My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 891 Exactly the same face

Chapter 891: Exactly the same face

After finishing the business, you can do whatever you want!

No matter how these words sounded, Long Yi felt that Shen Lingxi was hinting at something.

"Okay." He was happy in his heart, responded briskly, started the car and flew out quickly.

Finish the business early so that you can have time to do what he wants to do.

The drive of more than an hour was not too long, and it felt like their destination, the Moon Watching Tower, was already in front of them in no time.

"Here we are." After stopping the car, Long Yi immediately reached out and held Shen Lingxi's hand, "Xiaoxi, you sit in the car, I'll go see that person."

"The person he wants to see is me. If I don't show up, he will definitely not show up." Shen Lingxi smiled gently at him, "Don't worry, I will be fine."

She still wants to be his Mrs. Long and have many, many children with him. Before these things are completed, she must be brave and strong and never let others separate the two of them.

Long Yi said: "I just don't worry."

Listening to his angry voice, Shen Lingxi found it funny and couldn't help laughing: "Long Yi, there are so many people here, can he still snatch me away?"

Long Yi glared at her: "I won't do it if I say no, just listen to me."

He has returned to his domineering mode, and he is so domineering that he is the only one in the world.

Shen Lingxi shook her head helplessly: "No, listen to me this time. You wait for me in the car, and I will go see him. If he sees you next to me, he will definitely not show up."

Both of them had stubborn tempers. When neither of them wanted to take a step back, the argument would be fruitless. In the end, Long Yi took a step back and said, "Okay, you go."

He asked her to go first and he could follow her later. Anyway, she didn't tell him not to follow her secretly.

"You are not allowed to follow me secretly." Shen Lingxi added this in time, like a basin of cold water poured on Long Yi's head.

Long Yi's snickering expression froze instantly. Can this woman read minds?

"Of course I can't read minds." Shen Lingxi easily saw through his thoughts again, with the corners of her lips raised slightly and a smile on her brows.

Just because he is Longyi, the man she loves, and she understands him, so as long as she pays a little attention to him, she can see through what he is thinking.

After she read his inner thoughts, Long Yi looked dissatisfied, but his heart was boiling and shouting that his Xiaoxi was finally back, and he no longer had to stay alone on the empty pillow every night.

Shen Lingxi opened the door and got out of the car, then turned back and smiled at him: "Long Yi, believe me, I can handle this matter."

She spoke so confidently because she had not yet seen the man who asked her to meet, and she did not yet know what a shocking visual impact that man would bring to her.

Today the temperature is low, the wind is strong, and the Moon Tower is in the wind. There are a few cars parked in the parking lot, and occasionally a couple hugging each other can be seen passing by.

With fewer tourists, it would be easier to find the target person, and it would also be easier for them to be discovered by the target person. Therefore, after getting off the bus, Shen Lingxi walked straight to the bottom of the tower.

Moon Watching Tower is a very famous scenic spot in Linhai City, but the ticket is not expensive, only 20 yuan. After buying the ticket, Shen Lingxi entered the tower entrance.

The Moon Watching Tower has a total of five floors and is 20 meters high. Climb up step by step along the spiral solid wood stairs. When you climb to the fifth floor, you can enjoy more scenery.

This place is usually crowded, but today due to the weather, there were really few tourists.

As she went up the stairs, Shen Lingxi only saw two couples coming downstairs, as if she had reserved the place today.

When she reached the fifth floor out of breath, she looked up and saw a man standing in front of her.

The man was tall and strong, standing upright, looking into the distance, with his back to her...

This back was so similar to the back of the person she loved. If she hadn't known that Long Yi was waiting for her in the car, she would have run over and hugged him.

"Xiao Xi..." When a familiar voice called her name, the man turned to look at her, "I've finally waited for you."

He smiled with her familiar smile, looked at her with her familiar eyes, and spoke to her with her familiar tone.

In the past, when they were late for a date, Long Yi looked back at her like this: "Xiao Xi, I've finally waited for you."

But Long Yi will do one more thing. After he finishes speaking, he will quickly walk towards her, hold her in his arms and kiss her hard.

He had to kiss her until she was so dizzy that she almost didn't recognize him, and then he would let her go with satisfaction.

Not only does his voice and body look similar, his face is even more similar, and every subtle change in his expression is exactly the same as Long Yi's.

Shock and disbelief struck Shen Lingxi's brain, causing her to stare blankly at the man in front of her, forgetting any reaction for a moment.

Dragon Wings!

Dragon Wings!

Dragon Wings!

There were only these two words in her mind, only this familiar face, only her familiar voice. She almost forgot that there was a "Dragon Wing" in the parking lot under the tower.

"Xiao Xi, I'm sorry! I came back late! I know you have been wronged these days, and I will make it up to you in the future." The man stepped towards Shen Lingxi, moving further and further away.

When he was about to reach her, Shen Lingxi finally had some reaction. She immediately reached out and rubbed her eyes, then opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

An identical face, speaking voice, and walking posture were all exactly the same as Long Yi's. They were exactly the same. She couldn't find anything different about him.

It’s so similar!

But Shen Lingxi knew that he was not her Long Yi.

The disguise of the man in front of her was almost perfect, so perfect that she couldn't find any flaws in this man, but she was certain that this man was not Long Yi.

If you ask her for reasons and reasons, she can't give them.

If she was forced to give an answer, she would give an extremely ridiculous answer - it's just a woman's intuition!

This man was so perfect, so perfect that he was like a replica of Long Yi. Every word he said and every move he made made her feel like he was deliberately pretending.

She was sure he was not Long Yi.

The man pulled Shen Lingxi into his arms, hugged her hard, and whispered: "Xiao Xi, aren't you happy that I'm back?"

Knowing clearly that this man was not Long Yi, Shen Lingxi did not struggle and snuggled into his arms obediently: "I'm not unhappy, I'm afraid that I'll be happy too early. I've done this no less than a hundred times in this year From such a dream, every time I wake up, you will be gone.”

She raised her head from his arms and looked at him lovingly: "Can I touch you? Let me know that you are not, but real."

The man nodded, took Shen Lingxi's hand and asked her to touch his cheek: "Xiao Xi, do you feel it? I'm really back."

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