My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 866 Successful application

Chapter 866: Successful application

"Little..." Long Yi opened his mouth, but was too excited to call out Shen Lingxi's name.

He looked at her quietly, at her smooth forehead, at her slender eyebrows, at her dark eyes...

She was still the Shen Lingxi he knew, and she had not changed at all from the one he remembered. However, because of a false information, he mistakenly believed that she was the culprit who destroyed the Long family, and imprisoned her without further investigation. It hurt so deeply.

"Long Yi, I will accompany you from now on!" Long Yi didn't take action, so Shen Lingxi took the initiative to hand her hand over to him and emphasized again.

Her hands were very thin and small. With a gentle squeeze, he could wrap her entire palm in his palm, as if she was several sizes smaller than him.

"Okay!" One word came out of Long Yi's mouth, hoarse as if his throat had been burned.

In the future, he could still have her by his side, and his heart suddenly felt much quieter. No matter how difficult the road ahead was, he would have enough courage to go on.

"Have you... eaten?" Shen Lingxi asked after looking at each other for a long time, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Not yet." He shook his head.

"Then I'll go cook. You wait a moment." Shen Lingxi rolled up her sleeves and was about to enter the kitchen. As soon as she took a step, she was grabbed back by Long Yi.

He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly: "Xiao Xi, let me hug you."

At this moment, he still couldn't believe that she forgave him so easily.

He thought she would never forgive him, or even hate him.

Unexpectedly, the kind-hearted woman not only did not blame him, but also felt sorry for the suffering he had suffered.

He always knew that she was a kind girl, but...

Thinking of what he had done like an animal during this period, he felt so regretful that his intestines turned green, and he could only hug her tighter and tighter.

Shen Lingxi is only about 1.63 meters tall, while Long Yi is about 1.85 meters tall. She is more than 20 centimeters shorter than him. When she was held in his arms, her head was just right on his chest.

Smelling his breath, Shen Lingxi rubbed greedily on his chest. The heart that had never been at peace in the past year finally found a harbor at this moment.

She was alive again.

She is no longer the Shen Lingxi who lives like a walking zombie, but a Shen Lingxi who is flesh and blood, a Shen Lingxi who can still love.

After finally escaping from brother lie's clutches and returning home, Qin lelan received another call from Yaya as soon as he entered the room.

Yaya happily told Qin lelan that she had succeeded in the interview and was going to treat her to celebrate.

Yaya was treating guests, so Qin lelan had no reason not to go, so she picked up her backpack and rushed to the place agreed by Yaya.

When she arrived, Yaya, Da Zhuang, and Xiao Xiao all arrived.

Da Zhuang said: "I just say that our Yaya is very powerful. As long as she wants to, there is nothing she can't do."

Xiao Xiao, who always likes to throw cold water on everyone, knows how to say nice things today: "Well, our Yaya is the best."

"Yeah, Sister Yaya is the best. I really feel lucky to know Sister Yaya." As soon as he entered the private room, Qin lelan joined everyone in the speech contest.

"Here comes Xiao Jiantan." The three of them looked over and greeted enthusiastically, "Come and order, try to choose the more expensive ones. From now on, our Yaya will be a person with a job and a fixed salary. She is not bad. Point money."

"Then I'm not welcome." It's a bit expensive, but it's really nothing expensive for Qin lelan, but in her heart, everyone's relationship is the most precious and priceless.

Each person ordered a dish they liked. Yaya was so happy that she generously added two more dishes and said boldly: "Waiter, please open another bottle of your most expensive red wine for me."

Da Zhuang quickly stopped him: "Waiter, don't listen to her, just serve us the food."

Yaya was dissatisfied: "Dazhuang, why are you stopping me? Are you afraid that I can't afford to borrow money from you?"

Da Zhuang said again: "Ya Ya, you didn't apply for the job successfully, but you found a treasure."

Several of them are children from rural areas. They usually live frugally and try to choose affordable places when they go out to eat.

Today they chose a relatively high-end restaurant and ordered the most expensive wine. Does Yaya plan to use a year's salary to pay off the debt?

Yaya nodded and said with a smile: "You are really right, I really found a treasure."

She successfully applied for the job and passed the entrance examination. She can officially go to work tomorrow as the general manager's secretary. She can see the man she wants to see every day. What else is it if she doesn't find a treasure?

Xiao Xiao asked: "What kind of company is it? Is it really as good as you say?"

"Hehe..." Yaya glanced at Qin leran, scratched her head sheepishly, and said, "Actually, you should all have heard of this company."

"Yuepan Real Estate, a subsidiary of Shengtian?" Seeing Yaya's blushing face, Qin lelan estimated that she was going after Qin Yinze.

"Well, congratulations on getting the answer right!" Yaya said.

"Sister Yaya, are you really going?" Qin leran was a little surprised. At least to her, Qin Yinze's charm was not so great that someone liked him so much that they would rather give up their major to be his secretary.

Of course, that's because Qin leran doesn't understand Qin Yinze's charm too much. It's not that she doesn't understand it, but that her heart is already filled with her brother, and others are certainly not good enough.

In the past few years, there have been too many women who wanted to be secretaries for the eldest young master of the Qin family, but many of them were just flamboyant figures who failed to get the job in the end. But Yaya was lucky. She applied for the job in the first try and passed the entrance examination. .

"I think you have to work hard to get what you want, and you can't always rely on luck." Yaya became more and more excited as she spoke, "Look, the first step I took was successful, and I will continue to work hard in the future. of."

"A subsidiary of Shengtian?" It took Da Zhuang and Xiao Xiao a long time to react, and their mouths opened wide in surprise.

Da Zhuang said again: "Yaya, are you sure it is Yuepan Real Estate, a subsidiary of Shengtian? How can such a large chaebol group recruit some non-professionals? I say you must look for it, and you must not be deceived. ”

Shengtian Group is a well-known chaebol group in the world. Their leader has been at the top of the wealth list for many years in a row. Ranking far ahead, no one has been able to shake his position so far.

"Sister Yaya, you have to be careful and don't let anyone fool you." There is something in Qin lelan's words, and he is afraid that Yaya will be confused by the illusion created by Qin Yinze.

But thinking about it more carefully, Qin Yinze didn't show any special expression in front of Yaya. Maybe she was overthinking it.

If Yaya can catch up with Qin Yinze and Qin Yinze can like Yaya, it will be good for a girl like Yaya to be her sister-in-law in the future.

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