My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 860: Never suffer future troubles

Chapter 860: Never suffer future troubles

Fog Mountain.

Xiao Jiuyi, who was still lying on the hospital bed pretending to be sick, got up as soon as she heard the news that Long Yi wanted her to leave, and looked at Long Tian with wide eyes in disbelief: "Uncle Tian, ​​are you making a mistake? "

"How could you be wrong?" Long Tian shook his head and sighed, "Xiaojiu, listen to Uncle Long's advice, you'd better not expect anything that doesn't belong to you."

"What do you mean I have extravagant hopes? I have known the young master since I was a child. When did the woman named Shen know the young master? It was obviously that shameless woman who robbed my things, why do you want me to let go?" Xiao Jiu thought Long Yi should be What belonged to her was Shen Lingxi, the woman who suddenly stepped in and ruined everything.

If that woman Shen Lingxi hadn't interfered, she might have married Long Yi early, and their children might have been able to make a difference.

But that damn woman Shen Lingxi appeared in front of Long Yi, attracting his attention, so that he could no longer see the existence of others in his eyes.

Long Tian advised: "Yes, the woman named Shen met the young master later than you, but the young master just likes her. What can you change about this?"

Xiao Jiu added: "As long as we get rid of that woman, as long as there is no more her in this world, then the young master will see me sooner or later. As long as I give him some more time, he will definitely be able to discover my goodness. He will know that I She is the woman who can walk with him."

Long Tian was embarrassed after hearing Xiao Jiu's nonsense. He couldn't refute it, so he had to change the subject: "Xiao Jiu, clean up and leave early. This will be good for you and everyone. Stop being so stubborn."

Xiao Jiu was unwilling to give in: "Uncle Tian, ​​why did the young master want me to leave? I grew up in the Long family and have been with him for more than 20 years. Can I just leave like this?"

Long Tian shook his head and sighed: "Don't you know what you have done? We all know how important the woman Shen Lingxi is in the young master's heart. If you want to get rid of her, you have to bear the incident. the consequences."

Xiao Jiu's eyes were red with anxiety: "Uncle Tian, ​​I did that very carefully and didn't leave any traces. How did the young master know it was me?"

Long Tian looked at Xiao Jiu's appearance and was also worried. After all, he was the child he had seen growing up. He added: "It's not that you don't know what kind of person the young master is. Especially this matter is related to Shen Lingxi. Woman, do you think he doesn’t know? Now that he knows, how can he still tolerate you?”

Seeing Long Tian's expression of insisting on letting her go, Xiao Jiu became furious and shouted: "Could it be that you deliberately told the young master all these things in order to stay with the young master? Uncle Tian, ​​you see it too How could you betray me when you grew up with me?”

Before she could figure out the facts, Xiaojiu yelled at Long Tian, ​​as if Long Yi letting her leave had nothing to do with her, and it was all Long Tian's little tricks behind her back.

She was so anxious that she said such words, so much so that she forgot that Long Tian was the only person on her side. If Long Tian didn't support her, she wouldn't be able to do anything.

Listening to Xiao Jiu's nonsense, Long Tian frowned displeasedly, but because she was the child he watched grow up, he once again chose not to care about her.

He added: "Xiaojiu, clean up. It's okay to leave like this. If you continue to make trouble, the young master may send someone to drive you away."

"Are you threatening me?" Xiao Jiu gritted her teeth, picked up her coat and put it on, turned around and rushed out. She was very fast. When Long Tian reacted and wanted to stop her, she had already ran out of the room.

Long Tian was older than Xiao Jiu, and he understood their master's personality better. If his master really committed a crime, his method of punishment would definitely not be something Xiao Jiu could bear.

Xiaojiu made a mistake once, but their master still didn't care about her because she had been loyal to the Long family for so many years.

The second time this incident happened, their master knew that if Xiao Jiu was not dealt with, he might not be the cruel Long Yi they knew.

Long Tian was old, he could see clearly and understood that their master had to deal with Xiao Jiu this time, but Xiao Jiu still naively thought that as long as he didn't admit it or misbehaved again, their young master would still be like last time Let her go.

It wasn't until she rushed into Long Yi's study and received a cold and piercing look from Long Yi that Xiao Jiu realized that she had made a big mistake this time.

"Master, I...I..." She stuttered so much that she couldn't even say a complete sentence. She shouldn't be so impulsive, but should think of a countermeasure before looking for him.

But at this point, she had no way out. As long as she gritted her teeth and persisted, she would have a chance to stay with Long Yi.

"Tell me." Perhaps because Xiaojiu grew up in the Long family and worked for him for so many years, Long Yi gave her a chance to explain.

"Master, I don't want to leave. I want to stay by your side and continue to take care of you." Xiaojiu knelt on the ground with a thud. At this time, this was the only way she could think of.

Long Yi looked at her and said nothing, because no matter what she said, his decision would not change.

Xiaojiu raised his head slightly, glanced at her quietly, and then said: "Master, I have been with you for many years, and I have always taken care of your food and drink. Now that I'm gone, I won't trust whoever I leave to take care of these things. , please give me a chance."

"You mean I can't leave you?" Longyi curled his lips and seemed to be smiling, but that smile could send chills down one's spine.

Xiaojiu panicked and said hurriedly: "Young fierce...I, I didn't mean that..."

Long Yi opened his mouth coldly: "Long Tian, ​​let someone send her away."

After hearing the order, Long Tian pushed the door in and wanted to drag Xiao Jiu away, but Xiao Jiu shook off his hand and rushed to Long Yi's side, shouting: "Master, no, you can't... I like it. You, I want to marry you, how can you be so cruel to me!"

Seeing that the last hope he had left was shattered, Xiaojiu didn't care so much and shouted out the secret buried in his heart.

"You like me, but I don't like you. You won't like me in this life, and you won't in the next life either. Stop having such wishful thinking." Long Yi's words were very calm, inhumanly calm, and they completely cut off Xiaojiu's thoughts about him. .

Xiao Jiu was so desperate that she lay on the ground. She wanted to cry but couldn't. She read the words "Shen Lingxi" over and over again in her heart.

Long Yi said again: "Send her away, she will never be allowed to appear again!"

Xiao Jiu actually has other intentions for him, then this woman will hurt Shen Lingxi out of jealousy, so Long Yi must completely eliminate this potential time bomb to avoid future troubles.

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