Chapter 885: Kiss you

"Of course, how can I bear to make you sad." What Quan Nanzhai is most afraid of is Qin leran's tears. He can't wait to hold her in his hands and pet her, so that she can be carefree and happy forever.

"You are obviously making me sad. I told you not to get hurt again and to take good care of yourself, but you just don't listen. In the end, you just don't care about me and never take my words to heart." Qin lelan Wiping away tears, biting his lip, he turned around and left, "Quan Nanzhai, your affairs have nothing to do with me from now on."

"Qin leran..." Quan Nanzhai grabbed her again and quickly grabbed Qin leran into his arms. "I am your brother lie, and you are my ranran. How come my affairs have nothing to do with you?"

Qin leran struggled to shirk: "It won't be the case anymore. I have nothing to do with you, and you have nothing to do with me. There is nothing between us. I will go back to New York and never see you again."

With these words, Qin lelan was angry with him.

She waited for him to come, thinking that he should know the grievances in her heart, but he didn't understand. He also let himself get hurt and said such sad words to make her sad.

Quan Nanzhai's face sank, and his black eyes ignited with raging anger: "Qin leran, if you say yes, it is, but if you say no, then it is no? What do you think of me, Quan Nanzhai?"

He was also mean to her!

He didn't even know what was wrong, and he was cruel to her!

Qin lelan bit his lip hard and said, "you are the dignified president of country A. I am a commoner girl. I can't reach you. Let's go our separate ways in the future."

"Everyone goes his own way?" Quan Nanzhai grabbed her hand and said in a deep voice with an almost hoarse voice, "Qin lelan, let me tell you, in this life, never think of escaping from my palm!"

Did she think of him as a sick cat because he didn't show off his power? She was teasing him to let her know that there was definitely more to her brother lie than the side she saw.

Listening to Quan Nanzhai's deep and hoarse voice, Qin leran's heart shrank hard, and the pain made her panic, and she couldn't find the words to refute for a while.

Seeing that Qin lelan's heart was moved by Quan Nanzhai's two words, Qin Yinze immediately grabbed the words and said: "Quan Nanzhai, what's the use of talking so much nonsense? If you really like Ranran, you really want to be with her , you shouldn't let her follow you without knowing it. You said that your engagement with Shen Lingxi is just a contractual relationship, and there is no love between you two, but do your people know? "

Quan Nanzhai: "..."

Precisely because his people do not know the truth, if he wants to terminate the relationship with Shen Lingxi and then announce the relationship with Qin leran, others will think that he must be the mistress.

Therefore, there is no rush to terminate the engagement with Shen Lingxi and announce Qin leran's identity. A perfect strategy must be found, otherwise as long as one link is wrong, Qin leran will be pushed to the forefront and be reviled by the world.

Pushing Qin leran to the forefront is something Quan Nanzhai will never allow to happen, so he is waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time.

As long as the time is right, he will let Qin lelan be his bride in peace and get everyone's blessing.

Quan Nanzhai didn't speak. Qin Yinze naturally thought that he had a guilty conscience and said: "Quan Nanzhai, your people don't know your true relationship with Shen Lingxi. Once you publicly announce the cancellation of your engagement with Shen Lingxi, what will those people do at that time?" Look at the woman standing next to you. I believe you should know it clearly without me saying it."

He continued: "Quan Nanzhai, if you really love Ranran, then please think more about her, don't let her be wronged, let her continue to be a happy girl, instead of tying her to your side. It’s a day of fear.”

After listening to Qin Yinze's words, Quan Nanzhai curled his lips and raised the corners of his lips with a hint of a smile: "I will handle the matter between the two of us well, so I won't bother Mr. Qin to worry about it."

Qin Yinze sneered: "Qin lelan is our Qin family. My parents left her to me to take care of her. Of course I will worry about it."

"If you really regard yourself as her brother, I welcome you to worry about her affairs, but now it's enough for her to have me." Quan Nanzhai dropped his words and carried her on his shoulders regardless of Qin leran's struggle. Go up, turn around and leave.

Just two steps away, there was a fist approaching from behind. Quan Nanzhai knew that Qin Yinze would not let him leave easily without looking back. He dodged and turned back: "Qin Yinze, you are no match for me."

Before, he would receive two punches, which he gave up on his own initiative. He secretly wanted Qin leran to worry about him, so that she could return to his arms obediently.

But it would make him heartbroken to see her worrying about him, so he would not let others hurt him again, and he would not let Qin Yinze touch him again.

Qin Yinze is also testing Quan Nanzhai's true strength before launching an attack.

After several trials, Qin Yinze knew that he was indeed not Quan Nanzhai's opponent, because Quan Nanzhai still carried Qin lelan on his body, and he couldn't take advantage of him at all.

Qin Yinze already knew the result of the test. He stopped using force and started a war of words again: "Of course, do you really want to go with this man?"

Qin lelan struggled with his head: "Quan Nanzhai, let me down."

Having said this, Qin leran did not expect that Quan Nanzhai would really let go of her, and Qin Yinze had no hope that Quan Nanzhai would let go of Qin leran. However, Quan Nanzhai surprised everyone and put Qin leran on the ground and stood there. .

Qin lelan had just stood still when Quan Nanzhai grabbed the spoon on the back of her head, pushed her hard to him, lowered his head and kissed her domineeringly.

"Well..." Qin lelan looked at him with wide eyes, saw his enlarged handsome face, his long eyelashes, and kissed him so seriously and domineeringly.

She never thought about really ignoring him, but she didn't know how to get his attention, so she thought of this childish method with zero love experience.

Quan Nanzhai kissed her as if no one else was around, and she responded to him as if no one was around. After a long time, he let go of her and said hoarsely: "Qin leran, if you talk about breaking up when you are angry in the future, I will take care of you."

Qin leran: "..."

Quan Nanzhai stroked her lips and said softly, "Do you know you were wrong?"

Qin leran shook his head.

Quan Nanzhai raised his eyebrows: "I really don't know where I went wrong?"

Qin leran still shook his head: "I'm not wrong. I just want to know what kind of like you like me? Do you like the three-year-old child back then, or do you like me now?"

In the final analysis, this is the crux of Qin leran's struggle.

That child was her back then, and she is her now. No matter who Quan Nanzhai likes, she is herself, but liking has different meanings, and she must understand it.

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