Chapter 852: Is this possible?

Is it okay to go anywhere?

Long Tian felt that his master was simply teasing him.

Not to mention that the world is so big, just Linhai City is enough for them to spend a whole day.

No matter where he goes, he doesn't know where he is going.

He quietly glanced at his master in the rearview mirror, and saw that his master was still looking quietly into the distance. It was not difficult to see his loneliness in his eyes.

In an instant, Long Tian understood that their master was afraid of seeing Miss Shen, and was afraid of meeting her as Long Yi.

Long Yi hesitated and thought in the parking lot for so long, but finally couldn't muster the courage to see Shen Lingxi.

Compared with Shen Lingxi's betrayal, he was more afraid of Shen Lingxi's cold eyes looking at him. Her eyes were crueler to him than a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

He was scared, so he ran away in such a hurry, trying to hide somewhere and pretend that he was still the man she loved most.

People are such strange animals. They love each other but hurt each other; they love each other clearly, but they are afraid to love, fearing that they will hurt each other more deeply.

A car started from the hospital parking lot, and as it was going out from the exit, a car stopped next to the entrance.

A few people got out of the car, one was Quan Nanzhai from Yi Zhuang, the other two were Qin lelan, and the other was Shen Lingxi who was in the heart of Longyi.

Even though she was wearing a fluffy down jacket, because she was too thin, it still looked like the wind could blow her over.

Not only was she thin, but she also had injuries on her face and feet. She was unsteady when walking and was supported by Qin leran.

Looking at Shen Lingxi who was thin but still had firm eyes, Long Yi clenched his fist and said in a deep voice: "Stop the car."

Long Tian quickly parked the car, looked back at Long Yi, and followed his gaze again. This time he didn't look blank again, but saw Shen Lingxi.

"It's over!" Long Tian secretly shouted.

When their young master saw that Shen Lingxi was injured, he would definitely investigate the whole story of the escape, and then what Xiao Jiu did would definitely be exposed.

Xiaojiu grew up in the Long family and was considered half a child of the Long family. She served the young master with all her heart, and everything she did was for the good of the Long family and their young master.

But their young master was blinded by the woman named Shen. There were so many women in the world, and he could only see one named Shen. All other women were transparent to him.

If they want their master to live a normal life, the only way is for the woman named Shen to completely disappear from their young master's world.

But I never expected that this woman named Shen was also lucky. Not only did she not fall into the trap, but she was accidentally rescued.

Damn it!

However, she should not be too complacent. Traps are only the most superficial way to kill her. There are many other ways.

No matter what, they must find a way to prevent the woman named Shen from returning to their young master, and they must not let the past of the Long family's destruction happen again.

Long Tian looked at Shen Lingxi not far away, his eyes as cold as ice needles, wishing that he would die just by looking at her.

But soon, he calmed down his emotions. If the young master knew what they were thinking, he would definitely get rid of them before they killed Shen Lingxi.

It doesn't matter if they die, but even if they die, they must pull the woman Shen Lingxi to be their backer.

Long Tian withdrew his gaze and saw Long Yi still staring at Shen Lingxi. He became brave again and said, "Master, can we go?"

Long Yi didn't even look at Long Tian. He watched Shen Lingxi and others enter the hospital. He also got out of the car and followed them.

Many times, his actions are not under his control at all. Wherever Shen Lingxi goes, he follows her.

"Sister Lingxi, don't worry. Brother Lie said Long Yi would come to see you, so he will definitely come to see you." Seeing Shen Lingxi clenching her fists nervously while lying on the hospital bed, Qin leran immediately comforted her.

"Well, yes, he will definitely do it." Shen Lingxi nodded. She was more sure that Long Yi would come than Quan Nanzhai. Because Long Yi's feelings for her are much clearer than Quan Nanzhai's.

"Well, you're right to think so. No matter what, you take good care of yourself and I'll wait for him to come with you." Speaking of this, Qin lelan thought of something else, "Sister Lingxi, wait for me, I still have I have something to say to Brother Lie."

Brother Lie had just left not long ago. It was too late for Qin leran to chase him. She rushed out of the room and called him first.

As soon as I got through, I heard brother lie's cell phone ringtone ringing in the next room.

Didn't Brother Lie go to work?

Why is the phone ringing next door?

Qin leran was confused and pushed open the door. As soon as the door opened, he saw Quan Nanzhai.

There was not only Quan Nanzhai in the room, but also a man wearing black clothes with a gloomy temperament.

Seeing Qin leran breaking into the house, the two men looked back at her at the same time.

When Quan Nanzhai saw that it was her, he turned his sharp eyes and became much gentler in an instant: "Why are you here if you're not with sister Lingxi?"

Qin leran didn't answer, so he received another look. The look was so cold that Qin lelan shuddered.

She had just reacted, and the next second Quan Nanzhai was already protecting her: "Of course, I'm talking about something, you go out first."

"Brother Lie, who is this person?" Qin leran poked his head out from Quan Nanzhai's waist and looked at Long Yi, "This person is Long Yi. He was the one who hurt you, right?"

The mysterious man who appeared in the hospital at this time could be received by Brother Lie personally. Besides Long Yi, Qin lelan really couldn't think of anyone else.

And the most important point is that it is unlikely that Brother Lie, who is very skilled and has bodyguards around him at all times, can be injured. Apart from Brother Lie deliberately giving in, there is unlikely to be any other possibility.

Apart from Long Yi and himself, Qin leran could not think of anyone else who would have the honor of letting brother lie give way and be willing to take a few punches.

Therefore, before the two men gave her an answer, she was already 100% sure that this man was the one in Shen Lingxi's heart.

It's just that the face she saw in front of her had no resemblance to the photo of the person in the information Chang Li gave her.

With two faces that have absolutely nothing in common, it's hard for people to think that they are the same person, and it's also hard for people who are very close to them.

If he didn't give any hint and let him meet Shen Lingxi in the crowd, she might not recognize him.

Because of this idea, another possibility emerged in Qin leran's mind.

Is there a possibility that the person who imprisoned and forced Shen Lingxi these days is the man in front of her.

This man named Long Yi has a different face.

Is it possible?

Qin leran was not sure. He looked at the man in front of him with his round eyes, hoping to find the answer from him.

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