Chapter 893: Shadow Double

"Xiao Xi..." The man turned sideways and blocked their way, "It's only been a year, have you forgotten the agreement between the two of us?"

"Shut your bitch!" Hearing other men calling Shen Lingxi's name so intimately, Long Yi wanted to kick her away.

He protected Shen Lingxi under his wings like an old hen protecting its chicks, and did not let the counterfeit get even closer to her.

The man ignored Long Yi and said to Shen Lingxi: "Xiao Xi, I don't know who this man is, and I don't understand what he is talking about. I only know that no matter how long it takes, you are still in my heart."

Since he was here to impersonate Long Yi, of course he would not give up their plan easily just because a man broke in.

A year ago, the Long family was wiped out, and Long Yi's life and death were unknown. At that time, he knew that his chance to take Long Yi's place had come.

After living in the dark world for more than twenty years, few people knew of his existence. To the people of the Long family, he was actually the shadow of Long Yi, and he could only live in the shadow of Long Yi.

He is also a human being and a member of the Long family. Just because he was born two minutes later than Long Yi, his fate is completely different from Long Yi.

Long Yi came to this world two minutes earlier than him, just two minutes. Long Yi is the sedan chair of heaven, the heir of the Long family, and the hope of the Long family.

And what about him?

He doesn't even have his own name.

He is just the shadow of Long Yi, a spare part of Long Yi.

When Long Yi is alive and well, he can only live in his own dark world and cannot appear in the bright world.

If something unexpected happens to Long Yi, he will have a chance to come out of the dark world and continue to live as Long Yi.

He stepped forward to replace Long Yi's identity and took possession of everything that originally belonged to Long Yi, including Long Yi's job and Long Yi's woman.

Because he is a substitute, he cannot have his own thoughts, let alone his own life. The education he received since childhood was to imitate Long Yi.

He must love what Long Yi likes to eat; he must hate what Long Yi hates; whether it is food or women, he must love Long Yi's love.

After living for more than twenty years, he never had a day of his own. He got up at the same time as Long Yi every day and repeated what Long Yi did every day.

As early as many years ago, he wished to get rid of Long Yi, so that he could step out as Long Yi and start a new life.

He wants to replace it with dragon wings.

He just didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly. Before he was fully prepared, the Long family was wiped out and Long Yi disappeared.

He was excited, he felt excited, he felt that he could finally get out of that dark world and finally live the life he wanted.

However, he was too naive.

He has been imitating Long Yi for more than 20 years. Once there is no Long Yi for him to imitate, he doesn't know how to continue his life.

Just when he didn't know how to stand up and continue walking this path instead of Long Yi, someone found him, and that person knew his identity better than he did.

The man promised him that he could continue to live as Longyi, but only if he had to wait for a while, which lasted a year.

He had been waiting for more than twenty years, and he didn't care to wait another year, so he agreed to the man's request and lived in darkness for another year.

A few days ago, that person finally found him and asked him to come out and use the identity of Long Yi to find Shen Lingxi...

Shen Lingxi is the woman Long Yi likes, and he knows it.

He is the shadow of Long Yi, and he must love what Long Yi loves and like Long Yi, so the woman Shen Lingxi has occupied his whole heart without knowing it.

He didn't know if it was because of Long Yi, or whether Shen Lingxi, a woman, could really make men fall in love. Anyway, she moved his heart.

He knew that he wanted to get that woman, he wanted to take that woman completely as his own, and he wanted to make her truly his woman.

So he came.

Without giving Shen Lingxi a chance to speak, he added: "The Long family was wiped out, and I was seriously injured. I lay in bed for more than half a year before I could get out of bed and walk... When I can walk, I will come back to you as soon as possible, I didn't expect you to be unwilling to recognize me."

The experience he mentioned was so similar to the real Long Yi's experience this year. Shen Lingxi was shocked. Could it be that Long Yi's life this year was also under the surveillance of those people?

Thinking of those people always staring at Long Yi in the dark, it is very likely to cause a second harm to Long Yi.

Shen Lingxi held Long Yi's hand tightly, her heart trembling with worry: "I won't let anything happen to you again, and I won't let those people have the chance to hurt you again."

Long Yi smiled and pinched the tip of her small nose and said, "Little fool, I don't need your protection. I will protect you from now on."

She was obviously so weak, so weak that a gust of wind could blow her down, but she held his hand tightly and wanted to stand in front of him to protect him.

This stupid woman, her love for him was so clear and undisguised, yet he had previously suspected that she was an accomplice to the Long family's destruction because of some information without definite evidence.

The man said a lot, but Shen Lingxi didn't seem to hear a word. His eyes darkened and he said again: "Xiaoxi, I thought our love could last forever, but I didn't expect you to fall in love with someone else so quickly. "

According to the information he obtained, there was no other man around Shen Lingxi. She was still obsessed with Long Yi and had not fallen in love with another man.

As long as Shen Lingxi still misses Long Yi and doesn't fall in love with another man, then when he sees Shen Lingxi with a face exactly like Long Yi's, she will definitely be unable to resist.

He has a face exactly like Long Yi. With just this condition, he should be able to instantly kill all opponents who want to pursue Shen Lingxi.

But he never expected that Shen Lingxi would be accompanied by a man, and it was obvious that Shen Lingxi loved this man.

After hearing what the man said, Shen Lingxi smiled: "Let me tell you something, my love for Long Yi will never change."

Hearing her confession, Long Yi grabbed her hand and looked at the boy in front of him provocatively: "Boy, even if you have a face like Long Yi, it's useless. My Xiao Xi is not a fool. You Can't fool her."

If it weren't for this extremely familiar face, if it weren't for the fact that this face was his former self, Long Yi would have really wanted to slap him twice to make that boy stop missing his woman.

Long Yi clapped his hands: "Come out, everyone. Take this person back."

Quan Nanzhai's people have arrived. Let his people take this kid back for interrogation. They will definitely learn more interesting things.

And what about him?

Of course he takes his woman home and does what he wants to do.

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