Chapter 859: Everyone is unique

"Well." Looking at Qin lelan's distressed look, Quan Nanzhai couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub her head again, "Brother Lie promises you that you will try not to get hurt in the future."

Suffering some skin trauma is nothing to him as a grown man. He has survived more serious injuries in the past, so he has never regarded his life as precious.

But it's different for him now. Qin leran, a girl, will worry about him, so he won't do anything to worry her.

In Quan Nanzhai's impression, the marriage between his parents was a political marriage. There was not much love between men and women, and most of them were political interests.

Therefore, he has never seen his parents loving each other since he was a child, so he has always believed that the interactions between people in this world are all about interests, and love has no concept in his world.

It wasn't until he went to Qin's house and saw Qin Yue pampering a woman so carefully that he realized that there was still mutual love in this world.

Doting on a woman and being loved and cared for by a woman are both very lucky things. It is probably a blessing that takes several lifetimes to cultivate.

And for him to be favored by Qin leran, a little girl, he thought he must have saved the galaxy as an elder, and he had this honor in this life.

"What do you mean by trying your best?" Qin leran said she was very dissatisfied with Quan Nanzhai's answer. She pursed her lips and said, "Brother Lie, do you think I'm making trouble unreasonably?"

"How could it be?" Of course he knew she was caring about him.

"Then why don't you talk to me properly?" Qin leran looked aggrieved, as if she would cry to him as long as Quan Nanzhai didn't give her the answer she liked.

"Then I promise you that I will never let myself get hurt in the future." Quan Nanzhai shook his head helplessly and had no choice but to agree to this little girl.

Hearing this answer, Qin lelan smiled with satisfaction: "brother lie, if you promise, I must remember it and don't break your promise, otherwise I will be very angry."

After all, Qin lelan is worried that her brother lie will be beaten by others stupidly.


It's true that Long Yi is his good brother. Can a good brother beat up people without asking anything?

Anyway, Qin leran keeps this account in mind, and she will definitely find an opportunity to avenge brother lie this time in the future.

Don't call her stingy, she is just a little girl.

The ancients said long ago that only women and villains are difficult to raise!

He didn't stay long, because there were still many national affairs waiting for Quan Nanzhai to handle personally, so he returned to Beigong first.

Before leaving, Quan Nanzhai told Qin leran that she should go back to the escort room to rest for a while, and that she must not tire herself out while taking care of Shen Lingxi.

Qin leran nodded in agreement and sent Quan Nanzhai away with a smile. In fact, he felt uncomfortable.

She wished that brother lie would always be by her side, but she knew it was impossible, so she could only watch him leave pitifully.

As soon as brother lie left, half of Qin lelan's soul also left. He couldn't get excited about anything, and couldn't sleep in the lounge until he received a call from Lin Xiaoxiao, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Xiao Xiao..." Qin leran said weakly.

"Leran, are you in the hospital?" Lin Xiao's voice came from the phone.

Lin Xiaoxiao heard that Shen Lingxi was injured and came to the hospital to visit. However, because she did not have a special pass, she was stopped downstairs by the bodyguard. She had to call Qin leran for help.

Seeing his classmate and friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Lin Xiaoxiao took Qin Leran's hand affectionately: "Leran, what are you busy with during this time? Why don't you play with me?"

"What else can I be busy with?" Qin leran said dejectedly. Apart from being busy with brother lie, she really didn't know what else she could be busy with?

Now Qin lelan insists on staying in the hospital to take care of sister Lingxi. The main reason is because of her relationship with brother lie.

When Shen Lingxi still holds the title of Mr. President's fiancée, Shen Lingxi's every move will be closely watched by the public, so Qin leran can't let anything happen to her again.

"Oh..." Lin Xiaoxiao groaned and scratched his head stupidly, "I came to see sister Lingxi, but she is asleep and I can't disturb her."

"You sit here for a while. When sister Lingxi wakes up, let's go and chat with her." Because they are good friends who have known each other for many years, Qin leran is not as polite to Lin Xiaoxiao as others. He is half-lying on the sofa, letting Lin Xiaoxiao greeted himself.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Leran, waited for a long time, and then said: "Leran, a very good friend of mine has opened a new theme club. If you are free, come with me to support it."

"Okay." Qin lelan agreed, but suddenly thought of something, "I'm afraid it won't work in the past few days. I won't have time until sister Lingxi's injury is healed."

"Leran, how long have you known Sister Lingxi? Why are you so nice to her?" Lin Xiaoxiao's question was a bit sour and astringent.

Thinking back then, it took her a long time to gain Qin leran's 100% trust. Sister Lingxi and Qin leran had only met twice. How could they be so good?

She felt that her brain was not flexible enough to understand, so she asked directly.

"Because sister Lingxi is very good." This was Qin leran's answer.

The answer Qin lelan couldn't tell was because sister Lingxi was brother lie's nominal fiancée. She had robbed brother lie, so naturally she had to treat sister Lingxi better.

Before brother lie openly admits her identity, she hopes that sister Lingxi can find her former lover first, and hopes that she and her lover will live a good life.

Lin Xiaoxiao murmured: "How I want to become as good as you."

"Girl, what are you thinking about?" Qin leran glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao, "How many times do I have to tell you before you remember? Each of us is unique and irreplaceable. I have my own good, You also have your shining point, you know? Don’t look down on yourself anymore.”

"Hehe, I get it." Lin Xiaoxiao smiled silly, "Leran, among my friends, you are the best to me. Although I stand next to you like a clown, I am still very happy. "

"Lin Xiaoxiao!" Qin leran was angry and poked Lin Xiaoxiao's forehead angrily. "You forgot what I just told you so quickly?"

"Hehe... I remember! Leran, don't be angry!" Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to scratch her head again, showing her signature silly smile.

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