My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 872 Either happy or excellent

Chapter 872: Happy or Excellent

Just when Zhan Nianbei hesitated, the door opened and a man walked out of the room.

He looked at Zhan Nianbei, and Zhan Nianbei looked at him. The two men looked at each other, and their eyes were full of strong smell of gunpowder.

It seemed that as long as there was a spark, this invisible line of fire between the two of them could be detonated, completely igniting the two of them.

Of course, both of them knew very clearly who this invisible lead was. Even after many years, the knot in their hearts was still there, so no one was willing to give in.

After staring at each other for a long time, Zhan Nianbei stood upright and stared directly at the other person, seeing that the man was slowly losing ground.

Looking at each other, the man was defeated and smiled awkwardly at Zhan Nianbei: "Commander Zhan, welcome to my territory."

He was not talking about Country A, nor Linhai City, but "my territory" with ulterior motives, and he emphasized the volume of these words.

Others don't know what the purpose is, but Commander Zhan Nian Beizhan, who has had issues with him, knows it all too well.

When this man went to Jiangbei, it was Zhan Nianbei's territory. Zhan Nianbei kicked in the door and broke into his house to warn him. They both kept it in mind.

"What about your territory?" Zhan Nianbei chuckled and answered the question in a serious tone, but the majesty in his tone could not be ignored.

"I was just joking with Commander Zhan." The man stepped back from the door, made a gesture to invite him in, and said with a smile, "Commander Zhan, please come in!"

Zhan Nianbei didn't refuse and walked into the house.

The weather in Linhai City is already very cold now. There are gusts of cold wind outside, and it is bitingly cold when the wind penetrates into the clothes. However, as soon as you enter the room, the heating comes instantly, making you feel much warmer.

Without waiting for the person to entertain him, Zhan Nianbei chose a seat and sat down. He stretched out his hands and rubbed them together to quickly warm him up from the freezing cold.

The man summoned someone to bring tea sets and water, and said politely: "Commander Zhan, it's really hard for you to come all the way. I've specially prepared the very famous tea in Linhai City for you to taste. After tasting it, please give your opinion. How does our tea from Linhai City compare to your tea from Jiangbei City yesterday?”

"No need, the result is already in my heart. Our Jiangbei tea is world-class, not all teas are qualified to compare with it." Zhan Nianbei said this without any emotion.

The man's face changed, but he still tried to smile: "Commander Zhan, you have no character and you have come to such a conclusion, then you are likely to miss too many good things."

Zhan Nianbei said something simple again: "I can tell at a glance whether it is a good thing or not. I can identify it at a glance. Once I see it, it will last a lifetime. Those villains should stop having delusions."

Before the man could say anything, Zhan Nianbei blocked all his unsaid words before him. It was really frustrating.

Before the man could reply, Zhan Nianbei said again: "Pei Xuanzhi, we are all sensible people, and I don't want to go around in circles with you. Don't hate me in your heart and greet me politely. If we have anything to say, just say it." Everyone feels comfortable when I say it.”

As soon as Zhan Nianbei said these words, Pei Xuanzhi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is the diplomat who is best at verbal sparring, he has never had a verbal spat with someone he hated so much.

In his world, anyone who dared to make him hate him so much had already gone to see the Lord of Hell, and Zhan Nianbei was still the only one alive and well.

It's not because he doesn't want to destroy Zhan Nianbei, but because he doesn't have the ability to destroy Zhan Nianbei. This is the source of his hatred.

Pei Xuanzhi added: "Commander Zhan is really quick to talk, so I won't treat you to tea... But after all that, if you don't drink water, are you really not thirsty?"

There is no advantage in terms of momentum. As a diplomat who is proud of his eloquence, Pei Xuanzhi always has to regain the upper hand in terms of eloquence.

"I came to you today just to ask you how much you know about the spy case more than thirty years ago?" Zhan Nianbei said very directly, completely ignoring Pei Xuanzhi's provocation, as if Pei Xuanzhi was a freed man. Shit, there won’t be any more trouble.

"Zhan Nianbei, do you still have the fucking nerve to ask me about this?" When this matter was mentioned, Pei Xuanzhi, who had been smiling playfully just now, instantly became angry.

He stood up suddenly, pointed at Zhan Nianbei's nose and cursed: "Zhan Nianbei, you fucking asked me why you didn't ask your dead father. He was responsible for that matter, and he was the one who killed him. Yes, he should know better than anyone else.”

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

It was his father who arrested and killed the man back then. The evidence for this matter is conclusive and there is no room for excuse.

Zhan Nianbei didn't say anything, and Pei Xuanzhi's anger rushed up: "Zhan, what is your purpose of bringing this matter up with me today when you come to me today?"

Zhan Nianbei calmed down and said: "Qin Xiaobao's biological parents were probably substitutes for others when it came to the spies. I guess there is someone else who is the real spy, or there is someone behind this matter, and they are not I don’t know that I went to Jiangbei to be a spy.”

Although Zhan Nianbei's words were a bit confusing, Pei Xuanzhi, as a diplomat, is best at adaptability. He understood it as soon as he heard it and asked: "You mean Xiaobao's parents died unjustly?" ?”

Zhan Nianbei nodded: "Yes. I received an anonymous email a few days ago. There were some doubts in that matter. After reading it, I thought it was very possible, so I wanted to find out. In country A, I know There is only one person, although I hate you, but I still found you, you should be touched and honored. "

"You fucking bastard." After hearing this, Pei Xuanzhi was so angry that he grabbed something and was about to throw it at Zhan Nianbei, but before he threw the thing in his hand, he laughed again, "Zhan Nianbei, you are Are you digging your own grave?"

Qin Xiaobao was originally Pei Xuanzhi's wife since childhood. By the time he found her, her heart was already occupied by that boy Zhan Nianbei, leaving him nowhere to interfere.

He had been disappointed and thought of ways to get her back, but in the end he had to give up because he still wanted her to live well.

Over the past ten years, he had tried hard to forget that extremely cunning and savage girl, but instead of forgetting her, her appearance became more and more deeply engraved in his mind.

That's why he hasn't married anyone else for so many years.

Zhan Nianbei found him today and told him such a big thing. Does that mean Zhan Nianbei put his north point naked in front of him?

What is Zhan Nianbei's purpose for doing this?

Pei Xuanzhi looked at Zhan Nianbei, trying to get some clues from his eyes and expression, but in the end he couldn't see anything.

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