Chapter 837: There is a "corpse"

"This foggy mountain is truly well-deserved. I have never seen such heavy fog since I was a child. Everyone, please follow closely and don't get separated." The leader of the travel team stood aside, counting the number of people, and did not forget to warn everyone.

"Captain Qian, please be careful and don't let the fairy in the fog drag you away." A travel friend joked.

"That's a good relationship. If a fairy drags me away, I will live here and have a nest of little fairies with the fairy. You will also have a place to stay here in the future." Captain Qian continued.

"If there is such a good thing, I am willing to stay." Da Zhuang was not willing to be lonely, and also joked, but as soon as his words came out, Xiao Xiao slapped him, "If any fairy likes you, it must be My eyes are blind."

As soon as Xiao Xiao's words came out, a group of people laughed.

The laughter penetrated the mist and echoed in this rarely inhabited valley, forming a string of beautiful music. The guys became more and more energetic as they walked.

In Wushan, there is only one avenue in the front mountain that leads directly to the villa area halfway up the mountain. It is also the only major road. The other trails are all taken by travelers, so the road is narrow and very difficult to walk.

Because the main reason everyone came here was to see the misty scenery of Wushan Mountain, and they were not in a hurry. They walked and stopped along the way, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very high.

After walking for most of the day, the girls in the team could no longer hold on any longer. The team leader made an impromptu decision to rest where they were, add some food, and then continue up the mountain.

After the team leader gave the order, everyone put down their backpacks, spread carpets, and took food. All work was carried out in an orderly manner.

The team leader said: "Let's all play a little game during the break."

Someone immediately echoed: "Okay, okay."

Qin leran didn't know what game to play. While drinking water, he looked at the team leader and was quite interested in the game he was talking about.

The team leader added: "We have a good understanding of playing together. Two people form a group, and the two groups face each other. The winning side will compete with the winning side until the final winner is determined."

As soon as the order was given, everyone found the person next to them with whom they had the best relationship and the most tacit understanding to form a group.

Qin leran and Yaya formed a group without any suspense. Yaya patted Qin leran on the shoulder and whispered in her ear: "Xiao Jiantan, I'm going to find a place to pee. Do you want to come with me?"

Qin lelan hadn't spoken yet, but Xiao Xiao had sharp ears and said first: "Xiao Jiantan is also a girl. If you ask her to accompany you, you might as well ask me to accompany you."

Yaya raised her foot and kicked Xiao Xiao: "Get away from me."

Xiao Xiao expressed her grievance: "You don't see me as a man, and I don't see you as a woman. I went with you, why can't I do it?"

Yaya gave Xiao Xiao a look that was too lazy to pay attention to you, turned around and walked to the relatively hidden forest on the side to solve the physical problem.

As soon as Yaya left, a famous traveler immediately crowded next to Qin lelan and sat down at Yaya's seat: "Xiao Jiantan, my name is Shuai Zhen. I introduced you in the car today, you should still remember me."

Can't remember!

No impression at all!

But Qin leran can't say this. It would offend people.

She nodded and smiled politely: "Remember."

Hearing Qin leran say that he remembered him, the man was very happy and quickly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Qin leran: "Then we will be friends from now on."

Looking at his extended hand, Qin leran hesitated... She seemed to be an easy-to-get-together person, but she still inherited some of her father's mysophobia. For example, she was willing to hold anyone's hand.

Feeling strong, he stretched out his hand to hold Shuai Zhen's hand, and said with a smile: "Brother, this is my girlfriend."

Da Zhuang claimed that Qin leran was his girlfriend. Qin leran still smiled and did not object. If she did not object, that was the acquiescence.

"Sorry! I didn't know. This will never happen again." The travel friend who came to chat was a little embarrassed and left angrily.

As soon as the man left, Qin Xiaoran whispered in Da Zhuang's ear: "Dazhuang, thank you!"

Da Zhuang patted his chest and said: "Xiao Jiantan, you are one of ours, let's come out together. As the most manly man in our group, if I don't protect you, how can I still expect that sissy Xiao Xiao?"

After receiving the eye roll from Xiao Xiao, Da Zhuang didn't take it seriously and continued: "It's not me who praises myself. If you don't have someone you like, your first priority must be me. How can you get that kid."

It is indeed not Da Zhuang who is boasting. Da Zhuang is a very friendly and loyal person.

It was true that he had a crush on Qin leran, but after knowing that she had a boy she liked, he simply treated her as a friend.

Since she was his friend, there was no reason for him to sit aside and watch while others took advantage of her.

Qin lelan also feels that the biggest gain from his visit to country A this time is getting to know Yaya, Dazhuang and Xiao Xiao.

The three of them have different looks and personalities, but they are all very straightforward people. With them, you can safely be yourself without any intrigues.


Suddenly, a scream came from the woods.

Qin leran, Dazhuang and Xiao Xiao jumped up almost immediately. Without any hesitation, they took steps and ran in the direction of Yaya.

The dozen or so other travelers didn't react as quickly as the three of them. When they reacted, they all ran in the direction of the source of the sound.

Qin lelan ran the fastest: "Sister Yaya, what's wrong?"

After being with Yaya and the others for so long, Qin lelan really treats the cheerful Yaya as his sister, and is worried about what accidents will happen to her.

" seems like..." Yaya was so frightened that she trembled and stammered when she spoke.

During the earthquake, they went to rescue and provide disaster relief and saw many corpses. However, before going there, everyone was prepared. It was completely different from the feeling of suddenly seeing corpses in the wilderness.

Qin leran quickly hugged the trembling Yaya and comforted: "Sister Yaya, we are all here, don't be afraid."

Da Zhuang and Xiao Xiao also patted Yaya on the shoulders: "Yaya, don't be afraid, we are all here. Can the living be frightened by the dead?"

Regardless of how they usually fight and fight, as if no one likes the other, when the critical moment comes, you will know how much they care about each other.

Qin leran is the youngest in their team, but she is the calmest one when encountering special situations.

Just when no one dared to step forward to confirm whether the person wrapped in a white quilt over there was alive or dead, she took the lead to stand up.

She said: "Don't move here, everyone. I'll go over and take a look first. If someone is injured, we'll rescue him first. If he's dead, we'll call the police."

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