Chapter 870: Missing

When Qin leran was born, Qin leran was the only child in the Qin family and the Zhan family.

People and things have always valued rarity. Everyone held the little Qin leran in their hands and felt pain.

Everyone pampers the child who grows up together. No matter how old she grows or how far she goes, she will still be a soft child in the eyes of adults.

As long as it is related to Qin lelan, everyone wants to help her and clear all the obstacles ahead for her, so that she can live a good life every day in the future.

Seeing Zhan Nianbei coming, Qin lelan was as excited as a child. He threw himself into his uncle's arms and rolled around on his chest like he did when he was a child: "Uncle, you are too fast. Well. Not long after my little aunt and Xiao Limo arrived, you came after me. But I don’t care, you all have to stay with me for a few days. It’s too boring for me to live here alone.”

It had been a long, long time since she had acted coquettishly in front of her uncle and grandpa. Thinking about the happy days in the past, she really missed them.

Zhan Nianbei patted her on the head: "Of course, as long as you don't drive us away, our family of three will stay here with you this time."

"Uncle, you know how to make me happy." He is the first commander of the Jiangbei Military Region. He needs to make decisions on many things, so he has no time to spend with her.

"Well, let me calculate, we should stay with you for at least a week." Zhan Nianbei estimated that it would take at least a week to find out the truth of what happened back then.

"Uncle, it's settled. You can't go back on your word." Being in a foreign country with relatives by your side is not a good feeling.

Normally I don’t feel how much I miss my relatives thousands of miles away. When my relatives come around, I realize that I actually miss them very much.

It's just that when I'm alone, I'm used to being strong and carrying everything alone, so I forget that there is a home behind me and a group of family members to rely on.

The arrival of Zhan Nianbei's family of three made Qin leran miss his parents especially. He returned to the room and lay on the bed to dial his mother's phone.

As soon as the call was connected, she shouted in a soft and waxy voice: "Mom..."

It is said that the best friend is Mo Ruomu. Just by listening to the two words Qin lelan called her, Jian Ran could tell that her mood was not very good: "Of course, what's wrong? Why have you been wronged?"

Hearing her mother's voice, Qin leran's nose became sore and she almost shed tears, but luckily she controlled it in time: "I didn't suffer any grievances, I just missed you so much suddenly."

"Of course, are you being wronged by Lie?" Although Jian Ran has a very good impression of Lie, if he makes her precious daughter sad, then the impression score, no matter how high, will be reduced to zero.

"How could it be Brother Lie..." Qin lelan retorted immediately, but the more she spoke, the softer her voice became. Maybe her sudden homesickness had something to do with Brother Lie.

She has been in country A for several months, and the Spring Festival is getting closer, but her relationship with brother lie has made no progress at all.

There were too many things between them, and it would be impossible to clear them away for a while, and her heart would not be able to calm down.

"Of course, don't worry, everything will be fine. If you like him, then trust him and give him some more time. He will definitely be able to resolve the obstacles between you." Based on Jianran's understanding of Lie, he was reluctant to give in. Qin leran was wronged.

He is reluctant to let Qin leran be wronged, but Qin leran still feels wronged, which must be related to the unclear identities of the two of them.

Back then, she just couldn't trust Qin Yue 100%, and she didn't believe enough that Qin Yue could handle the things that were happening between them, so she stupidly was threatened by others and filed for divorce from Qin Yue.

Although Qin Yue had some manipulation in that divorce and it was just a fake divorce, Jian Ran still blames herself every time she thinks about it.

If she could have trusted Qin Yue 100% back then and believed in his ability to handle the matters between them, there would have been fewer twists and turns between them and they would not have lost the child.

Qin leran is her daughter. She hopes that her daughter can do what she failed to do before. She also hopes that her daughter's love can be smooth sailing and not be as troubled as her.

After hearing what her mother said, Qin lelan's heart suddenly became enlightened. She pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Mom, are you sent by Tathagata Buddha? How come you know everything I'm thinking in my mind?"

Jian Ran said gently: "I am not sent by Tathagata Buddha. You are my daughter and I am your mother. If I don't understand you, who will understand you?"

Qin lelan nodded hard: "Mom is right, dad doesn't understand me, he always gets angry with me, and he doesn't like brother lie."

Jian Ran: "Ahem..."

Ranran honey, when you complain about your dad, you first have to make sure that he is not here. If you don't even make sure, then you complain about his bad things. Now he will probably be angry for a month.

Qin leran: "..."

After receiving her mother's prompt, Qin leran's words were almost finished. She could imagine how dark her father's face was at this time.


She wailed silently.

But as smart as she is, she quickly thought of a countermeasure and immediately added: "Although my father often has a bad temper with me, and although he doesn't like brother lie... But in my heart, he is still the most handsome father in the world." , no one can compare with him.”

With such praise, Father's expression should have softened a lot.

"Well, I also think he is the best husband in the world!" Looking at Qin Yue's still unhappy expression, Jian Ran added.

Sure enough, as soon as her words came out, Qin Yue's complexion slowly improved. If you look closely, you can even see the corners of his lips twitching slightly, with a slight smile on them.

Jian Ran looked at him, and he immediately lowered his head to read the newspaper, pretending that he hadn't heard anything just now, and he still looked so calm.

Jian Ran sighed extremely, what an awkward man!

In front of his wife and daughter, I don't know why he is so cold and cold.

Could it be that by pretending like this, they would know that he actually loves them?

Early in the morning, Qin lelan smelled the aroma of food before she got up. She opened the door with a messy head and saw Zhan Nianbei and his family talking and laughing, eating deliciously.

Last night, Qin leran's longing for his parents, which he had finally suppressed, was suddenly aroused by Qin Xiaobao and his family of three.

"Son, you are still growing, please eat more." It was rare for Qin Xiaobao not to compete for snacks with his son, and even took the initiative to give him a piece of sweet and soft gold cake.

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