Chapter 851: Anywhere

"What happened between you and Long Yi?" Quan Nanzhai asked repeatedly, not knowing what Shen Lingxi was worried about.

Shen Lingxi: "I..."

She looked at Quan Nanzhai, wondering if Quan Nanzhai knew that she had been imprisoned or even forced by others these days.

Shen Lingxi hopes that no one will know about such unspeakable things, but she also knows that there is no airtight wall in the world.

As long as something like that happened, it would be spread sooner or later. Quan Nanzhai has so many eyes and ears, it would soon reach his ears, and naturally it would also reach Long Yi's ears.

She didn't care whether other people knew it or not. The only thing she cared about was that if Long Yi knew about it, what would Long Yi think of her?

Quan Nanzhai sighed and said: "Lingxi, the suffering Longyi has suffered this year is probably beyond the imagination of both of us. If he does some behavior that we can't understand, we should understand him more and don't blame him. he."

"How could I blame him? I just..." She felt that she failed to protect herself and return her whole self to Long Yi, so she was blaming herself instead of blaming him.

Quan Nanzhai added: "The two of us are Long Yi's only remaining relatives in this world. If we don't help him get out of this shadow in his heart, then who can he count on?"

Shen Lingxi's reaction was a little slow. Only then did she understand what Quan Nanzhai wanted to express to her: "Nan Zhai, what happened to Long Yi? What happened to him? He didn't come to us this year. He must be there." It’s a last resort.”

"You don't know?" Quan Nanzhai asked back. As soon as the question came out of his mouth, he quickly figured out the key to the problem.

Shen Lingxi hid and didn't want to see Long Yi. The real reason should be that she didn't know Long Yi's true identity, not what happened between them.

"Nan Zhai, what happened to Long Yi? Please tell me, okay?" Thinking of Long Yi's suffering this year, Shen Lingxi blamed herself so much that she wanted to stab herself with a knife.

"A year ago, Long Yi was seriously injured... but fortunately he was lucky enough to come back alive." Quan Nanzhai said lightly, not wanting to make Shen Lingxi nervous.

After all, things have passed and Long Yi is back alive and well. What they have to do is not to be sad about yesterday, but to live well for tomorrow.

Even though Long Yi has changed his face, he is still their Long Yi, a relative closer than their blood relatives.

"He must be very sad." They knew clearly that he was seriously injured and his life and death were unknown, and they would not be able to find him this year. But at this moment, hearing Quan Nanzhai speak from his own words, Shen Lingxi still felt like someone was holding a knife. A knife pierced her heart, the pain was so painful that she could hardly breathe.

"He's fine, don't worry, but think about it carefully and see him when you have figured it out." Whether it is for public or private reasons, Quan Nanzhai still hopes that Shen Lingxi will be braver, "For such a long time, he has finally The person I want to see is definitely you.”

"I want to see him!" Compared with missing Long Yi, she was worried that Long Yi would see her uncleanly, which was really not that important.

She wanted to confirm with her own eyes that Long Yi was still alive and well, and that he was back alive, back to Linhai, and back to them.

"Lingxi, I'm not forcing you to do something you don't want to do. You don't have to decide so quickly." Longyi may become suspicious again if he doesn't see Shen Lingxi when he goes down the mountain, but Quan Nanzhai will find a way to make it clear to him, so he I still hope that Shen Lingxi will calm down and think about it carefully, and he is willing to respect her decision.

"I know, I want to see him, the sooner the better." Shen Lingxi took a deep breath of air-conditioning and looked out the window, "I have been waiting for him to come back for a year. I have been looking forward to it every day this year Looking at him, now that he has finally come back, why should I not see him? "

"Sister Lingxi, if you want to see him, go and see him. If you don't want to go, don't go. Don't make yourself miserable." Quan Nanzhai doesn't understand Shen Lingxi's worries, but Qin lelan understands, standing behind the door and eavesdropping for too long , she even forgot that she was eavesdropping. Because she felt sorry for Shen Lingxi, she couldn't help but interrupt.

"There is no force. From now on, no one can force me to do something I don't want to do." Shen Lingxi smiled lightly, her eyes firm.

What she wants to see is the person she has been thinking about all the time. She wants to see him so much, how can it be forced.

He was back, back to her side, and with him here, he would never let anyone force her to do something she didn't want to do.

Yes, she believed so firmly in Long Yi's feelings for her.

Several hundred kilometers away under the foggy mountains is Linhai City, the capital of country A.

This city is the political, economic and entertainment center of country A. It is also the place where Long Yi, Quan Nanzhai and Shen Lingxi were born and grew up.

Long Yi lived in this city from birth to the age of twenty-nine. This was his root, his home, and the place he vowed to build well.

However, a conspiracy a year ago took the lives of everyone in the Long family except him, and he also left here due to serious injuries.

When I came back after a year, the city seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, especially the east-west avenue in front of Beigong.

The East-West Road used to be a bare main road in the city. Now the road has been expanded to both sides and a flower bed has been built in the center. It has become one of the eight major scenic spots in Linhai City. It has become a very famous scenic spot.

It had only been one year, and when he returned to this rapidly developing city, Long Yi felt that he almost didn't recognize him anymore.

It was as if the twenty-nine years he had lived before were all illusory. This city made him feel strange, so why didn't he make this city feel strange to him?

"Master, we're here, do you want to go in and take a look?" The car had been parked in the hospital parking lot for half an hour, but Long Yi didn't get out of the car. Long Tian looked at his master without saying a word and plucked up the courage to ask.

After asking for a long time, Long Yi did not answer. He still looked fixedly at a certain place in front of him, not knowing what he was looking at and thinking.

Long Yi didn't answer, and Long Tian didn't dare to ask anymore. He sat quietly in the cab and followed Long Yi's gaze, but saw nothing.

"Let's go." After a long time, when Long Tian thought that time had stopped, Long Yi finally spoke.

"Go, where are you going?" The purpose of their coming down the mountain today was to come to the hospital to see Miss Shen. They had already arrived at the hospital, and their master was asked to leave without even getting out of the car. Long Tian said that he couldn't guess what the master was thinking. ?

"It's fine to go anywhere." Long Yi said again.

You can go anywhere, just don't stay here, don't let him not know what to do just because he thinks of that woman Shen Lingxi.

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