Chapter 865: Unreasonable woman

"What are you looking at? Do you think I'm wrong?" Qin Yue is very stubborn on this matter. Jian Ran has tried to persuade him many times, but he still doesn't like Lie.

Qin Yue: "..."

Jian Ran said softly: "Are you not speaking? Are you protesting to me?"

Qin Yue: "..."

Jian Ran: "Mr. Qin, if you are dissatisfied, just say it. Let's have a good talk. Do you want to be sulky with me by being so silent?"

Qin Yue: "I'm not."

Jian Ran: "What are you not?"

Qin Yue: "I think you are right."

Hearing Qin Yue's words, Jian Ran really didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "If you are dissatisfied, just say so. I am not an unreasonable woman."

Qin Yue said lightly: "Isn't it?"

"What?" Jian Ran raised her eyebrows and suddenly smiled softly, "I just found out today that I am an unreasonable woman in the eyes of our President Qin."

Qin Yue realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately explained: "I didn't mean that."

Jian Ran smiled more gently, her beautiful eyes seemed to be filled with sparkling stars: "Mr. Qin, tell me, what do you mean?"

Qin Yue: "..."

In front of Jian Ran, his good eloquence was always unable to be used.

Jian Ran smiled: "Huh? Don't Mr. Qin plan to explain it?"

Qin Yue: "..."

Jian Ran said again: "Mr. Qin, please be busy with your work. Your son and I will go out to play for two days. Goodbye!"

After saying that, no matter what Qin Yue's face was, Jian Ran turned around and walked out.

She came to the little cutie's room: "Son, clean up, let's go find your sister."

The little cutie looked up, frowned, and asked, "Mom, does my little aunt always talk to you recently?"

Jian Ran was stunned: "I asked you to go out with me, why did you suddenly mention your little aunt?"

The little cutie said seriously: "As far as I know, only my little aunt can do such a childish thing as running away from home. My mother is gentle and generous and will never do such a thing."

Jian Ran rubbed the little cutie's face and said with a smile: "Little cutie, you are calling your mother childish."

The little cutie shook her head: "I'm talking about my mother being gentle and generous, but my little aunt is childish."

Jian Ran chuckled: "Little guy, you can talk much better than your stinky dad."

Her son looks as aloof as his father, but his emotional intelligence is much higher than that of his father, and his words are sincere and lovable.

The little cutie then said: "Mom, besides, are you really willing to leave your father and take me away from home?"

Without waiting for his mother's answer, just by looking at her troubled eyes, the little cutie knew that his mother would never let go of his father.

Furthermore, even if his mother really wants to run away from home, can his father let her go?

Look, look, what did he say? As soon as my mother arrived, my father came after me.

Jian Ran was a little entangled: "Why did your father say that I am an unreasonable woman? If I don't get angry with him, he will bully me in the future."

The little cutie winked at her mother, signaling that there was someone behind her.

Jian Ran was still a little angry, knowing that Qin Yue was chasing him, but she didn't want to look back at him.

Qin Yue walked to her side and reached out to hold her hand: "I was just joking with you. As for making it so serious that I run away from home?"

Jian Ran remained silent, how could anyone joke like this.

Qin Yue said softly: "Even if you are unreasonable, even if you have various shortcomings, what does it matter?"

Jian Ran rolled her eyes at him: "How come it doesn't matter? Does this matter to my reputation?"

Over the years, she had been working hard to become a woman worthy of him, but she didn't want her years of hard work to be negated just because of his words.

Qin Yue added: "No matter what you look like, you are my Qin Yue's wife, the woman I like, and the woman I want to take care of for the rest of my life."

Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled like a child: "You can still say nice things to make me happy. Well, I forgive you this time."

Qin Yue stroked her head: "Are you not angry anymore?"

Jian Ran pretended to be confused: "Is anyone angry just now?"

Qin Yue shook his head. No wonder their daughter often played the trick of pretending to be confused. It turned out that she learned it from his wife.

I once heard someone say that if a woman can still smile like a child after many years of marriage, then her married life must be happy.

Others have said that if a woman can occasionally act like a child after being married for many years, then she must be held in the palm of her husband's hand.

Over the years, hasn't Jian Ran been held in the palm of his hand by Mr. Qin who was not very good at words and felt pain?

She understands in her heart, so she will cherish each other's feelings even more.

Needless to say, Shen Lingxi already had an idea of ​​what Long Yi had experienced in the year since the Long family was called.

But after learning that his face had been burned by the fire, and that Mr. Meng had implanted another face on him, and it took him nearly a year to grow like a normal person, Shen Lingxi still turned pale with distress.

Cut off the burned dead skin, and then transplant the skin from the thigh to the face. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to being reborn and starting a new life.

That kind of pain is probably not something ordinary people can endure by gritting their teeth.

"It hurts!" After touching Long Yi's face for a long time, Shen Lingxi choked and said these three words. As soon as the three words were spoken, her tears fell even more.

"It doesn't hurt!" Long Yi shook his head and reached out to hold Shen Lingxi's hand that was wandering around his face. In order to comfort her, he emphasized, "It really doesn't hurt."

"How could it not hurt!" Shen Lingxi wiped away her tears and bit her lip to control herself from crying.

"It's all over." Long Yi said again, feeling calm about the injuries he had suffered, but Shen Lingxi's tears made him overwhelmed. He wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to comfort him.

After a long time, Shen Lingxi calmed down the emotions that almost collapsed: "The fire was so big, and everyone in the Long family was gone, how could it not hurt."

It was not just the physical pain, but the despair and pain in his heart that was the most terrifying. But when he was so desperate and scared, she was not by his side.

A year ago, she desperately searched for him, hoping to stand by his side and accompany him to bear the pain of the Long family being exterminated.

But Long Yi seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the world, and she couldn't find him no matter how hard she looked.

"At least I still have you!" Long Yi stretched out his hand and wanted to hold her in his arms, but he thought of the hateful things he had done to her before, and his outstretched hand stayed between him and her. Don't dare to take the next step.

"I will stay with you from now on." In this month, Long Yi had deeply hurt her. She hated him and even thought about never forgiving him for the rest of her life.

But every time she thought about how he had been living in a fiery hell during this year, it was too late for her to feel sorry for him, so she couldn't bear to blame him.

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