My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 867 Weird Runaway from Home

Chapter 867: Weird runaway from home

A meal ends in a pleasant atmosphere.

When they broke up, Yaya gave Qin leran a big hug: "little jealousy, I won't hide it from you. I went to work in Shengtian's subsidiary just to chase your brother. But no matter what happens between me and your brother , I hope we can all be lifelong friends.”

Qin lelan smiled and said, "Sister Yaya, of course, as long as you don't blame me, you will always be my good friend."

Before, Qin leran was still worried, worried that Yaya would be so impulsive and fruitless, and she would be blamed. Now that Yaya said this, Qin leran's worries were completely eliminated.

On the way home, Qin lelan once again lamented that the biggest gain from coming to country A was meeting Yaya and their three good friends.

In today's society that is full of material temptations, it is really rare to be able to make simple and simple friends like Yaya and the others.

"Qin leran..."

Hearing a crisp, childish voice calling his name, Qin lelan looked up and saw Zhan Limo, the young master of the Zhan family, standing at the entrance of the elevator.

Seeing the seven-year-old little guy here alone, Qin leran didn't think it was strange. He stepped forward and pinched his face: "little guy, I'm older than you. If you want to call me sister, you can't call me by my name."

Zhan Limo corrected him: "Of course, I am your elder."

Qin leran pinched his face hard: "stinky boy, you are my aunt's son, that is my cousin. Who is not an elder? Do you deserve a beating?"

At the end of the war, he said, "my father is your uncle. Do you think I am your elder?"

Qin leran: "..."

This little guy is only seven years old, but his logical analysis ability is really good, and it's really not that easy to fool him.

Qin leran rubbed his little head and sighed: "It's such a complicated relationship. Forget it, since you are still a little kid, I won't argue with you."

"What do you mean you don't care about me?" Zhan Limo was unwilling to accept her concession and insisted on having a good debate with Qin leran.

"Then, you little man, can you stop arguing with me and call me sister?" He didn't want Qin leran to let him, but Qin lelan was happy that he let her.

Zhan Limo said: "Dad is right. The women of the Qin family really like to take advantage of the men of our Zhan family."

This is the case for his mother who often competes with him for sweets, and the same is true for the Qin family's Qin lelan, who looks sweeter and cuter than her mother.

They just took advantage of their cute and innocent-looking faces to brutally kill all the men in their Zhan family.

"Ha, brat, it turns out that this is how your father taught you behind my back." Qin Xiaobao suddenly jumped out, reached out and patted Zhan Limo on the head, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Zhan Limo shrank his head and avoided Qin Xiaobao's claws: "Mom, you are tired of playing the game of running away from home again. I am tired of it. I think Dad will be tired of it too. Be careful what day he comes. I really make up my mind to never talk to you again.”

Qin Xiaobao put his hands on his waist and pretended to be vicious and said: "You brat, if you're tired of it, go back. Don't follow me if you can. Don't refute me. If you refute again, I'll sell you to someone else as your son." .”

At the end of the war, he silently complained: "What a heartless mother. But I don't blame you, it's also my fault that I ran too fast when I was reincarnated and didn't see my belly clearly."

Qin Xiaobao: "Smelly boy, you are despising your mother."

At the end of the war: "How dare I dislike you?"

Qin Xiaobao: "That's pretty much it."

At the end of Zhan Li's battle, he said: "If possible, I really want to change to a gentle and virtuous mother like Da Ranran."

Qin Xiaobao was angry: "You brat, you... don't follow me anymore. I will never admit that you are my son."

At the end of the war, he said again: "Very good, I don't want others to know that you are my mother."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

She was so angry at her own son that she was speechless.

One is in his thirties, and the other is only seven years old. Qin leran is really impressed that he can argue for so long.

It is estimated that the mother and son could not finish arguing for a while. Qin lelan coughed lightly and said, "little aunt, Zhan Xiaomo, if you want to quarrel, just do it slowly. I'll go home first."

"Of course, you are not allowed to leave. You have to stay and be our referee." This time, the mother and son spoke in unison, with a very tacit understanding.

"Okay, I won't leave." Qin lelan knew this was the result, and said, "Since you mother and son have run away from home and come to me, then go back with me."

"Our baby Ran is the best." Qin Xiaobao hugged Qin leran and came forward to touch her face. "Let's go, let's go to your home."

Back home, Qin lelan poured a glass of water for Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Limo, and asked, "little aunt, how did my uncle and grandpa offend you this time?"

Qin Xiaobao drank water: "Guess."

Qin leran thought for a while and said, "do you think he has a woman outside?"

Qin Xiaobao rolled his eyes at her with disgust: "Guess again."

Qin lelan thought about it again and said, "little aunt, are you not as considerate to you as before?"

"Guess again."

"Does he dislike your bad temper?"


"What is that?" Qin lelan really couldn't guess, because she knew that her little aunt's reasons for running away from home were all kinds of strange, which kept refreshing her knowledge.

Qin Xiaobao put down the water glass heavily: "He lied."

Qin lelan expressed doubts: "how could my uncle deceive you? What did he deceive you about?"

Qin Xiaobao held his face and said, "That old bastard Zhan Nianbei said my skin is better than when I was eighteen."

As soon as Qin Xiaobao said these words, Zhan Limo, who was sitting next to her, immediately rolled his eyes. His mother was really a leader in the weird world.

His father must have said this because he wanted to praise his wife for her good skin. I wonder if his mother was just pretending to be stupid, so she was so angry that she ran away from home.

It was his father who could tolerate such an unreasonable woman. If he were to marry such a wife in the future... No, he would never marry such an unreasonable wife. He needs a gentle, kind-hearted woman who can also run the house as his wife.

Similarly, Qin leran's reaction was similar to that of the little Zhan Limo. He said in surprise: "Little aunt, my uncle is praising you. Where did you think of it?"

"It's not that I'm thinking about it, but that old bastard Zhan Nianbei is hurting me." Qin Xiaobao took Qin lelan's hand and put it on his face, saying, "Of course, please touch and look at my How’s your skin?”

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