Chapter 861: Hug her

time flies.

It seemed that in just the blink of an eye, a week passed quietly.

Shen Lingxi was discharged from the hospital today. Qin lelan originally wanted to take her to live in his home. Who knew that her brother Lie had already arranged a place for Shen Lingxi and hired someone to take care of her.

Not only did he hire someone to take care of her, he also personally told the helper: "Miss Shen's health is not good. You must take good care of her these days."

Obviously he hoped that brother lie would settle Shen Lingxi well, but when he saw with his own eyes that brother lie took such careful care of other women, Qin lelan began to be jealous again.

She felt that she was really a strange woman. She was extremely confident in her daily life, but she always worried about gains and losses in her relationship with brother lie.

Maybe it's because brother lie now has a nominal fiancée, which makes her current identity very embarrassing, so she feels so insecure.

"Leran, don't worry, nothing is really wrong with me." Seeing that Qin leran was sullen and silent, Shen Lingxi thought she was worried, so she walked around twice in front of Qin leran, using practical actions to prove that she was really cured .

"Sister Lingxi..." My body is fine, but what about the scars in my heart? Can Longyi heal the hurt in sister Lingxi's heart?

In this week, Long Yi has not appeared again, and there has been no news. Sister Lingxi seems not to care, but Qin lelan can see that Sister Lingxi has been thinking about Long Yi.

"Leran, what's wrong?" Shen Lingxi asked gently.

"Sister Lingxi, when I'm not with you, you must take good care of yourself and don't get hurt again." Qin lelan gave Shen Lingxi a big hug.

"Yes! My Miss Qin!" Shen Lingxi said with a smile.

"Sister Lingxi, you are laughing at me!"

"Our Mr. President is here, how dare I laugh at the person he cares about most." When Shen Lingxi said this, Quan Nanzhai happened to walk towards them.

"Huh?" Quan Nanzhai answered, "Who bullied my family Ranran?"

"Who is your Ranran?" There is nothing between the two of them. Don't say such ambiguous words and let others misunderstand, okay?

"Isn't it? But everyone knows that you are my girl." Seeing Qin lelan's shy appearance rarely, Quan Nanzhai couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Quan Nanzhai, don't go too far." She gave him a warning look to save him face in front of outsiders. If they were alone, let's see how she "revenges" him.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore." Quan Nanzhai rubbed her head and took her hand, "Lingxi, let's leave first. I'll see you another day."

"Well, okay." Shen Lingxi walked them to the door and watched their car leave before turning back to the house.

As soon as he turned around, he hit a wall of flesh, causing Shen Lingxi's nose to suffer a heartbreaking pain.

She covered her sore nose and looked up to see a masked face.

She was so frightened that she stepped back, but the next moment she fell into the man's generous and strong embrace. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not escape.

In the past, when she didn't know that this man was Long Yi, whom she missed day and night, he would make her feel extremely sick if he touched her.

Now, she knows that he is the man she misses day and night. Although he has a different face, he is still the same man in his bones. When he meets her, she will no longer be as accepting as she was before, or even in her heart. She was willing to let him touch her.

When his body temperature and his breath gradually merged with hers, she seemed to smell the familiarity of Jiu Wei.

In the past, when they were together, he made her angry, and when she lost her temper with him, he held her in his arms forcefully and kissed her domineeringly regardless of her struggles and resistance.

Long Yi has always been a very strong and domineering man, so domineering that he would not tolerate her mentioning other men's names in front of him.

But he also loved her, holding her in his hands and feeling the pain. As long as he was around, no one would hurt a hair on her head.


He certainly didn't know that he was the one who hurt her the most in the end.

She was not too sad about being taken advantage of by the Shen family, because they didn't love her, and she didn't love them either, so she could watch their ruthlessness and not care.

Dragon Wings were different to her.

Long Yi has been her only support over the years, the person she loves deeply. In her opinion, even if everyone in the world may betray her and bully her, Long Yi will never, absolutely never!

She has always believed in Long Yi and his love for her so firmly.

However, he ultimately failed her in her love for him and her love for him...

Thinking of this, Shen Lingxi bit her lip hard and pushed away the man holding her with all her strength: "Get out! Don't let me see you! You devil!"

Half of Long Yi's face outside the mask was as cold as frost, and he looked at Shen Lingxi coldly.

His eyes were cold, but Shen Lingxi seemed to be able to see the tenderness in his cold eyes that only she could see in his eyes before.

My heart suddenly hurts.

It felt like someone was grabbing her in the palm of her hand, squeezing her tighter and tighter, so tight that every time she took a gentle breath, it hurt as if her heart was about to be crushed.

She didn't want to look at him or be affected by his eyes. She turned away and tried to avoid him.

However, she should know that Long Yi is definitely not a person who gives up easily, so before she turned around, Long Yi stretched out his long arm and pulled her body back.

Long Yi held her shoulders with both hands and looked at her steadily without blinking or speaking.

"I told you to let me go! Don't touch me! If you touch me, you'll feel dirty!" Shen Lingxi beat him and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"I was wrong! I misunderstood you without checking the facts!" Long Yi said, and every word that came out of his mouth was extremely heavy, "I'm sorry!"

He is an extremely proud man. I have never heard these three words from his mouth before, so it is not easy to say them from his mouth.

Just because she knew him well and knew how difficult it was for him to say these three words, Shen Lingxi's heart twitched again, and the pain made her panic.

"I'm sorry?" Shen Lingxi smiled, but she burst into tears.

Does he think saying sorry is enough?

Does he know how much psychological shadow he has caused to her?

This week, every time she fell asleep, she had the same dream, dreaming that she was being abused by a man wearing a mask whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Xiao Xi, I'm sorry!" Long Yi said again, it was still such a few simple words, and his voice was still low to the point of squeaking.

"I'm sorry? What are you sorry for?" Shen Lingxi yelled at him, her tears were like a flood, getting out of control.

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