Chapter 836: Falling into a trap

But the strong desire to survive suppressed the fear in Shen Lingxi's heart. She took a deep breath again, carefully turned the doorknob and opened the man's door.

As soon as the door opened, the room was filled with the masculine scent that she was both familiar with and fearful of. She was so scared that she instinctively took a step back.

Just after retreating, Shen Lingxi thought that she was escaping, and quickly suppressed the fear in her heart, stepped into the room, and locked the door from the inside.

Shen Lingxi had no intention of admiring the decoration of the devil's study, and looked for another door through which she could exit.

Just when she was looking around, she saw a photo frame on the desk. There was a photo in the photo frame. The woman with a smile like a flower in the photo was clearly her.

How come there are photos of her from the past in this devil's study?

how come?

Shen Lingxi was confused.

She could have walked over to find out what was going on.

After getting closer, she discovered that there were several words written under the photo - the love of her life!

But there is a big red cross drawn on top of the four words "love in this life", as if to deny the meaning of those four words in this way.

Shen Lingxi's focus is not the red cross on the word, but the handwriting of the four words "the love of this life".

Dragon Wings!

It's him!

She will never forget in this life that this strong and powerful handwriting was definitely written by Long Yi, and he cannot be wrong.

Moreover, Shen Lingxi still remembered that this photo was also taken when she and Long Yi were together, because her smile would be so bright only when she was with him.

When she didn't smile in the past, he, who had always been a man of few words, would find ways to make her laugh in his own unique way... Later, when she was with him, she would put aside all her worries.

Shen Lingxi picked up the photo frame with trembling hands, hugged the photo frame tightly to her chest, and murmured: "Long Yi, Long Yi, are you there? If you are there, can you please answer me? Come out and take me away." , please take me away from this terrible place?"

No matter how she asked, no one answered her. Apart from her voice, the study was as quiet as death.

Just when Shen Lingxi was so desperate that she could hardly breathe, a delicate ring box next to the photo frame caught her attention.

She reached out and picked it up, and there was a ring lying in the box. It was the engagement ring given to her by Longyi, who had been snatched away from her hands and thrown away by the devil.

Dragon wings?

Dragon wings?

Are you there?

are you there?

Are you here or not?

Please answer me quickly!

Shen Lingxi shouted Long Yi's name like crazy, but no matter how she shouted, no one responded to her.

Unable to get a response from Long Yi, despair once again deeply invaded Shen Lingxi's heart, causing her body to soften and fall to the cold floor.

Not her dragon wings.

There are no dragon wings for her here.

How could her dragon wings be here?

She smiled bitterly, laughing that she missed him so much that she almost lost her mind and turned into a terrible mad woman.

So, since Long Yi is not here, why does that devil-like man have her photo?

Why did that devilish man pick up the thrown away ring?

what is this?

Could it be that he is her dragon wing?

This idea came to her mind, and Shen Lingxi turned pale with fright, and her weak body trembled rhythmically.



Absolutely impossible!

That devil man is so terrifying, so abominable, so cruel, he will never be her dragon wing.

The most important thing is that the half of the devil's face she can see has no resemblance to her Dragon Wing. How could he be her Dragon Wing.

If her dragon wings are not here, she can no longer delay here.

After Shen Lingxi thought clearly, she immediately put the photo and ring into her arms and hugged them tightly, as nervously as if she was protecting her most beloved man.

Sure enough, as Xiaojiu said, there is a back door to the study.

There is a very narrow wooden ladder outside the back door. Going down the wooden ladder leads to the backyard. Going out through the small door in the backyard is like escaping from this cold stone prison.

After escaping from the place where she was held free, Shen Lingxi had not yet recovered her breath, and soon faced a second problem.

This is the back mountain, there is no flat road, and the surrounding fog is so thick that it is difficult to see clearly even two meters away. She has no idea how to get out of the mountain.

In such a harsh environment, Shen Lingxi had no choice. She had no way to retreat. Only by moving forward could she have a way out.

In order to survive and to have the possibility of seeing her Dragon Wing, she was fearless even if she narrowly escaped death.

However, she never expected it, or maybe she did, but in order to go out alive and see the person she wanted to see, she still chose this path that might be framed.

She groped for about ten minutes when she stepped on a trap that someone had deliberately set, and a mousetrap caught her right foot.

In an instant, blood flowed from the pinched foot, and the piercing pain in the foot spread throughout Shen Lingxi's body, causing her to break into a cold sweat.

Shen Lingxi sat down and tried to take off the mousetrap clipped to her foot, but this extra-large mousetrap seemed to be specially designed to frame her. Even if she exhausted all her strength, she could not catch the mousetrap. Open the mousetrap.

She didn't have the strength to remove the mousetrap, so she had to drag her injured foot forward.

Her health was not good to begin with, and the weather was cold and freezing, especially since she was still hungry. In addition, an injury to her foot drained her entire body of strength.

However, Shen Lingxi was unwilling to admit defeat just like that. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain and continued to move forward.

Just after taking two steps, the pain on her foot made her whole body weak. She could reach out to support the big tree next to her.

However, she didn't expect that just as she reached out to support the tree next to her, something sharp pierced her palm.

In an instant, several cuts were made on her white palm, and blood flowed freely.

With a mousetrap on her feet and a prick on her hand, the thin and weak Shen Lingxi still refused to give up. Even if she died in this mountain today, she would die far away from that cold cell.

However, her physical strength was limited after all, and she lost too much blood. After groping for about half an hour, her head became heavier and heavier, and her vision became blurry. Later, she only felt that her vision went dark, and her body was not affected by her. He fell down in a controlled manner and kept rolling back to the lower place.

Her body hit the tree several times, and the tree trunk blocked her body for a moment, but it only slowed down the speed of her fall. Her body continued to roll down until she lost all consciousness, and the only thing left in her world was Darkness.

Dragon Wings!

I'm here to accompany you!

Before the darkness came, she did not panic, and a relieved smile appeared on her lips.

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