Chapter 881: Where is he?

what to do?

what to do?

What method should she use to extinguish the fire in brother lie?

Otherwise, she would let brother lie "eat" her.

Anyway, deep down in her heart, she was looking forward to doing something with brother lie, and she looked forward to having such embarrassing dreams from time to time at night.

Just when Qin leran was thinking about handing herself over to her brother lie, Quan Nanzhai let go of her, got out of bed, turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Quan Nanzhai's speed was so fast that he had disappeared from her eyes before Qin lelan had time to speak to keep him.

"Brother Lie..." Qin lelan looked at the door, his eyes were extremely disappointed, his heart was astringent, and he had the urge to cry.

After Quan Nanzhai went out, he quickly entered the bathroom in the rest room next door, and then Qin leran heard the sound of running water.

She guessed that brother lie wanted to take a bath before following her...

Because she was thinking about scenes not suitable for children, Qin leran's heart beat faster and faster while lying on the bed, and her heart seemed to want to pop out of her mouth.

"Brother Lie, I'm ready!" She called him silently, so nervous that her hands clenched into two fists involuntarily.

She used the method of inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling again to relieve her inner tension.

After all, she has no experience with this method yet, and the first time is really important for a girl.

She hoped that she could relax a little and leave the best version of herself to brother lie without leaving any regrets.

However, Qin lelan waited and waited. When his violently beating heart gradually returned to calmness, and when he was about to fall asleep again, Brother Lie hadn't come out of the bathroom yet.

What is Brother Lie doing?

Qin lelan doesn't want to wait any longer. She plans to take the initiative. After all, this is the path she has chosen, so she must not regret it.

She gritted her teeth, plucked up the courage to go outside the bathroom and knocked on the bathroom door: "Brother Lie, what are you doing in the bathroom? Don't you know I'm waiting for you outside?"

Her voice was soft, with her unique tone, a tone that could disturb Quan Nanzhai's mind, and once again easily stirred up the fire that Quan Nanzhai had finally suppressed.

"Damn it!" Quan Nanzhai roared, punching the wall hard, his angry eyes like a man-eating beast.

"Brother Lie, brother Lie, what's wrong with you?" Qin leran took a step back in fright, stabilized himself, then walked forward and pressed against the door panel to ask him.

"Qin lelan, stay away from me! Don't let me hear your voice again!" Quan Nanzhai roared angrily, and his voice seemed to shake the door panel.

He didn't want to hurt this little girl, but she could always unintentionally stir up the fire he was trying so hard to suppress. He could guarantee that if she said another word, he would "eat" her without mercy.

"Oh..." Qin lelan nodded, turned around and walked out. She took two steps and looked back. She took two steps and looked back again. She didn't speed up and left until she could no longer see the bathroom door.

Brother lie has never spoken to her in that tone. Is he tired of her? Or do you think she always causes trouble for him?

she does not know.

I felt so depressed that I wanted to cry, but I tried hard to push back the tears in my eyes.

After walking out of the North Palace, she looked up at the sky.

It was getting late now, and scattered snowflakes were floating in the sky. The snowflakes fell on the streets, on the roofs, and on the pedestrians on the road.

In previous years, when it snowed for the first time, she was at home in New York.

She would drag the little cutie with her to catch the snow in the garden, and make popsicles out of the snow water. The two siblings had a great time.

It has been like this for many years, and it has never changed.

But what about this year?

In the first snow of this year, she was in a foreign country, beside her brother. Logically speaking, she should also be very happy, but she did not have the same happy mood as in previous years.

Does liking someone really make you less like yourself? Will you make yourself, who is so good and confident, become so sentimental?

Her mother never told her that liking someone would be like this.

If she had known that this would happen, she would not have liked someone with all her heart. If she had left half of her heart to herself, her mood would not be affected by others.

She was walking in the snow, and snowflakes were floating on top of her head, and soon turned into water, but she didn't feel anything normal, so she kept walking.

As she walked, an umbrella was placed on her head to block the falling snowflakes. She was overjoyed: "Brother Lie..."

She thought it was brother lie chasing her. When she looked up, she saw Qin Yinze, and her bright eyes turned dark with disappointment.

Qin Yinze said: "I am very disappointed to see that he is not your brother lie."

"Yeah. Very disappointed!" Qin leran smiled bitterly, not hiding his true thoughts, "You are following me again? Qin Yinze, how free are you in the day?"

Qin Yinze matched her pace and said slowly: "I am fully responsible for Shengtian's business in country A. How free do you think I am?"

Qin leran glanced at him sideways: "Since there are so many things to be busy with, you should be busy with your work and don't bother me."

Qin Yinze shrugged: "I don't have time to take care of you, but if my father leaves me here, I have to be responsible for your safety. You were almost taken away today. Where is Quan Nanzhai?"

Qin leran's instinct was to protect her brother lie: "when I was taken away today, it was brother lie's people who took me back."

Qin Yinze asked again: "Where is he?"

Qin lelan was dissatisfied with his tone and said angrily: "What does his whereabouts have to do with you? What do you do with so many things a day? Just take care of yourself. You don't need to worry about my affairs."

Qin Yinze snorted coldly: "Quan Nanzhai has nothing to do with me, but you have something to do with me, and you have something to do with the Qin family and Shengtian."

Because Qin Yinze was right, Qin lelan was even more angry. She yelled at him: "Qin Yinze, what do you want to say?"

Qin Yinze said in a deep voice: "I want to tell you that you are the jewel in the eye of Qin Yue, the leader of Shengtian. You have had everything you wanted since you were a child, and no one can let you suffer the slightest injustice. Now, why do you have it? Come to such a hellish place and let such a man make you suffer so much?"

Yes, Qin lelan admitted that Qin Yinze was right.

She has had everything she wanted since she was a child, and the whole family has been surrounding her. She has never known what it feels like to be left out.

After coming to country A to find brother lie, I now taste the ups and downs that I had never tasted before. I have been disappointed and hesitant in my heart, but I have never regretted it.

Didn't her mother often tell her that everyone's life can't be smooth sailing, and they may encounter various setbacks on the journey of life. But it doesn't matter, as long as we grit our teeth and push through, we will definitely see another beautiful scenery after climbing over this mountain.

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