Chapter 862: Give you happiness

Longyi: "..."

Long Yi was startled and looked at her quietly.

What is he sorry for her for?

Too many.

Even if he spends all the rest of his life trying to make up for her, I'm afraid it won't be enough to make up for the harm he's done to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... If sorry is useful, then what kind of laws and police are needed?"

"Is it true that those rapists have committed crimes and as long as they say sorry, the victims will forgive them?"

Without giving Long Yi a chance to speak, Shen Lingxi wiped her tears and roared over and over again, as if she was using this method to vent the grievances she had suffered by his side during this period.

Hearing her compare herself with those rapists, Long Yi's eyes darkened again, and his eyes became a little more lonely.

In fact, Shen Lingxi was right. Some time ago, he imprisoned her, refused to give her freedom, and did whatever he wanted to her. Those behaviors were simply worse than a beast. She used the metaphor of a rapist to describe him, and she still looked down upon him.

"Go away! Don't let me see you again! I beg you, please let me go, okay? I really don't want to see you again, not even a glance." She couldn't forget how much he treated her before. Well, so she was even more unable to accept the fact that the person who forced her was the person she loved.

During that time in Wushan, whenever she was bullied by him, she would silently recite Long Yi's name, imagining that the man in her body was her Long Yi.

She never thought that that person was indeed her Dragon Wing...

Long Yi's tall body stood in front of Shen Lingxi like a Mount Tai. No matter how hard she pushed, she couldn't move him at all.

After a long time, Long Yi spoke softly, still with three simple words: "I'm sorry!"

"I asked you what I'm sorry for?" Shen Lingxi didn't know what was wrong with herself, but she was so persistent in trying to get an answer from him.

Longyi: "..."

Longyi once again couldn't answer because he owed her so much that he was too ashamed to say anything.

Shen Lingxi bit her lip and asked aggressively: "You can't tell, right? Well, tell me, who are you? What is your relationship with me? Why do you have to say sorry to me?"

"For a long time, I didn't know who I was, and I couldn't even find the courage to live... But I never forgot that I still owed someone a promise. I said I wanted to make her happy, but I I haven't done it yet. I hope she can give me another chance to continue to finish what I haven't finished yet." Word after word came out of Long Yi's mouth slowly, hitting Shen Lingxi's heart.

Shen Lingxi clearly remembered that it was snowing heavily that day, and there was a white glow between the sky and the earth.

A man held her hand like a madman and ran through the thick snow. He ran to the top of the snow mountain, held her hand and shouted to the sky: "God is my witness, I, Long Yi, swear here today." , I will love Shen Lingxi for the rest of my life, and to make her happy, I will never allow anyone to do anything to hurt her again."

Such a childish thing was not something the always calm Long Yi would do, but for her, he did do such a childish thing.

Just when Shen Lingxi was looking at his side face in a daze, he suddenly turned his head and caught her eyes looking at him. He smiled: "Shen Lingxi, you will be my Longyi woman from now on. I will take care of you, I won't I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”

"Yeah." Although his words were extremely domineering, Shen Lingxi didn't care about him at all. She couldn't help but smile, "With you here, I won't be afraid." She put her slender hand into his, "Long Wing, I will also make you happy in the future.”

They promised each other to make each other happy, but soon after, a huge accident separated them.

She was waiting for him, waiting for her to come back; he was recovering from his injuries, looking forward to coming back to find her.

They are not together, but they are thinking about each other.

But no one expected that just the day before Long Yi was ready to come back from his injury, another incident happened.

He asked Long Tian to lead people to secretly investigate the extermination of the Long family. After half a year of investigation, he finally got a clue, and the information obtained directly pointed to Shen Lingxi's involvement in the extermination of the Long family.

In one year, the spiritual support that allowed him to endure the pain of changing his face became the main culprit for the Long family's destruction. When he saw the news, Long Yi only had one feeling, as if the sky was shaken and the earth was shaken. .

"Can you give me another chance?" After waiting for Shen Lingxi's answer for a long time, Long Yi clenched his fist and asked cautiously.

Shen Lingxi looked at him. He had a different face and a different voice, but the way he looked at her remained the same, letting her see the tenderness in his eyes only for her.

"Is that okay?" He asked again, his tone more cautious, as if he was worried that if he asked her a little louder, he might scare her.

Shen Lingxi did not answer him with words, but involuntarily stretched out her hand, slowly approached, slowly approached, and finally fell on his half-masked face.

A year ago, something happened to the Long family. When she got the news and rushed there, the Long family's house was burned down. There were more than a dozen charred corpses in the house. It was unclear who was who. Later, a DNA test was conducted and it was determined that all the corpses were dead. He is from the Long family.

They were all from the Long family, but it was impossible to tell who was who, so Shen Lingxi didn't know whether her Long Yi was still alive or died in the fire.

Because she didn't know, she deceived herself and told herself that her Dragon Wing was so good, he would be fine, he would be fine.

With this belief, she was waiting for him for a whole year.

Now, it's not easy to wait until he comes back, even if he has a different face, even if he does something to hurt her.

She still couldn't blame him.

Often her body is more honest than her mind. Before she could say anything, her hands had already touched his face.

The pain of changing faces is so heartbreaking.

"Xiao Xi..."

"I will also make you happy." This was her answer to him.

"Ranran?" Seeing Qin leran lowering her little head, Quan Nanzhai reached out and patted her head. The little girl didn't respond, still pouting dully.

"Of course, what's wrong?" Quan Nanzhai held her face and asked again.

"Nothing." Qin lelan said dullly.

"Nothing?" All the emotions of this girl are reflected on this face. How could there be nothing?

"I just suddenly felt depressed and felt a little uncomfortable." Qin leran raised his head and met Quan Nanzhai's gentle eyes.

Quan Nanzhai understood what she was thinking and what she was worried about. He stroked her head and said softly: "Of course, give brother lie some more time, okay?"

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