My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 839 Looking for her to no avail

Chapter 839: Looking for her to no avail

Long Yi has always known how much influence that woman Shen Lingxi has on him. Just a slight frown from her would make his heart tighten.

Precisely because he knew the influence this woman had on him, he had always restrained himself from staying away from her, warning himself never to be influenced by her and never to be deceived by her again.

But no matter how much he restrained himself, if he didn't see it for a while, he would always feel that something was missing in his heart. I felt something was wrong when I came down the mountain today, which is the best proof.

"Master, I'll send someone to look for him right away." Long Tian turned around and ran away. Because he ran too fast, he almost fell when he turned.

Long Yi glanced around coldly, then turned and went to the study on the third floor, ready to bring out the surveillance camera and take a look.

As soon as he opened the door, he immediately discovered that someone had entered his study after he left, and his eyes immediately went to the desk.

The photo frame and ring placed in the most conspicuous position are missing...

That photo was his most cherished item. He had thought about destroying it this year, but he couldn't bear to destroy it.

He deceived himself and told himself that he wanted to see that face every day and wanted that face to remind him of revenge, so it couldn't be destroyed.

But he knew very well in his heart that he didn't need that photo to ignite his strong desire for life and revenge, but he was reluctant to part with it.

That ring was the token of love between him and that woman. A few days ago, he felt that she no longer deserved to have the ring he gave her. He took the ring back from that woman's hand, but they disappeared. .

The photo and ring were gone, and Long Yi felt as if a piece of flesh in his heart had been cut off, and blood was flowing.

These were all evidence of their love back then, and he couldn't tolerate anyone taking them away from him.

Long Yi immediately turned on the computer and checked the surveillance. Sure enough, he saw Shen Lingxi wrapping the quilt around her body and tiptoing out of the room.

As the camera turned, she arrived on the third floor and entered his study.

She found the photo and the ring, and she shouted his name like crazy... Was she blaming herself? Are you afraid?

She should be afraid to see that the person she had betrayed and framed might still be alive, otherwise what could it be?

Finally, Long Yi saw her going out of the back door and escaping from the backyard, completely leaving the "cage" he had prepared for her.

She is indeed a cruel and cunning woman!

These days, he thought she couldn't do anything by staying in her room every day. He never expected that she would figure out the escape route early.

At this time, an idea flashed through Long Yi's mind. She stayed in the room every day and he saw it with his own eyes. How could she have the chance to figure out the escape route.

But at this time, he was in a state of extreme panic and anger. The idea appeared too quickly and disappeared too quickly, making him completely ignore it in his furious state.

All he knew was that as soon as he walked away, Shen Lingxi, that vicious and vicious woman, ran away... When he catches this woman, he will definitely cut off her legs to see how she can escape.

He said that he wanted to cut off her legs, but what he thought of was that the terrain in the back mountain was very dangerous, and the fog made it difficult to tell the direction, and the woman was so weak, how could she escape.

When these thoughts came to his mind, Long Yi had already rushed out of the back door and followed the traces of Shen Lingxi's escape from the backyard.

He had long legs and strong agility, and he reached the position where Shen Lingxi's accident happened in a short time.

When he saw the blood stains on the tree, every nerve in his body was tense, and a psychology called fear gradually suppressed his anger.

"Shen Lingxi, you damn woman, if you dare to die here, I won't even let go of your body." He roared, as if he was about to face a disaster like a landslide.

"Master, I have sent everyone out to search the mountain. No matter whether Miss Shen is dead or alive, we will definitely be able to bring her back." Long Tian, ​​who followed closely, reported the situation to his master.

Long Yi turned back suddenly, and his eyes as cold as ice shards shot at Long Tian: "What does it mean to live or die? She must live well for me!"

Without his permission, if that woman dared to die, he would chase her to the underworld and catch her back.

It was she who caused the Long family to be exterminated. She owed him more than a dozen lives. She wanted to be freed so easily, but there was no way.

When he spoke, Long Yi clenched his fists tightly, so hard that it seemed like he could crush his own fists.

"Yes, yes... I will let everyone search all over the place to find Shen Xiaojia alive." Long Tian responded quickly, wanting to leave, but he was worried that his master would have an accident if no one was around to watch.

That sinister woman Shen Lingxi is truly a disaster!

A year ago, the Long family was wiped out because of her, and the young master had a different face because of her and couldn't go out to see anyone for a whole year.

These were all caused by that cruel woman, but their master was still reluctant to hurt a hair on her head.

Long Tian has never been able to figure out what is so good about that woman from the Shen family, what is it about her that is worthy of the young master of his family giving her 100%?

Just when Long Tian was distracted, when he looked up again, he could no longer see his master.

"Master..." No one responded, and Long Tian panicked, because he knew that if Shen Lingxi died, their master would probably become a useless cripple.

There was no time for Long Tian to think too much. He had to follow immediately. If anything happened to his master, he would risk his life to stop him.

Because the fog was too heavy and he couldn't see clearly, Long Tian could only tell that Long Yi was heading down the mountain through the swaying branches around him.

"Master..." Long Tian called again, but still couldn't get an answer from Long Yi.

He wandered around in the mountains randomly, and within a short time he lost his way. He didn't even know the way back, and how he could find his master.

At this moment, Long Yi did not dare to delay for a moment. He knew in his heart that his speed was related to the life and death of the woman Shen Lingxi.

He didn't want her to die, so he had to do his best to find her by following the traces she left behind.

After walking for a while, not knowing how far they were from the villa on the mountain, Long Yi found a slipper next to the traces of someone rolling by.

With just one glance, he could recognize that the shoes were worn by that vicious woman Shen Lingxi.

All Shen Lingxi's supplies on the mountain were prepared by him and passed through his hands before being delivered to her. How could he not recognize them.

"Shen Lingxi, you fucking answer me!" He roared her name angrily.

The sound he made was so loud that it shook the earth. You didn't need to listen carefully to hear that his voice was trembling and he was afraid.

Picking up the shoes, Long Yi continued to rush down.

He didn't go far when he saw a second shoe. Next to the shoe was a strip of sheet that was torn by thorns.

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