My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 864 Accidentally provoked two tigers

Chapter 864: Accidentally provoked two tigers

Qin leran's back was chilled by the look next to him. When he looked sideways, he saw brother lie looking at her deeply.

Both father and brother lie are not easy to mess with. How could she touch their tiger whiskers so easily.

She smiled playfully at him, pretending that she had not said anything, and continued to talk to her father: "Dad, don't be silent. When you don't speak, I get flustered and feel like an unloved child. Dad, I am your cute and sensible baby, please pay attention to me."

In comparison, her father was more important. Qin leran decided to comfort her arrogant father first. As for brother lie, she had many ways to coax him, so she just put him aside for now.

"Yeah." Qin Yue hummed such a syllable, not sure whether he believed her explanation or not.

Qin leran pursed his lips angrily and shrugged helplessly. Facing such a cold, talkative and very arrogant father every day was really hard on her beautiful and gentle mother-in-law.

If her strong brother was like her father, she would definitely collapse.


"Tell the boy next to you that what I said was definitely not a joke."

"What words?"

Then, Qin leran's answer was the busy signal of hanging up the phone.

Woo woo woo...

She is so pitiful, she is just a pitiful child who has no one to love her. After so many days, her father is still angry with her.

Her father didn't even say goodbye to her, but hung up the phone on her.

She looked at Quan Nanzhai sadly and pouted: "Brother Lie, it's all your fault!"

"I heard that I was with another woman behind your back?" Quan Nanzhai is also very vindictive. He has not forgotten the behavior of the little girl who dragged him into the water just now.

"Brother Lie, I know you like me so much. How could you go behind my back to find another woman? Tell me who said that to you, and I will help you deal with her." Qin lelan raised his head to please With a smile on her face, she was ready to pretend to be stupid with him to the end. As long as she acted coquettishly, brother lie would never punish her.

"Without your help, I will personally 'clean up' the little villain who said that I am good with other women." Quan Nanzhai deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "clean up", which made Qin lelan feel scared. Before she could When he knew what he was afraid of, Quan Nanzhai told her with practical actions.

He said "clean it up", but it couldn't be more obscene. This was the first time Qin lelan encountered such a thing in his life. He was dumbfounded for a moment, so nervous that he was at a loss. He could only let brother lie go over and over again. "Take care of" her.

When brother lie finally let her go, Qin leran was so ashamed that he was blushing all over and lowered his head without even daring to look at him.

She swore that she would never dare to mess with him again.

Brother lie, the big bad wolf in sheep's clothing!

She was still a simple child, how could he "take care of" her in such a shameful way?

"do you like it?"

Suddenly, Brother Lie's magnetic voice with a bass bubble effect came from above his head.

As soon as the sound came into her ears, Qin lelan suddenly became drunk. She looked at him and nodded stupidly. Soon she felt something was wrong and shook her head hard: "No, I don't like it."

She is not a masochist, how could she like brother lie bullying her like that.

Just now his hands were...

I don’t have the face to think about it anymore.

At this time, Qin leran touched his hot face, and he could almost imagine that he must have turned into a familiar shrimp.

"Don't like it?" Quan Nanzhai asked again.

Qin leran felt that brother lie was approaching her again, so close that she could feel his breath spraying on the base of her ears, which tickled her little heart.

She felt her face getting redder, so red that it looked like she could bleed.

This look must be very funny and ridiculous.

The next moment, Quan Nanzhai picked her up and sat on his lap. Somewhere in his body expressed to her very strongly how much he wanted to love her.

"Brother Lie... don't do this!" Qin lelan exclaimed, putting his hands on his chest, too scared to move.

She has always underestimated how strong a man can be when he wants a woman. He is so strong that she cannot tolerate her rejection. She feels that all her senses are invaded by his breath.

"Little girl, there will be no next time." His heart, his body, and every cell in his body were shouting. He wanted her, wanted to turn her into his own woman, and turn her into his completely. , interrupting everyone's thoughts about her.

But in the end, his reason defeated his impulse. How could he eat the little girl so casually before he gave her an upright identity.

Qin leran patted his frightened little heart. Fortunately, brother lie was not such a beast, but when he calmed down, he felt a trace of unspeakable disappointment.

She didn't know why.

At the same time, Mr. Qin, who had just hung up the phone with his daughter, was not having a good time either.

When he hung up the phone on his daughter, who knew that his wife was standing at the door of the study and looking at her intently.

He felt a little guilty when she saw it, and asked, "It's late, why don't you go to bed?"

Jian Ran still didn't speak, just looked at him.

Qin Yue put down the documents in his hands and walked to her side: "Jian Ran, what's wrong? What happened? Why don't you speak?"

Jian Ran pursed her lips and remained silent.

Qin Yue reached out to hug her, but she stepped back and said, "If I don't speak, will you think something happened? Are you feeling panicked?"

"Yes." Qin Yue answered honestly.

"You know this feeling is uncomfortable, so why are you ignoring the baby? She is alone in a foreign country, and her parents are not around. If you call her and don't talk to her properly, do you know how sad she will be?"

Jian Ran often wanted to beat up this man with extremely low emotional intelligence. He clearly cared about his daughter more than anyone else, yet he still wanted to treat her like that. If one day her daughter really ignored him, he would hide in the toilet. Go ahead and cry, she will never pity him.

"I..." Qin Yue was speechless.

Jian Ran gave him a big eye roll: "You don't know? Do you think she doesn't care about you as her father now that she has her strong brother? Let me tell you, Mr. Qin, are you naive? Our baby Ran was born to you. The child is the child you raised with your own hands, how could she not want you?"

"I just can't stand that boy. Why does he get the favor of my precious daughter?" It's because Qin lelan is the child he worked so hard to raise. He ran so far to find that boy when he just became an adult. Every time he thinks about it, Qin Yue feels like he is My heart was soaked in a jar of vinegar, bubbling with sourness.

Jian Ran didn't agree with Qin Yue's point of view: "What's wrong with Lie? I think he's pretty good. Ranran has loved us since childhood, and he loved Ranran a lot last time. He's been very kind to us these days. However, the protection is great, and the more I look at it, the more satisfied I am.”

Qin Yue glanced at Jian Ran dissatisfied. She was a typical mother-in-law who became more and more satisfied with her son-in-law.

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