My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 873 There is only one way to die

Chapter 873: There is only one way to die

"Now, you just need to tell me what you know. You don't have to worry about other things. I will handle it." Zhan Nianbei said such a direct word again. He seemed to regard Pei Xuanzhi as his subordinate and could only listen to him. Act on orders.

"Commander Zhan, did you get the host-guest relationship wrong?" Pei Xuanzhi snorted and sneered, "Now you are in Linhai City, Country A, not in Jiangbei. This is not your world with Zhan Nianbei. In Before you tell others to do something, think about your own situation.”

This is country A, and it is also Linhai City where Pei Xuanzhi has concentrated power. In Pei Xuanzhi's view, it is not a big deal for him to quietly deal with Zhan Nianbei's personal problems.

Zhan Nianbei raised his eyebrows, not taking Zhan Nianbei's threat seriously at all: "What does it matter?"

In Zhan Nianbei's understanding, no matter where he is, as long as he intends to be the leader, he can only be the leader and no one else can make the decision.

Pei Xuanzhi was speechless by Zhan Nianbei's words. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word. He could only stare at Zhan Nianbei fiercely: "You self-righteous guy!"

"Pei Xuanzhi, don't you want to clear up the grievances of the couple? Don't you want to find out the true situation back then? Don't you want to get rid of those people who are hiding behind your president? Don't you want to make your country A's national strength even stronger? powerful?"

Zhan Nianbei looked at Pei Xuanzhi coldly, and made several assumptions in succession, each point directly hitting the weakness that Pei Xuanzhi cared about most.

Three generations of the Pei family have served as high-ranking officials in the central government of country A, and have been loyal to the Quan family from generation to generation. When it came to his generation, the Quan and Pei families were preparing to get married, but who would have expected that something like this would happen midway.

Especially the last one mentioned by Zhan Nianbei made country A stronger, and it hit the softest and most caring chord in Pei Xuanzhi's heart.

Those of them who follow Quan Nanzhai to conquer the world all want to work with the President to make country A stronger under the leadership of their generation of leaders.

But there is an unfathomable force behind them blocking their progress and manipulating some people and things in an attempt to bring Quan Nanzhai down.

He knows that that force is manipulating some people, trying to destroy Quan Nanzhai's image in the hearts of the people of Country A, but no one has yet found out where that force comes from.

He originally wanted to do his part for the President in this matter, but because he tried his best to prevent the little girl from the Qin family from staying in country A and to prevent the little girl from staying with the President, he has been ignored by the President for a long time. It's time.

After thinking for a while, Pei Xuanzhi said a few words seriously: "Of course I want to."

Zhan Nianbei added: "It's a good idea to have this idea."

Pei Xuanzhi rushed to speak: "But, I have a condition. If Commander Zhan can promise me, I can do my best to work with you to find out what the spy incident was."

Zhan Nianbei raised his eyebrows again: "What conditions?"

Pei Xuanzhi said seriously: "Take Qin Yue's daughter away and let her never appear in country A again, and never appear in front of our president again. Only when she leaves can our president be able to fully concentrate on dealing with those behind her." People. And only by driving her away will our president be invincible."

In Pei Xuanzhi's view, Qin lelan is a weakness in Quan Nanzhai, and the only way their invincible president can be caught by others.

As long as she is here, Quan Nanzhai will be more in danger.

"Ha..." Zhan Nianbei's answer to him was just such a cold snort.

Pei Xuanzhi asked: "Commander Zhan, what do you mean?"

Zhan Nianbei added: "Whether it is Qin Yue, the head of Shengtian, or I, Zhan Nianbei, we have never been threatened by others."

Pei Xuanzhi was so nervous that he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "I am not threatening you, I am making conditions for you. After all, this is not a bad thing for you."

Zhan Nianbei suddenly smiled: "Pei Xuanzhi, do you really know who the person you want to get rid of is?"

Pei Xuanzhi was a little annoyed: "Of course I know."

Zhan Nianbei added: "The little girl you want to get rid of is the child that our whole family has guarded since childhood."

Of course Pei Xuanzhi knew, and he added: "She is the child you watched grow up. Shouldn't you keep her by your side and take good care of her? Why do you have to let her marry so far away?"

"Because she likes it." Zhan Nianbei was still laughing, "Do you know what I want to do now?"

Pei Xuanzhi was startled.

Zhan Nianbei said again: "I want to break your neck."

Pei Xuanzhi's face darkened. Zhan Nianbei was so damn self-righteous, and he was not afraid of anything. He didn't even think that this was on his territory, and he dared to speak arrogantly.

Zhan Nianbei continued: "Pei, let me tell you, if anyone dares to take Qin lelan's idea, the result will be death."

Pei Xuanzhi quietly clenched his fists, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "Commander Zhan's attitude is so firm, which means that we have no way to continue talking today."

Zhan Nianbei stood up: "Pei Xuanzhi, I gave you a chance to cooperate with me. Don't kneel down and beg me in the future. No matter how you beg, it's useless."

Pei Xuanzhi: "..."

I really want to curse.

What does it mean to give him a chance to cooperate with him? Zhan Nianbei is so self-righteous that he and Pei Xuanzhi can only cooperate with him. Is there no second choice?

Zhan Nianbei said again: "Mr. Pei, I'm sorry to bother you today. Say goodbye and don't send me off!"

Pei Xuanzhi's expression darkened and changed again and again: "Don't worry, Commander Zhan, I won't come to beg you. But if you want to see me next time, it probably won't be so easy."

Zhan Nianbei chuckled, turned and left.

After just a few steps, Pei Xuanzhi's voice came from behind again: "Commander Zhan, you have to think carefully. There is no such thing as a good man in the world. There is no need for you to let the Qin family's Shengtian daughter hang herself from a tree. die."

Zhan Nianbei stood still, turned around and said with a smile: "As long as the daughter of our family is willing to hang herself on the tree she likes, not only will we not stop her, but the whole family will stand up to support her."

Whether it's the Qin family or the Zhan family, it's not a big deal for Xiao Kaitai and Zhan Limo to suffer some grievances outside. But Qin leran is an exception. They will not allow anyone to make her feel wronged.

Pei Xuanzhi: "..."

Sure enough, he had underestimated the importance that the Qin family and the Zhan family attached to that little girl from the Qin family.

Thinking back then, he had seen with his own eyes how the Qin and Zhan families doted on that little girl.

Now that such a long time has passed, their love for the little girl has not diminished, but has become more and more doting on her.

Seeing that Zhan Nianbei was about to walk out of his sight, Pei Xuanzhi shouted again: "The Shen family. Shen Wenyuan is now the biological brother of Old Man Shen."

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