My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 901 A mysterious man invites you (1)

Chapter 901: The mysterious man invites you (1)

Because Qin Yue arranged for people to guide messages on the Internet, the comments under the hot topic "The most beautiful face in Longjian disaster area" were almost unanimously applauded.

Qin leran's first appearance in front of the people of country A can be said to be perfect, and it can be regarded as achieving the effect Qin Yue expected.

Seeing himself appearing in the eyes of the people of country A with such a beautiful and kind image, Qin leran was not very happy.

Because she knew very well that it was her father who was behind the topic that caused such a big stir on the Internet.

Regarding public opinion on the Internet, the direction of the trend is also very easy to change. One moment it was green and favorable, but the next moment it may be reversed.

Qin leran knows that her father does this because he loves her, and with his ability, there is absolutely no chance of this matter being reversed, but she really doesn't want to rely on him for everything. She wants to handle this matter alone. Things are taken care of.

After all, if one day she becomes the president's wife of a citizen of country A, her father will no longer be able to do everything for her, and she will always have to do it herself.

Jingle Bell--

The ringtone of the mobile phone lying aside suddenly rang, which scared Qin lelan, who was meditating, and immediately sat up straight and reached for the mobile phone.

The call was from Lin Xiaoxiao.

Qin lelan answered: "Xiao Xiao."

Lin Xiaoxiao: "Leran, I'm downstairs at your house and will pick you up to support my friends. Come down quickly, I'll wait for you."

Qin leran nodded: "ok. Just wait for me for a while."

Lin Xiaoxiao is Qin leran's classmate and friend. He is also the longest and closest friend she has known in country A except brother lie.

When he was with Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin leran had always been more casual. He had his own personality and never concealed his true temperament.

Qin leran lives very comfortably with Lin Xiaoxiao, so she is very willing to play with Lin Xiaoxiao, even though that girl is a fool.

Seeing Qin leran coming out of the community, Lin Xiaoxiao, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up and down and waved to her: "Leran, Leran... I'm here."

"Girl, what are you doing jumping so high? I'm not blind." Many times, Qin lelan would feel that Lin Xiaoxiao is really a fool.

"Hehe... I'm just worried that you can't see me." Lin Xiaoxiao scratched her head and showed her signature silly smile.

Qin lelan walked to her side: "let's go."

"Well, take my car. I asked the driver to drive." Lin Xiaoxiao led Qin lelan into her car, and the driver who specially drove for her drove her.

Qin leran sat in the car and said nothing. Lin Xiaoxiao came to her side and kept chattering: "Leran, I know you have seen some high-end clubs, but after going to my friend's place later, I still hope Say more words of encouragement to him."

Qin leran glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao: "Unless someone else provoked me, have you ever seen me make it difficult for people who are not very familiar with me to step down?"

The direction of dealing with others mainly tests a person's emotional intelligence.

Qin lelan inherited her father's IQ, but definitely not her father's emotional intelligence. She has very good interpersonal relationships, so many people are willing to be friends with her.

"Hehe..." Lin Xiaoxiao scratched his head again and said, "I know you are smart and will not say unpleasant things on such occasions, but I am just a little worried."

Lin Xiaoxiao was worried, and Qin leran also understood that if the friend she brought to cheer her up said something unpleasant, it might be difficult for her and her friend to be friends again in the future.

Qin leran patted her on the shoulder: "silly girl, don't worry. I'm your friend. No matter what the occasion, I will never embarrass you."

Lin Xiaoxiao hugged Qin lelan and giggled: "Leran, I knew you still love me."

Qin leran smiled and pinched her face: "silly girl, you are my friend, of course I love you."

Between the two of them, Lin Xiaoxiao is obviously two years older than Qin leran, but the way they get along and the tone of their conversation make Qin leran more like her sister.

After driving for a while, Qin leran suddenly felt something was wrong when he saw the car entering the north direction of the ring road.

She had heard from Lin Xiaoxiao that Lin Xiao's club was in the south of the city, and the driver drove the car in the completely opposite direction to the south of the city.

Qin lelan tried to look at the driver through the rearview mirror, but the rearview mirror was adjusted very low and she could not see the driver's face through the rearview mirror.

Qin lelan quietly shook Lin Xiaoxiao's hand and whispered: "Xiaoxiao..."

"Leran, what's wrong?" Lin Xiaoxiao was sitting next to Qin leran, but she, who was always careless, didn't seem to notice anything unusual and asked loudly.

It seems that it is more difficult for the girl Lin Xiaoxiao to cooperate with her. After thinking about it, Qin leran said: "My stomach suddenly hurts a little and I want to go to the bathroom. You can ask your driver to find a place to park so that I can go there conveniently." For a moment?”

Because of the previous kidnapping experience, Brother Tianlie has been particularly protective of her these days, not allowing any strangers to have the opportunity to approach her.

She herself is very cautious, not letting strangers drive her, not communicating with strangers, not going out alone. She takes every precaution, but she ignores that bad people may also attack her friends.

Because she was unsuspecting of Lin Xiaoxiao, she got into whatever car Lin Xiaoxiao asked her to get. The people arranged by brother lie and Chang Li probably had the same idea as her, so everyone ignored it.

And this driver is probably no longer Lin Xiaoxiao's driver. Before Lin Xiaoxiao came to pick her up, her driver changed, but the careless Lin Xiaoxiao didn't notice.

Qin leran said this because she wanted to find a chance to escape, but Lin Xiaoxiao didn't understand what she meant, and said stupidly: "Leran, this is the Ring Expressway and you can't park. Why don't you bear with me for a while?" Let’s park in the service area in front.”

Qin leran: "..."

This guy Lin Xiaoxiao once again made her realize deeply that she is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but she is afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

Lin Jiacheng arranged for Lin Xiaoxiao to be a driver. In any case, he was someone whom Lin Jiacheng could trust. He had been working in the Lin family for many years, but this girl, Lin Xiaoxiao, was so stupid that she didn't notice the change of driver.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't cooperate with her, and there was really no way to park here, so she could only wait and see if she could find a chance to escape in the high-speed service area ahead?

Qin leran looked at the sign on the roadside and saw that there was a highway service area ten kilometers ahead. She bumped into Lin Xiaoxiao again: "Xiaoxiao, ask your driver to pull over."

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