My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 874 Only two people can make him angry

Chapter 874: Only two people can make him angry

Although he and Pei Xuanzhi broke up on bad terms, Zhan Nianbei still got the most important clue from Pei Xuanzhi, which was also an important clue that he ignored.

Why had he never thought that Shen Wenyuan was related to the current Shen family? No, it wasn't that he hadn't thought about it, but the information they had found before did not indicate that Shen Wenyuan was related to the Shen family.

After all, there are so many people with the surname Shen in the world, and no one stipulates that people with the surname Shen must be related to each other.

It turns out that Shen Wenyuan is the biological brother of Shen Mingqi, the old man of the powerful Shen family in Country A, which means Qin Xiaobao also has a relationship with this Shen family.

Zhan Nianbei's long, rough fingers tapped gently and rhythmically on the leather chair, and he narrowed his eyes and looked coldly out of the car window.

This matter seemed more complicated than he imagined.

Should he tell Qin Xiaobao about this?

Don't do it for the time being, at least you can't tell Qin Xiaobao until you get definite evidence that there is a relationship between the two families named Shen.

Qin Xiaobao is impulsive and prone to anger. She is the mother of a seven-year-old child and never cares about the consequences of doing things.

However, it is not entirely her fault. When it comes to developing Qin Xiaobao's impulsive and easily angered character and maintaining it all year round, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

If he had taken more care of Qin Xiaobao, she wouldn't be so impulsive. But instead of taking care of her these years, she secretly fueled his anger.

Just as he was thinking about it, a call came through on his cell phone. Without looking at the phone number, Zhan Nianbei knew it was Qin Yue.

He didn't even open his eyes to look at the phone screen. He swiped the screen based on his feeling and answered: "Don't worry. Ranran is not only your daughter, but also the treasure of all of us. Anyone who may threaten her, I will definitely help her eliminate them in advance." .”

"Yeah." Qin Yue over there was still his usual style, just snorted softly, and even Zhan Nianbei, who knew him very well, couldn't help but frown.

Zhan Nianbei said dissatisfied: "Qin Muzhi, can't you say a few more words in front of me? I'm your uncle!"

Qin Yue answered simply: "Yes."

Zhan Nianbei: "Qin Muzhi, are you angry with me on purpose?"


Is this a capable attitude?

The reason why Qin Yue said "can" is because "can" is one less word than "can't".

Qin Yue said again: "I have no room for you. Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'll hang up."

Zhan Nianbei thought his head was about to burst into flames: "Qin Muzhi, is this the attitude you should have when entrusting me to do things?"

When facing others, Zhan Nianbei could deal with it calmly, no matter how excited they were, but Zhan Nianbei could deal with it calmly. However, every word his nephew said could make him jump with anger.

Qin Yue still responded calmly: "You don't want to?"

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

Well, he admitted that he did it of his own free will.

Zhan Nianbei added: "There is nothing happening yet. I will tell you if there is any new situation."

Qin Yue on the other end of the phone didn't speak anymore or hang up. It was obvious that he hadn't heard what he wanted to hear and was too lazy to ask more questions.

After being Qin Yue's uncle for decades, Zhan Nianbei still knows him very well, and said, "Don't worry. Ranran is doing very well. Today she even took her little aunt and Zhan Limo out to visit the scenic spots."

"Yes. Hang up." After hearing who and what he wanted to hear, Qin Yue hung up the phone without lingering for a second longer.

Zhan Nianbei couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the busy signal on his cell phone.

When he was young, he made two people angry, one was his old father and the other was his sister.

Now there are two people who can make him angry, one is Qin Muzhi and the other is Qin Xiaobao, and both of them are children raised by his own sister.

Is this called the present world report?

Seeing Qin Yue hang up the phone like that, Jian Ran shook her head helplessly: "Mr. Qin, do you really not know that you will make my uncle angry?"

Qin Yue looked up at Jian Ran and replied lukewarmly: "He will be angry when he is angry. What does it have to do with me?"

Look at what he said, he only cares when his wife is angry, but he doesn't care at all when other people are angry because of him.

Jian Ran shook her head helplessly again: "Mr. Qin, do you really think there is nothing wrong with the way you speak like this?"

Mr. Qin in their family has a low EQ, but a high IQ. He can't even tell what words can make people angry.

Qin Yue was busy with his work, but he didn't forget to look up and glance at Jian Ran, who was chattering beside him: "What's the problem?"

It turned out that he really didn't think there was a problem.

Jian Ran really didn't know whether she should continue this topic with him.

Qin Yue shook Jian Ran's hand and said, "I still have some work to do. You go and have a rest first. You don't have to wait for me."

She was the one who chirped while he was working. If it had been anyone else, she would have been thrown out of the window by the cold Mr. Qin.

Qin Yue has always had a small hobby, that is, he never allows anyone next to him to talk when he is working, only Jian Ran can.

It is precisely because Jian Ran has been able to do it for so many years that she has never known that Qin Yue has such a small hobby.

Jian Ran said: "Drink the milk first."

She specially brought him warm milk and happened to see him talking to Zhan Nianbei on the phone. She clearly entrusted Zhan Nianbei to do something, but he looked like a big boss.

This man has probably been on the top for so long that he doesn't know how to step down from his high position when facing the elders in the family.

Qin Yue drank the milk Jian Ran had prepared and said, "If you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it directly and I will listen carefully."

Jian Ran said: "How can I be dissatisfied with you?"

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows: "I'm not dissatisfied, so what are you whispering about me in your heart?"

Jian Ran: "..."

Is this person a human being?

For a moment he didn't know that Zhan Nianbei would be angry because of his words, but for a moment he could even guess what she was whispering about him in her heart.

Just when Jian Ran was stunned, Qin Yue pulled her to sit on his lap, held her in his arms, lowered his head and rubbed her neck: "Jian Ran, you don't even know that I have I love you so much."

It was precisely because he liked her that he was willing to put in the effort to understand her and be able to tell what she was thinking through her expressions.

Qin Yue's sudden confession made Jian Ran stunned. When she met his burning eyes, her face turned red unconsciously.

This man has never known how to say such disgusting words. He suddenly said this, maybe because he wanted to have sex with her.

Thinking that he wanted to have something happen with her, Jian Ran's already red face instantly seemed to be filled with blood, so red that she could bleed.

She said: "No, no!"

Qin Yue chuckled: "What's wrong?"

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