Chapter 892: Leave it to me

This voice is definitely the voice of Long Yi.

But the voice was a little more deliberate and lacked the emotion it should have.

This face was almost exactly the same as Long Yi's original face. Shen Lingxi stared at him for a long time and couldn't see any difference.

She pinched him hard twice and rubbed his face again, leaving red marks, but no traces of plastic surgery were found.


Before Shen Lingxi could figure out what was going on with this face that looked exactly like Long Yi, she was suddenly pulled hard.

She was pulled into another warm embrace, and then the man with the same face as Long Yi received a heavy slap on the face.

One slap was not enough to relieve his anger. Long Yi raised his hand and slapped the man again, but just as he waved his hand, Shen Lingxi hugged him tightly.

She shouted at him: "What do you want to do?"

Long Yi was so angry that he was shaking all over: "Shen Lingxi, look carefully. That man cannot be Long Yi. He is definitely not Long Yi."

This woman actually blocked him. Is she having doubts again?

She told him before she came up that she believed him.

Shen Lingxi bit her lip: "He is not Long Yi, are you?"

Dragon Wing Qi knot.

In the final analysis, it was this impostor that made Shen Lingxi suspicious of him. He hugged Shen Lingxi with one hand and waved the other hand at the man again.

The man dodged Long Yi's attack and asked, "Xiao Xi, who is this man?"

Shen Lingxi glanced at Longyi, who might explode at any time. If she said another word that made him misunderstand, he might go crazy.

Shen Lingxi knows Long Yi's character very well. As soon as he breaks out, he will lose his mind and the consequences will be disastrous.

She looked at the counterfeit opposite. It was obvious that the man was testing her to see if she truly believed that he was Long Yi.

This man is obviously not Long Yi, but he wants to pretend to be his Long Yi. He must have an ulterior motive. Maybe the person behind it is the person who caused the Long family to be wiped out.

The person who caused the Long family to be exterminated was also the person who caused Long Yi to become unrecognizable, and the person who caused them to be separated for more than a year. She must find them out.

In the past, she had no connections and no clues. Now that such a big clue was coming to her door, why didn't she grasp it tightly and follow the clues to investigate.

Because she wanted to know the person behind the scenes, Shen Lingxi pretended to believe that the man with the same face as Long Yi was Long Yi.

The most urgent way now is to appease Long Yi and let him know her thoughts, but there is no way to tell him in words.

He looked up and met his gaze, and she gave him a quick wink to reassure him.

"It doesn't matter who he is, what matters is that you are back." This was the answer Shen Lingxi gave to the two men.

As soon as she spoke, she heard Long Yi take a deep breath of cold air, his body trembling slightly with anger: "Shen Lingxi, you..."

Shen Lingxi was also angry: "What's wrong with me?"

Long Yi, this stupid man!

She hinted at him with her eyes, but he didn't understand her hint.

How can you be so stupid?

What if their children inherit his genes in the future, will they be as stupid as him?

Although she disliked him for being stupid, she liked him anyway and couldn't let him go just because he was stupid. She pinched him quietly again.

This time, if Long Yi, a stupid man, still doesn't understand what she means.

She swore she would be angry.

Fortunately, Long Yi was not as stupid as she thought. She pinched him quietly and he seemed to understand this woman's good intentions.

Long Yi was angry, and the man opposite was extremely happy. There was no smile on his face, but his joyful eyes did not escape Shen Lingxi's observation.

He said: "Xiao Xi, come here, let's go."

Shen Lingxi nodded and looked at Long Yi again, hoping that Long Yi would understand her and let her go. However, Long Yi once again acted out of common sense, hugged her head and kissed her fiercely.

"Well..." Shen Lingxi wanted to kick this man hard, but she couldn't bear to do it. She couldn't bear to hurt him at all, so she could only let him hold her and "gnaw" him.

After "gnawing" her hard, Long Yi stroked his lips that were stained with her saliva, and said with a proud smile: "Shen Lingxi, I am very satisfied with your performance today."

Shen Lingxi rolled her eyes in anger, this stupid man, if he does this, he will ruin her plan.

Long Yi ignored her rolling of eyes and was in a good mood: "Since you know that this man is a fake, then I will do the rest, so you don't have to worry."

Shen Lingxi was almost out of breath: "You..."

Really stupid!

How stupid!

Hopelessly stupid!

Look, look, the man pretending to be Long Yi has a dark face. He already knows from the real Long Yi's words that they know he is a fake.

Shen Lingxi was so angry that she raised her foot and stepped on Long Yi hard. Such a stupid man has a long memory and he just needs to take care of himself.

Long Yi said again: "Shen Lingxi, I am a man."

Of course she knew he was a man, and she had never doubted his ability. Why was he stressing to her that he was a man at this time?

Long Yi said again: "Shen Lingxi, you are a woman."

Of course she knew that she was a woman, and she had a lot of things that a woman should have, and she was also in a plus size. She had never doubted her gender.

Long Yi looked at her: "Do you know?"

Shen Lingxi raised her hands and surrendered: "I don't know. Please enlighten me!"

Long Yi coughed lightly and said seriously: "I am a man and you are my woman. Now there is a counterfeit pretending to be me. How can I hide behind you and be protected by you? Silly woman, learn to be better in the future. , stand behind me and let me protect you."

Let Shen Lingxi pretend to believe that the impostor is Long Yi, and they will use the trick to let her infiltrate the enemy. This method is indeed easier to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, Shen Lingxi faces greater risks, and her life may be in danger at any time.

He would rather spend ten years looking for the person behind the scenes than let her take risks, even if it only takes ten days for her to take the risk to find out the person behind the scenes.

Long Yi asked again: "Do you know?"

The best love words in the world may not be "I love you", but "I am here and I will protect you." Leave everything to me. 】

Shen Lingxi nodded. She was extremely happy inside, but she couldn't help crying: "How can you, a man, say such things at this time?"

She wanted to help him, she wanted to use this counterfeit to find out who was behind it earlier, but she didn't expect that this stupid man would disrupt her plan with just two words.

"Silly woman, don't cry! Save some energy before you go back and cry." Long Yi hugged her, turned and left, completely ignoring the man who looked exactly like him before.

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