought that Brother Lie was rushing to cook because he was worried that she wouldn't be able to do it.

But when he saw the dishes cooked by brother lie, Qin lelan was so surprised that he couldn't believe what his eyes saw again and again.

"What happened?" Because the weather was cold, Quan Nanzhai first filled Qin lelan with a bowl of soup and handed it to her hand. "Drink a bowl of soup first to warm yourself up."

"Brother Lie, how can you cook?" As the president of a country, everything he eats is carefully prepared and delivered to his table by dedicated people. How can he cook?

"You know how to cook, do you need a reason?" Could it be that he would tell her that the reason why he knew how to cook was because she didn't know how to cook, and he had to learn it.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to cook." Qin lelan picked up the soup bowl and took two big sips, then put the vegetables into his mouth and nodded while eating, "Well, brother lie, it's really delicious."

"Brother Lie, is it delicious?" Quan Nanzhai curled his lips and smiled, with a wicked light in his eyes.

Qin lelan has never seen him like this before.

"Brother Lie, why are you laughing?" She understood the meaning of his evil smile, but she blinked her big bright eyes to show that she didn't understand anything.

"Come here." Quan Nanzhai patted the seat next to him and motioned for Qin leran to sit next to him.

Huh, Brother Bad Lie, just eat when you eat, what other tricks do you want to play? Doesn't he still want to treat her as his appetizer?

"Huh?" Quan Nanzhai raised his eyebrows.

Qin leran quickly got up and walked towards him. As soon as he arrived, Quan Nanzhai hugged him on his lap and sat down: "Brother Lie is here, don't you plan to give it a try?"

"Brother Lie?" Qin leran's face turned red. Does brother lie want to play rogue to her?

She was quite happy in her heart, but she was still a little shy. She was so nervous that she put her hands on his chest: "Brother Lie, don't be like this."

"What don't you want? Huh?" Quan Nanzhai lowered his head and looked at her at a close range, so close that Qin lelan could feel his breath blowing on her face.

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