My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 838 To lose the most important thing

Chapter 838: Losing the most important thing

Da Zhuang and Xiao Xiao stepped forward and stood beside Qin leran at the same time: "How can you go alone. The three of us will go together."

Qin leran was worried about Yaya, and said, "then Da Zhuang and I will go, Xiao Xiao, watch Yaya."

Because the fog was very thick, the distance they could see was not very far. Even though the "corpse" wrapped in a white sheet was just a few steps in front of them, they could not see it very clearly.

As he got closer, Qin leran could see clearly that the "corpse" had long hair and should be a woman... Thinking of a woman being killed and thrown into the wild, her heart twitched in discomfort and she frowned. .

Da Zhuang said worriedly: "Xiao Jiantan, you stay here, I will go up and take a look."

Qin leran shook his head: "don't worry, I'm fine."

They stepped forward together and lifted the "corpse" up. With this support, Qin leran saw the face of the "corpse".

"Sister Lingxi?" she exclaimed.


how can that be possible?

Didn't it mean that sister Lingxi was picked up by the man she loved?

Why is she here?

"Xiao Jiantan, do you know her?" Da Zhuang also stared at the woman, vaguely feeling that she looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

When Shen Lingxi rolled down the mountain, her face was scratched by the weeds and thorns in the mountain, and her hair was messy on her face. People who had only seen her on TV were not surprised that they didn't recognize her.

Qin lelan immediately hugged Shen Lingxi. Her body was so cold that there was no warmth at all. If it weren't for her weak breathing, people might think she was dead.

She glanced at Shen Lingxi and saw that there was a mousetrap clamped on Shen Lingxi's bare feet. Maybe it had been clamped for too long, and her feet had swollen purple: "Da Zhuang, take off the mousetrap quickly."

damn it!

damn it!

Who is so hateful that he could be so cruel to a weak woman?

If it hadn't happened that a group of them went up the mountain to explore today, then Shen Lingxi would have died here.

Thinking of what might happen, Qin lelan shivered with fear and felt cold from head to toe.

She immediately hugged Shen Lingxi and patted her back with one hand through the sheets wrapped around her, trying to keep her warm.

"Sister Lingxi, nothing can happen to you, absolutely nothing can happen to you." Qin lelan called Shen Lingxi over and over again, feeling so distressed that her nose was sore. If she hadn't tried her best to endure it, she might have cried out of distress.

Da Zhuang sat on the ground and took a lot of effort to remove the mousetrap from Shen Lingxi's feet: "Xiao Jitan, what should I do now?"

"Tell everyone that you are not going to explore anymore. Go back first. It's important to save people." Qin lelan hugged Shen Lingxi's increasingly cold body tightly, took a breath of cold air, and gave calm instructions.

Da Zhuang turned around and was about to explain the situation to everyone when he saw a strange man coming from behind the crowd. The man came to them in a few steps and said, "Miss."

It's very powerful.

Qin leran was a little surprised when he saw him: "Chang Li, let's get the person down the mountain quickly and send him to the hospital. There won't be any delay."

"Yes. We will send her down the mountain right now." Chang Li was strong enough to pick up Shen Lingxi.

Qin lelan followed Chang Li for two steps and thought of something again. He turned around and said to Dazhuang: "Dazhuang, please organize everyone to go down the mountain. We will leave first. Let everyone keep this matter a secret. No one is allowed to mention it. Don't Get into trouble."

Shen Lingxi is still the fiancée of Mr. President, and she was involved in a murder case before. Regarding her matter, no matter what the facts are, it is best not to spread it.

Because of Chang Li's help, Qin leran took away Shen Lingxi without others knowing her identity.

It took us half a day to go up the mountain to enjoy the scenery. Because we were going down the mountain to rescue people, and Chang Li helped us, it took more than an hour to get to the bottom of the mountain.

Chang Li drove by himself to follow Qin lelan, so they decided to send Shen Lingxi for treatment first, while the large force still took the bus.

in the car.

Qin lelan asked Chang Li to increase the air conditioning temperature of the car, and then asked him to drive faster, trying to get back to Linhai as quickly as possible.

"Sister Lingxi, no matter what happens, promise me that you will hold on, okay? If you don't do it for others, you should also think about the person in your heart. He is back. If he can't see you anymore, how sad will he be? Ah." All Qin leran can think of is to use this method to inspire Shen Lingxi's courage to live.

"Miss, her breathing is steady. She should be fine. Don't worry too much." Chang Li was still worried about his little master.

"Well, I know she will be fine, she will be fine." Qin leran hugged Shen Lingxi and told her, but also for himself.

As soon as the car went down the mountain, Long Yi suddenly felt stuffy in his heart, so stuffy that he couldn't breathe. He always felt like something was about to happen.

However, he attributed the dull pain to the fact that he hadn't been to a crowded place for too long, and it didn't attract much attention from him.

After going down the mountain, the car drove for more than an hour, and the feeling of boredom and panic in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if it was going to swallow him up.

In this life, he has never had such a terrifying experience. Even when the entire Long family was wiped out, the fear in his heart was not as strong as it was now.

"Stop!" he shouted suddenly.

"Master?" Long Tian didn't know why, so he pulled over and stopped the car.

"Turn around and go back immediately." Long Yi said in a deep voice.

How long had it been since he had felt afraid? He didn't know what fear meant, but at this moment, he was afraid in his heart, as if he was about to lose the most important thing in his life.

Long Tian asked cautiously: "Master, aren't you going to see Mr. President?"

Long Yi didn't respond, and glanced at Long Tian with a gloomy expression. Long Tian didn't dare to ask another word, and immediately turned the car around and drove back.

On the way back, Long Tian looked at his master's face in the rearview mirror from time to time. Seeing that his face was getting darker and darker, Long Tian speeded up the car without waiting for his master's instructions.

It took more than an hour to return to Wushan Villa. Long Yi opened the door and got out of the car before the car stopped.

After getting off the car, he didn't stop for a step. He immediately rushed upstairs to Shen Lingxi's room, opened the door, and didn't see the woman.


For a moment, it was as if his heart was broken in his chest, and he could even hear the sound of his heart breaking.

"Shen Lingxi!"

he roared!

he roars!

He immediately turned around and rushed into the bathroom. Shen Lingxi was not there.

He was so nervous that his hands trembled slightly, and he clenched his trembling hands into fists to restrain his nervousness and fear.

He walked out of the door in two steps and shouted to the empty corridor: "Find me someone, find me someone!"

"Master..." Long Tian was too frightened to get too close to him.

"Send someone to search the mountain immediately. If she leaves, none of you will survive!" At this time, Long Yi was like a wild beast that had lost its mind.

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