My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 884 Which man to choose?

Chapter 884: Which man to choose?

He just stood like that, white snowflakes falling on his body, he didn't move at all, his eyes fell on her body, like strong glue, it was stuck and could never be taken off.

If you insist on taking it off, the glue will be destroyed, and the person who is glued will definitely shed a layer of skin, and both sides will suffer.

Quan Nanzhai looked at Qin lelan, and Qin lelan looked at him. Their eyes were intertwined in the air, but neither of them spoke.

Qin leran quietly hid his hands behind his back and pinched himself hard before he controlled his urge to throw himself into his arms and hold him tightly.

It was he who asked her to stay away from him, and he who asked her not to let him hear her voice anymore, then she had to do it and never wait for him to push her away from her.

She obviously wanted to give him a cold look and tell him with practical actions that she would never like him again, never. But her eyes couldn't deceive anyone, and she couldn't take her eyes off him.

Qin Yinze also saw the man who shouldn't have come, but turned a blind eye. He forced Qin lelan to his side and said, "Of course, there is snow on the ground. Be careful, slip and walk slowly."

"Oh..." Qin lelan lowered his head, concealed his emotions by evading, tried to pretend that he couldn't see Quan Nanzhai, and followed Qin Yinze away.

However, before her steps touched the ground, Quan Nanzhai stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and snatched her back into his arms.

Quan Nanzhai is fast, and Qin Yinze is not slow either. He also holds Qin lelan and says coldly: "Quan Nanzhai, let go of your dirty hands and don't touch her!"

"You are the one who should let go!" Quan Nanzhai held Qin leran's wrist with one hand, and attacked Qin Yinze with a wave of his fist with the other hand.

Qin Yinze did not expect Quan Nanzhai to take the initiative to attack. When he reacted, the wind brought by Quan Nanzhai's fist had already swept his cheek. He turned sideways to avoid it, just passing by Quan Nanzhai's fist. .

In a hurry, he still held Qin lelan's wrist tightly, as if protecting a precious treasure. He must not let others take it away from his hand: "Quan Nanzhai, you made her so sad." Sad, why do you have the nerve to take her away?"

Quan Nanzhai was startled.

Did he make her sad?

When he came out of the bathroom to take a cold shower, he found that Qin lelan was missing. After asking the guards outside, he found out that she had left alone. He then asked the people sent to protect her, and he found out that she left with Qin Yinze.

He was angry because he knew she left with Qin Yinze. When he came here to see the two of them together, he was even more angry.

No man will remain calm when he sees the girl he loves alone with another man, especially if that man still has a crush on her.

Therefore, he ignored the serious question of why she left Beigong.

At this time, after Qin Yinze mentioned it, Quan Nanzhai was interested, but he still didn't think about it deeply, because he was more focused on the "breakup" proposed by Qin leran.

Two tall and strong men, one on the left and one on the right, held Qin leran's left and right wrists tightly respectively. No one wanted to let go of her hand and let her fall into the arms of another man.

The two men looked at each other, and the smell of gunpowder deepened. They punched at the same time, hoping to beat each other to pieces.

This time they both punched and bumped fists at the same time, but no one got the upper hand.

Before Qin Yinze could react, Quan Nanzhai took action again, this time faster, and punched Qin Yinze in the face.

Qin Yinze received a punch, his face darkened, and a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes. He raised his leg and kicked Quan Nanzhai. Quan Nanzhai turned sideways and successfully avoided the attack.

Quan Nanzhai dodged the successful hand and immediately punched back, about to hit Qin Yinze. Qin Yinze did not hide this time, but had a proud smile on his lips.

Because when he was about to hide, there was someone who was faster than him.

Qin leran ducked and stood in front of Qin Yinze.

If Quan Nanzhai's fist falls, the injured person this time will not be Qin Yinze, but Qin leran.

Seeing that his fist was about to fall on Qin leran's face, Quan Nanzhai stopped his fist in time at the most critical moment.

He squinted slightly and stared at Qin leran's exquisite face without any flaws with two deep and complex eyes.

The cute her, the playful her, the sensible her...all kinds of hers passed before Quan Nanzhai's eyes one by one, but there was no face like this one at the moment, which looked indifferent to him.

Just as Quan Nanzhai was staring at Qin lelan, Qin Yinze waved his fist and hit Quan Nanzhai hard on the chest.

Quan Nanzhai could have avoided it, but he didn't. He still looked at Qin lelan and smiled: "Of course, are you satisfied?"

Quan Nanzhai didn't expect Qin leran to block Qin Yinze's fist, and the sourness in his heart was more painful than a hundred punches.

If she wants to protect Qin Yinze, then he will never touch the person she wants to protect. If she wants him to be hurt, then he will be hurt to show her.

If this satisfies her and calms her down, it doesn't matter if he takes a few more punches.

As long as she is happy!

Seeing that Quan Nanzhai was injured, Qin leran's heart twitched, but he bit his lip and said nothing.

What does it mean that she is satisfied?

How could she be satisfied?

Does he understand her?

If you don't understand her words, why should you guess her thoughts?

Qin Yinze hates Quan Nanzhai so much that he wants him to disappear from the world.

He finally had the opportunity to repair him today, and he didn't want to miss it. He waved his fist and punched Quan Nanzhai again. The target of this punch was Quan Nanzhai's face, where he just hit him.

Qin Yinze was very fast, and Quan Nanzhai was unwilling to hide. Qin leran was still in the vortex of being misunderstood by Quan Nanzhai and failed to stop Qin Yinze in time, so Quan Nanzhai received another strong punch in the face. .

After being punched, he was still smiling. He still didn't look at the person who hit him. Instead, he looked at Qin leran steadily: "I gave him back the one who hit him. Are you satisfied now? If not, Let him hit again until you are satisfied."

"Quan Nanzhai, you bastard!" Qin leran was angry and distressed, angry that he never understood her heart, and distressed that he was hurt.

Quan Nanzhai reached out to touch the tears from the corner of her eyes: "Ranran, don't cry. If you are not satisfied, let him continue beating until you stop crying and until you are satisfied."

"Quan Nanzhai, why are you doing this? Why do you want to make me sad?" He knew clearly that she didn't want him to get hurt, so why did he still hurt her in this way?

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