My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 889 Taking advantage of the situation

Chapter 889: Taking advantage of the situation

His appearance had changed, his voice had changed, but his feelings for her had not changed, they were still as strong as before.

So strong that he could offend the whole world for her!

Does she know?

Long Yi looked at Shen Lingxi quietly, and he saw what he looked like now from his beautiful, crystal-clear eyes stained with moisture.

Yes, he admitted that his appearance had completely changed, not even the slightest bit similar to before.

After the surgery, the first time he looked in the mirror, he was so frightened that he broke the mirror. It took him a long time to accept this face.

He himself couldn't accept this unfamiliar face for a while, let alone Shen Lingxi, who he had hurt with this face.

Shen Lingxi would doubt him after receiving a call from someone suspected of being "Long Yi". He could understand and would not blame her.

"Are you really Longyi?" After a long time, Shen Lingxi spoke again, asking the same question she had just asked several times.

She didn't know who she should believe, but a woman's sixth sense told her that she could trust what the man in front of her said to her.

If she believes in the man in front of her, it means that she believes and admits that the man in front of her is the real Long Yi.

But the man who called her not only had the same voice as Long Yi, but also knew things between the two of them that only she and Long Yi knew. That person might also be her Long Yi.

It's hard for her to choose between a man who sounds like Long Yi and a man who looks nothing like Long Yi but whom she intuitively believes in.

Unable to choose between these two people, she was so confused that she could only look at the man in front of her, looking into his deep eyes: "Can I really believe you?"

"Well!" Long Yi looked at her, grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his palm, nodded heavily, "Xiao Xi, you can trust me!"

"But..." Shen Lingxi still has her worries. What if she believes in the wrong person and misses the real Long Yi?

"Say." He knew she had something to say.

"I want to go to the appointment. I want to see it. I need to witness it in person so that I can rest assured." She bit her lip and said firmly.

"Okay, I'll go with you." She wanted to see the man and confirm it in person because she had doubts about him, but Long Yi didn't make it clear.

It just so happened that he also wanted to know who that man was. This time they would definitely not let those villains who were hiding behind and causing mischief slip away.

"Are you going?" Shen Lingxi didn't know what she was worried about. She just felt that it was inappropriate for him to go with her to meet that person.

"That's it. I'll go with you." Long Yi announced his decision domineeringly, not giving Shen Lingxi a chance to object.

Shen Lingxi: "..."

He was like this before, so decisive and overbearing on certain things, making decisions without consulting her.

Long Yi added: "You go back to your room and change your clothes, and I'll go get ready. Once I've made arrangements, we'll go out to the Moon-Watching Tower in the south of the city in a while."

" also know the Moon Watching Tower!" Although Shen Lingxi wanted to believe that the man in front of her was the real Long Yi, hearing the name of this place from his mouth still made her feel at ease.

"Shouldn't I know?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's not..." As a native of Linhai City in Country A, knowing that the Moon Watching Tower is not surprising. What makes Shen Lingxi feel at ease is that he knows that this is the meeting place that the person on the phone pointed to.

Moon Watching Tower is not the tallest tower in Linhai City, but it is the oldest and the best place to watch the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This tower is officially named Moon Watching Tower, but it also has another name that is widely spread among the people - Lover's Tower.

Names that are widely circulated among the people are often more familiar, so many young lovers come here to make wishes together, hoping that the two of them will live a long life together.

Men and women in love all hope to hold each other's hand for a long time.

Long Yi and Shen Lingxi were no exception. Together with many other lovers, they held hands and made their wishes here.

Therefore, this place has become the main place for the two of them to date.

The person on the phone just asked Shen Lingxi to meet at the old place, so the old place must be the Moon Tower, and there will not be a second place.

While Shen Lingxi went back to her room to change clothes, Long Yi dialed Quan Nanzhai's phone: "The clowns behind the scenes have started to do it again. This time their trick may be to impersonate me."

"Those people finally couldn't sit still anymore. We must catch them all this time, and we must not let go of any fish that slips through the net." Quan Nanzhai's calm voice came from the phone, but upon listening carefully, it was so sharp that it made people laugh. He felt chilling in his heart, "Since they want people to pretend to be you, then let's let them pretend to be you. I want to see what other tricks they have up their sleeves."

Long Yi frowned, not as calm as Quan Nanzhai, and said worriedly: "I'm not worried about any means they use. I'm only worried that Xiao Xi will be deceived."

Because Shen Lingxi still doesn't trust him 100% now, he is very worried that she will fall into the enemy's plan to provoke Li Jian and no longer trust him.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if Shen Lingxi didn't want to believe that he was Long Yi...

Long Yi had this worry, and Quan Nanzhai sent a quick reassurance in time: "Long Yi, if you think Lingxi is such a concubine who can be easily deceived, then you should spend more time getting to know her."

Long Yi was stunned: "How do you say this?"

Quan Nanzhai added: "Because she loves you, then she will never recognize anyone else as you."

I don't know why, but Quan Nanzhai is so firm in his belief that Shen Lingxi cannot fail to recognize who is the real Long Yi.

Perhaps it's because Quan Nanzhai's heart is also occupied by one person. He loves Qin leran and is naturally familiar with everything about her. Of course, he will not mistake others for his lover.

When you love someone, that person is unique and irreplaceable in the eyes of the other person.

Even if his appearance has changed, the other party will definitely be able to find the person she is familiar with in him. It is just a matter of how long it takes.

After hearing what Quan Nanzhai said, Long Yi felt relieved and said: "Someone pretended to be Long Yi and called Xiao Xi and asked her to meet at the old place. We will be there soon. You arrange for someone to go to the Lover's Tower. have a look."

Quan Nanzhai said: "I will send someone over right now. You two must also pay attention to safety and not expose your current address."

After all, Shen Lingxi still has a murder case hanging on her body. She cannot appear in public until this matter is completely resolved.

Not appearing in public now and letting the public forget about her temporarily is the best way to protect her.

Long Yi nodded: "Don't worry about this."

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