My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 882 This is the real Qin lelan

Chapter 882: This is the real Qin leran

Qin lelan has always kept in mind what his mother said.

She knew that she still had a long way to go in life, and she could not always hide under the wings of her parents and let them protect her from wind and rain.

She has to go through her own life on her own.

As the top leader of country A, brother lie is very busy with many things to do every day. It is simply impossible for him to be by her side all the time to make her happy.

After understanding this truth, she used other methods to help brother lie, such as going to the disaster area for rescue, such as going to the disaster area to support teaching, such as making friends like Yaya.

She is trying to integrate into the life circle of the people of country A, trying to make herself better, trying to learn how to be an excellent presidential wife, and preparing to be brother lie's wife in the future.

She has been working hard and never thought of giving up, but she feels that she is still so far away from brother lie. She can obviously see him, but she can't reach him.

There was like a big mountain between them. No matter how hard she tried, she could not come to his side or let him hold her hand and announce to the world that she was the girl that I, Quan Nanzhai, liked, the only one in my life. The girl to marry.


She is Qin lelan, the daughter of Qin Yue, the leader of Shengtian.

In school, she was the figure that everyone wanted to reach high but couldn't reach. In the past, others looked up to her, but now she looks up to her brother.

Now, her mood is no longer controlled by her own emotions, but changes with brother lie's attitude towards her.

Qin lelan lowered his head and remained silent. Qin Yinze grabbed her and asked her to look up at him: "Shengtian has industries all over the world, but those industries are not important. Because you, Qin leran, are Shengtian's biggest asset and most valuable treasure. !”

"The most valuable treasure?" Qin lelan was smiling, but burst into tears. "My heart is big. I not only want to be the most important treasure of the Qin family, I also want to be the most important treasure in Quan Nanzhai's heart. I want to He can only see me in his eyes, and I think he can only see me in his heart."

Shaking his head, Qin leran continued: "I know my request is too much, too much to be unreasonable, but I just can't help but have such extravagant expectations. I think brother lie belongs to me, only to me, not to A national of country A.”

Qin Yinze held Qin lelan's shoulders and shook her hard: "Of course, these are not too much, and any of your demands are not too much."

Qin lelan shook his head: "How can it not be too much? How can it not be too much to ask the president of a country to only take my affairs at heart?"

Qin Yinze stared at her and said slowly word by word: "Because you are Qin leran, the one who deserves you can only be the best. If Quan Nanzhai can't treat you wholeheartedly, then he doesn't deserve your love. ”

Qin leran smiled bitterly: "Just because I am Qin leran? If I don't have this identity, what else can I have? Am I worthless?"

Qin leran's words made Qin Yinze frown, and he added: "in my heart, Qin leran is confident and flamboyant. No matter where she appears, she is the most eye-catching one. But now you look at you, because of a Quan Nanzhai , what are you going to become?”

Qin leran murmured: "I don't know what I have become. Maybe I was like this after leaving the Qin family, and this is the real me."

Qin Yinze grabbed her hand and dragged her away: "Qin leran, you have forgotten what you look like. I will help you find yourself."

Qin leran wanted to throw away his hand, but his hand held her tightly like a huge pliers. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of him. She yelled angrily: "Qin Yinze, let go." I, I don’t need your help.”

Qin Yinze shouted: "Qin leran, shut up!"

Qin leran lowered his head and bit his hand, trying to make him let go in this way, but she bit out a deep tooth mark on the back of his hand, causing blood to flow out. He still held her tightly, helpless. A hint of looseness.

Qin lelan let him go, wiped the blood on his lips, and shouted: "Qin Yinze, don't you know how much I hate you? Do you want me to hate you more by doing this?"

Qin Yinze chuckled: "You already hate me, I don't care if you hate me more."

Hating him proves that she still remembers him and that she has him in her heart, which is better than being forgotten by her in a corner and never remembering him once in her life.

Qin leran: "..."

How come there are such people in this world?

She wanted to kick him to death.

Qin lelan was dragged and dragged to the car on the roadside. Qin Yinze told the driver to get out of the car with a look. He stuffed Qin leran into the passenger seat and got into the cab himself.

Qin lelan wanted to open the door and get out of the car, but Qin Yinze quickly locked the door, leaving her with no way to escape. She could only stare at him with wide eyes: "Qin Yinze, let me get out of the car!"

Qin Yinze ignored it, started the car and rushed out quickly. Qin lelan was so scared that she immediately reached out and grabbed the handle above her head. She gritted her teeth and said, "Qin Yinze, can't you believe I killed you?"

"Hmph...I'm waiting for you to kill me." Qin Yinze hummed, with an unknown smile on his face, and stepped on the accelerator again to speed up.

Qin lelan held the handle tightly. No matter how Qin Yinze speeded up, she said nothing. She just bit her teeth tighter and tighter, thinking about how to deal with him after getting out of the car.

Turn left, turn right, go straight, turn right again, turn left... This was repeated for about half an hour, shaking Qin lelan almost to the point of vomiting. Finally, Qin Yinze braked suddenly and stopped the car steadily on a road close to it. Cliff on the road.

The road is less than one meter away from the cliff. No one would dare to take this risk unless they are 100% familiar with the terrain and 100% proficient in driving skills.

Qin Yinze stopped the car, looked sideways at Qin lelan, and said with a smile: "If I had stepped on the brakes 0.01 second later, the car would have rushed off the cliff. At this time, we might have fallen off the cliff and broken into pieces. "

Qin leran sat firmly in the passenger seat, with a calm face without any trace of panic. He even turned his head and glanced at Qin Yinze coldly: "childish!"

Do you think this can scare her?

It's not like she was scared.

It's so ridiculously childish.

See her proudly, confidently, calmly...

Qin Yinze smiled with satisfaction: "By the way, this Qin lelan is the Qin leran I know, and she is the little princess of our Qin family."

Even if the car is parked on the edge of a cliff, even if her life hangs on a thread, there is no trace of panic on her face, and it does not scare her in the slightest.

This kind of Qin lelan is the Qin lelan that everyone holds in their hands and loves!

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