My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 871 Meeting an old friend

Chapter 871: Meeting an old friend

While eating the snacks brought by his mother, Zhan Li did not forget to hurt his mother: "Mom, you must have secretly poisoned this snack."

Qin Xiaobao glared at him and pretended to snatch the snack back: "You brat, if you don't want to eat it, just give it back to me."

Zhan Li finally swallowed the snack and said, "Even if it's poisonous, I'll eat it."

Qin Xiaobao glared at this kid's son again: "Smelly boy, your skin is itchy again, isn't it?"

Zhan Nianbei echoed: "You bastard, apologize to your mother quickly, otherwise my father won't be able to help you."

Zhan Li Mo Nu mouthed: "Dad, it sounds like you have helped me."

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

If this kid wants to criticize him like this, he is the head of the family.

Don't make him have no status at all in front of the mother and son. Even if the fact is that he has no status, please give him some face, okay?

Qin Xiaobao smiled proudly: "Your dad is mine. Even if he wants to help, he can only help me. Can he still help you, a stinky boy?"

Zhan Limo Nunu's little red mouth said: "Did you give me the money for charging the phone?"

Qin Xiaobao nodded.

His wife nodded, and Zhan Nianbei received her threatening look and had no choice but to nod accordingly.

He felt that in their family, his status was really getting worse day by day, and he might be replaced by someone else one day.

Seeing the noisy family of three, and seeing himself alone in a foreign country, Qin lelan was really abused.

She bit her lip, wishing she could go back to her room and continue sleeping with her head covered, so that she wouldn't be so miserable by the three of them.

Just when Qin lelan had this idea, Qin Xiaobao spotted her and said with a smile, "good morning, of course!"

Zhan Limo, who had just been sent away by his parents claiming to have paid for his phone bill, answered in an unhurried manner: "Mom, the sun is shining on my butt. Why is it so early?"

The eldest child doesn't get up as early as the younger ones at home. As expected, the women in the Qin family like to sleep in and bully others.

Qin Xiaobao said: "You stinky boy, shut up!"

Qin Xiaobao came over and pinched Zhan Limo's ears: "Xiao Limo, can I let the little cutie play with you another day?"

Zhan Limo shook his head vigorously: "No. I don't want to play with that little piece of wood."

A little boy who is one year older than him, if he can only answer one question when asked three questions, he will be very good. He also puts on a serious look all day long. Is he trying to be cool to attract the attention of the little girl?

Qin leran smiled and said, "well, that's it. You guys will play together during the Spring Festival this year."

At the end of the war, he said with a bitter face: "I don't want it."

Qin Xiaobao immediately went to the kitchen to get the breakfast specially left for Qin lelan: "Bad boy, you have no place to talk here. However, I came to have breakfast. Because I knew you were sleeping in, I didn't wake you up just now. But these are all the things I gave you specially. You kept it.”

At the end of the war, he muttered: "I don't know who is your biological child."

Perhaps in the eyes of the Qin family and the Zhan family, only Qin leran is his biological child, and the other children are given away with phone bills.

He has no status in the hearts of the two families, and the little wood of the Qin family has no status in the family. Only Qin leran, the little devil who only knows how to bully others, is held in the palm of everyone's hands and hurts.

"Thank you, auntie! I knew you loved me!" Qin lelan said sweetly, not forgetting to give Zhan Limo a provocative look, as if to say, "You brat, you want to fight with me, you are still very young. .”

There was no suspense in this battle, and it was the end of the battle. Qin leran won effortlessly, just like countless times before.

Zhan Nianbei put down his chopsticks and looked at Qin leran: "ranran!"

Qin leran nodded: "uncle, I'm here, what are your orders?"

Zhan Nianbei added: "Your little aunt and brat are not familiar with country A at all. You go out with them to have fun today."

Qin leran said: "Uncle, I would be happy to be their guide, but why don't you go with us?"

Zhan Nianbei raised his watch and checked the time: "Well... I have to do something today, so I'll leave the two of them to you."

Upon hearing Zhan Nianbei's words, Qin Xiaobao immediately looked up at him: "Old man Zhan, aren't you worried about me and my son when you come to country A? What else can you do?"

Zhan Nianbei: "Business."

Qin Xiaobao: "Besides me, what else do you have to do?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again.

At the end of the war, he immediately said: "Please, have breakfast first!"

Qin leran finally made the final decision: "Xiao Limo is right. Those who should have breakfast should have breakfast, and those who should be busy with things should be busy with things. I refuse to quarrel today, and I refuse to run away from home."

After breakfast.

Qin leran accompanied Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Limo to visit some famous attractions, while Zhan Nianbei contacted someone, a person who could be said to be familiar but unfamiliar.

Because he came to country A on a personal basis, it was impossible for Zhan Nianbei to obviously bring many people with him, but he had many plainclothes subordinates with him to help him find out what happened to the espionage incident decades ago. thing.

"Mr. Zhan, we're here." The taxi driver is also Zhan Nianbei's most effective assistant, and he has transformed into a driver on the streets of country A.

"Yes." Zhan Nianbei, who had been leaning on the chair and dozing, slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window. "Keep a close eye on your surroundings. Don't let a fly fly in."

"Yes." The man responded.

After getting out of the car, Zhan Nianbei entered a nearby cafe called Mengli Xun Qian Baidu.

It was working hours in the morning, and the cafe still had a closed sign, but when he arrived, someone still opened the door for him. After he entered, the person locked the door again, as if nothing had happened.

After entering the house, go in through the back door of the bar. There is a cave behind, a unique-looking courtyard, a rockery, a fountain, and a pool.

The host said: "Mr. Zhan, please come with me. My master has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Yes." Zhan Nianbei nodded, and with a casual glance, he firmly remembered the route into the house and the surrounding scenery in his mind.

After walking through the long cobblestone path, we finally stopped in front of a Japanese-style cabin. The receptionist said again: "Mr. Zhan, my master is inside."

"Your master is inside?" Zhan Nianbei raised his eyebrows. No one had ever dared to put on such a big air in front of him.

It is very rare for him to take the initiative to come out to meet someone. He has already arrived and the person hasn't come out yet. If it were in Jiangbei, I guess... I don't think anyone in Jiangbei would have the courage.

But it was different in country A. First of all, he came in a private capacity, and secondly, he took the initiative to make an appointment with him this time.

That person's status is also one of the best in country A, so there is nothing unjustifiable about being able to put on such a show.

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