My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 890 What’s deep in one’s bones cannot be changed

Chapter 890: What is deep in one’s bones cannot be changed

Regarding Shen Lingxi's safety, Long Yi definitely thinks about it no less than Quan Nanzhai.

The villa in the north of the city was a coming-of-age gift given to Long Yi by his parents when he turned eighteen, so it was not among the assets of the Long family. Almost no one knew that the Long family still had such a property.

Because no one knows, and this place is located in the villa area in the north of the city, the confidentiality work is very good.

Therefore, before Shen Lingxi was discharged from the hospital, Long Yi quietly communicated with Quan Nanzhai and asked Quan Nanzhai to send Shen Lingxi to live here in his name.

Before Shen Lingxi moved in here, Long Yi had people do safety work early to prevent any news from leaking out.

Regarding Shen Lingxi's safety, Long Yi took it seriously. He would not tolerate any more carelessness and could not let her get hurt under his eyes again.

Long Yi hung up the phone, and Shen Lingxi also changed her clothes and came out.

The temperature outside was very low, so she wore a red down jacket, wrapping her petite body tightly in the thick down jacket.

The red color brought out the blush on Shen Lingxi's originally pale face, making her pale and haggard look finally look better.

She asked: "Can we go out?"

She looked good, and Long Yi's mood also improved. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, walked to her and put a scarf on for her: "Let's go now."

The house they live in now is in the villa area in the north of the city, and Shen Lingxi's previous date with Long Yi was in the Moon Watching Tower in the south of the city.

It takes a long time to drive from the villa area in the north of the city to the Moon Tower in the south of the city. It will probably take more than an hour if there is no traffic jam.

After getting in the car, Long Yi turned on the heater in the car and said, "It's a bit long. You can sleep on the seat for a while. I'll call you when I get there."

Shen Lingxi shook her head: "No need. I'm not sleepy."

The problem of the two dragon wings made her so entangled that she could not sleep, but fortunately, the person beside her could make her feel at ease a little bit.

Long Yi drove the car himself, and Shen Lingxi sat in the passenger seat. The two of them looked forward at the same time without speaking, both thinking about things in their hearts.

Long Yi was thinking about how to lure those people out and catch them all, while Shen Lingxi's mind was filled with Long Yi's voice on the phone.

That man's voice is Long Yi's voice, and she will never hear it wrong... It's just that the voice is the same. What if that man also looks like Long Yi?

So who should she trust?

Thinking of this serious problem, Shen Lingxi withdrew her gaze and looked sideways at Long Yi who was driving.

His current face looked unfamiliar to her, and it was not as good-looking as Long Yi's original face, but it still had a three-dimensional outline, and he could be considered a handsome and good-looking man.

To be honest, she had been quietly looking at him for several days. No matter how she looked, she could not see the shadow of Long Yi on his unfamiliar face, but she still believed that he was Long Yi.

Knowing that Shen Lingxi was sizing him up, Long Yi turned his head to meet her gaze: "Do you want to see a hole in my face by staring at me like this?"

As soon as Long Yi said these words, Shen Lingxi's heart trembled. The same words Long Yi had said to her back then were still in the same unorthodox tone.

That time he said this, not long after she agreed to his pursuit, he asked her out to meet.

Because she was too shy to look at him, so she had to look at him secretly when he wasn't paying attention. This is what he said when he caught her.

Yes, a person's appearance can change beyond recognition in a year, but it is difficult to change his personality, tone of voice and way of speaking.

In terms of appearance, Shen Lingxi couldn't find anything similar to Long Yi on this face, but after spending these days together, he made her feel that he was her Long Yi because the things in his bones had not changed.

He is Long Yi!

Guaranteed replacement dragon wings!

After coming to the conclusion, Shen Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief and quietly loosened her fists at her side. As long as Long Yi was by her side, what problems could not be solved?

The answer is - no!

I just don’t know who the person who called her to meet with Long Yi’s voice was?

What is his purpose?

Could it be the real culprit who caused the Long family to be wiped out?

"Well, don't speak? Do you really want to see a hole in my face?" Seeing her staring at him intently without speaking, Long Yi felt a little panicked.

"No. I just want to see you like this. If I don't do anything else, just looking at you like this will make me feel more at ease." Shen Lingxi gave him a shallow smile, just a shallow smile, but Long Yi I was so excited that I almost hit the car in front of me.

He made a turn, parked the car on the side of the road, looked at the smiling woman in front of him, and couldn't help but reach out and touch her beautiful cheek: "Xiao Xi, do you know what you are talking about?"

This time, Shen Lingxi did not avoid his touch. Instead, she stretched out her hand and gently pressed on the back of his hand: "I said that because you are by my side and looking at you, I can feel at ease."

"You..." She no longer doubted him? Has she forgotten the damage he did to her? Can she accept him again?

Many questions rushed into Long Yi's mind at the same time, making him unable to believe that the person talking to him at this moment was Shen Lingxi.

"Is what I said strange?" Shen Lingxi pursed her lips and smiled, then said, "Let's drive. Let's go first to see who the person on the phone is? What exactly does he want to do?"

"You don't doubt me anymore?" Long Yi waited nervously for her answer.

"Well, I believe you." Shen Lingxi nodded.

As soon as she spoke, Long Yi was so excited that his hands holding the steering wheel trembled a little.

He slapped the steering wheel several times, causing the horn to blare.

His Xiao Xi is finally back!

Finally returned to him!

Seeing that he was as excited as a young boy, Shen Lingxi shook her head helplessly: "Stop pressing the button. If you press it again, others will think there is something wrong with our car."

"Okay, don't press it anymore." Long Yi looked at her with a silly smile.

Long Yi's appearance at this moment reminded Shen Lingxi of a scene that had happened before.

Back then, Long Yi confessed his love to her personally. After she agreed, his reaction was exactly the same as now. He was also so silly and a little cute.

She added: "We also want to go to the Moon Tower."

He said: "Okay, okay...I'll drive right away."

He said he would drive right away, but he still stared at her and got closer to her. As he was about to kiss her, Shen Lingxi immediately stopped: "Stop!"

Long Yi retracted his mouth angrily and looked at her reluctantly, like a child begging for a reward.

Shen Lingxi wanted to rub his head and tell him to be good and stop making trouble!

But she couldn't do that, and said: "Let's go and do the business first. After the business is done, you can do whatever you want."

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