Chapter 869: Chasing after her

Back in the room, Qin Xiaobao immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a very familiar phone number.

As soon as I dialed the call, the person on the other side answered the phone immediately, and a man's slightly high-pitched voice came from the phone: "Thank you and your son for your hard work."

Hearing his voice, Qin Xiaobao's lips unconsciously raised a sweet smile, but she was unwilling to reveal how happy she was to hear his voice.

She snorted softly and said: "Hard work is secondary. Let your son think that I am just a mother who runs away from home easily. He will dislike me very much. This is the most important thing."

Zhan Nianbei said: "If that boy dares to dislike you, come back and see if I don't beat his ass to pieces."

"Zhan Nianbei, how dare you!" Zhan Nianbei just said that, and Qin Xiaobao felt very sorry for his son. "I can't bear to touch the son I gave birth to. How dare you touch a hair on his face?"

Zhan Nianbei was helpless. She was the one who said bad things about their son, and she was the one who regarded their son as a treasure. Women are so unreasonable.

In order not to worry his wife, he added: "My wife is so good and capable. In the future, my son will know that his mother is actually a gentle, virtuous and good mother."

Although he knew that the other party was coaxing him, Qin Xiaobao was still happy, and the corners of his lips were raised a little more proudly: "Old man Zhan, don't say all these nice things. When we return to Jiangbei, you will definitely make up for my losses."

Zhan Nianbei: "No need to go back to Jiangbei. Now that you come out, I can make up for your losses."

Qin Xiaobao: "Liar. Make me happy again. Do you think I will be as stupid as last time?"

Zhan Nianbei: "When did I seriously lie to you?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Do you have to distinguish whether you are serious or not when you lie to me?"

Zhan Nianbei nodded: "Of course."

Qin Xiaobao added: "Old man Zhan, I'm going downstairs now. If you're not here when I go, I'll really run away from home. Don't blame me."

Zhan Nianbei: "Come quickly."

Downstairs, Qin Xiaobao stood at the entrance and exit of the door, looking left and right, but she didn't see the Zhan Nianbei she was looking for.

"Old bastard, you are lying to me again." Qin Xiaobao cursed through gritted teeth and turned to leave. Unexpectedly, when she turned around, she saw Zhan Nianbei standing behind her.

He smiled: "Are you surprised to see me?"

Qin Xiaobao glared at him: "Are you naive to learn the games I played?"

Zhan Nianbei shook his head: "No."

Qin Xiaobao smiled and snuggled into his arms: "Old man Zhan, why did you come to country A? Don't tell me that you regret letting me take my son back to the place of my birth."

If he remembered correctly, his status as a soldier did not allow him to go abroad to a foreign country at will. It was unexpected that Zhan Nianbei would pursue him so quickly.

When Qin Xiaobao ran away from home, she chose a foreign country. The purpose was to wait for Zhan Nianbei to get her certificate and come after her, so that her anger would dissipate and avoid a quarrel between the two.

Even though she always runs away from home, she always considers when she leaves home, instead of just leaving on a whim and never coming back.

"If I don't chase you, what if you, mother and son, are abducted by others?" The reason he said was the reason Zhan Nianbei could tell Qin Xiaobao, but in fact, the real reason Zhan Nianbei couldn't mention to Qin Xiaobao.

This time he took the initiative to ask Qin Xiaobao to bring his son to country A. The real reason was related to the death of Qin Xiaobao's parents more than thirty years ago.

Back then, Qin Xiaobao's parents were arrested by Zhan Nianbei's father, and both of them died in prison. Therefore, no one questioned the couple's spy identities.

But not long ago, Zhan Nianbei received an anonymous email. The mysterious person said in the email that Qin Xiaobao's parents were probably not spies. They were stand-ins for real spies.

What happened back then has been too long, Qin Xiaobao has already let it go, and Zhan Nianbei doesn't want to do anything more, but he learned that this matter is related to the Shen family of country A and the new president, so it is related to Qin lelan, the baby of their family.

So Zhan Nianbei immediately found Qin Yue and discussed with him via video. After the discussion, they unanimously decided to clarify what happened back then to prevent potential dangers around Qin leran.

Not many people know about the spies from more than thirty years ago, and the information is even more limited. It is very difficult to find out all the connections in this matter.

And because this matter cannot be known to too many irrelevant people, and because it requires people who are familiar with it, Zhan Nianbei is the best candidate.

However, as the top commander of the Jiangbei Military Region, Zhan Nianbei not only could not leave the country at will, but if he entered country A for military reasons, he would definitely attract a lot of attention, so they asked Qin Xiaobao to set off to country A first.

Qin Xiaobao came to Country A with his son first. Legend has it that the henpecked Army Commander came after his wife, so many other motives could be ruled out and it wouldn't be that troublesome.

Qin Xiaobao patted Zhan Nianbei on the shoulder and said, "You are still a little nervous. But don't worry, even if I run away with someone, your son will definitely catch me back."

Zhan Nianbei smiled and said, "Well, thank you for giving birth to such a smart and responsible son."

Qin Xiaobao: "Is it enough to just say thank you?"

Zhan Nianbei: "When I return to Jiangbei, I will satisfy you tenfold."

Qin Xiaobao: "Tch, Zhan Nianbei, where have you been thinking about? That's not what I'm talking about."

Zhan Nianbei expressed even more confusion: "Which aspect?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Asshole, you ask questions knowingly."

Seeing Qin Xiaobao blushing with anger, Zhan Nianbei was in a good mood and laughed heartily: "Okay, let's go upstairs. I haven't seen our baby Ran for a long time. Let's see if the little girl misses me. ?”

Qin Xiaobao said dissatisfied: "Zhan Nianbei, you only know about Ran Baobao, and you haven't even mentioned seeing our son."

Zhan Nianbei raised his eyebrows: "Are you jealous of this too?"

Qin Xiaobao refused to admit it: "No. I just think you don't care enough about our son."

Zhan Nianbei stopped, held Qin Xiaobao's face, asked her to look at him, and said seriously: "Li Mo is the son you worked so hard to give birth to for me, how could I not love him. In my heart, Nothing is more important than you two, mother and son."

Zhan Nianbei had never said such sensational words before. Hearing Qin Xiaobao's soft heart, he still said hard: "Old man Zhan, don't speak so disgustingly. I won't accept your words."

Zhan Nianbei is not a person who likes to talk nonsense. He was even more uncomfortable when he was asked to say these two sentences. He held Qin Xiaobao's hand and said, "Let's go and see our baby Ran."

Qin Xiaobao was led by him, and the two of them walked into the community together. She chirped beside him: "I still remember that the baby was so small and so big, so soft and cute. How long has it been since she grew up? He ran to find his sweetheart."

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