My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 902 The mysterious man invites you (2)

Chapter 902: The mysterious man invites you (2)

"Uncle Lin, please pull over and let's go to the service area in front." Lin Xiaoxiao also saw the road signs and did as he was told.

But the driver did not stop according to her instructions. Instead, he drove left into the passing lane and accelerated forward.

"Uncle Lin, we have something to do. Please stop at the service area." Lin Xiaoxiao said again, as if she still hadn't noticed that the driver might no longer be her driver.

If the driver doesn't do what Lin Xiaoxiao says, Qin leran can be 100% sure that the driver is no longer Lin Xiaoxiao's full-time driver, but has been replaced by someone else.

But who is this other person?

Qin lelan doesn't know.

Then she didn't even know what the driver's purpose was.

However, she knew very well that people who took them away without saying hello must have a purpose.

Lin Xiaoxiao apologized: "Leran, Uncle Lin is a bit stubborn sometimes. He may not want to stop the car. How about you bear with it a little longer."

When things developed like this, Lin Xiaoxiao hadn't noticed anything unusual yet, and Qin leran was about to wonder, was Lin Xiaoxiao really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

If Lin Xiaoxiao wasn't her classmate, if Lin Xiaoxiao wasn't the person arranged by brother lie to be around her, if she didn't know how confused this girl Lin Xiaoxiao is...

Qin lelan really thinks that Lin Xiaoxiao is pretending to be stupid with her.

But now is not the time to investigate whether Lin Xiaoxiao is pretending to be stupid, but to find a way out of danger.

Qin lelan clenched her fist quietly, then reached into her pocket and touched her mobile phone, thinking of making a phone call quietly, at least to let her people know that she was now being controlled.

But when Qin lelan took out his mobile phone and took a look, he found that the mobile phone had no signal. It should be that the car had been tampered with and could not receive the signal.

"Damn it!" Qin lelan bit her lip and cursed silently in her heart. She was so cautious and still fell into the enemy's trap.

Brother Lie went to visit another country. If the incident reached him, he would definitely worry about her and prevent him from focusing on national affairs.

She wants to be a qualified presidential wife in the future, and the last thing she wants to happen is that brother lie delays his important events because of her.

Now, she can't contact Chang Li, and she doesn't know if Brother Lie's people are with her?

If they didn't follow her, then she couldn't count on them to help her escape, she would have to figure it out on her own.

Thinking of a way by himself, and being surrounded by teammates like Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin leran felt for the first time in his life that it was better to be cautious when making friends.

Make a smart friend, you can know what the other person is thinking with just one look, which can save your life at critical moments.

The car drove quickly on the highway and reached a place called Longyuan Exit. The driver slowed down slightly and got off the highway from Longyuan Exit.

As soon as he left the expressway toll station, the driver's mobile phone rang. The driver picked up the phone and answered it. He didn't know what the other party said, but he nodded repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, the driver looked back at Qin leran and said in a friendly manner: "Miss Qin, our former president wants to see you."

Before Qin lelan could react, the driver said: "Our former president has no ill intentions towards you. As long as you cooperate with our work, we will send you back as we invited you, and we will never hurt you."

"You... you're not Uncle Lin, who are you? Why are you driving our car?" The man turned around, and Lin Xiaoxiao realized that his driver had been replaced a long time ago.

But neither the driver nor Qin leran paid attention to Lin Xiaoxiao, and the driver looked at Qin leran.

It is of course best if Qin leran can cooperate with his work. If not, he will force Qin leran to go with him to see the former president.

It was said to be "invite", but Qin leran knew very well that those people would not give her a chance to choose. She had to go if she went, or she would still be "invited" if she didn't go.

She is a smart girl. When both options are not good for her, she will choose the one that is slightly better for her.

After thinking about it, Qin leran pursed his lips and smiled softly: "I don't know your former president. Are you sure it's him who wants to see me?"

To be honest, because she accidentally learned something about the former president of country A when she was checking about brother lie, the former president of country A gave Qin leran a very bad impression.

He is the former president and Quan Nanzhai's biological father. However, when his son succeeded him as president, he not only failed to help him, but also tried to find ways to trip up Quan Nanzhai. Such a father is not even a qualified father. No.

The driver added: "Miss Qin doesn't know our former president, but he has heard of your name a long time ago and is very curious about you."

Qin leran smiled calmly: "since the former president wants to see me, as a junior, how can I be embarrassed not to see him?"

The driver also smiled: "Miss Qin is really a smart and good girl. No wonder our third young master has been thinking about you all these years."

Qin leran smiled and didn't answer anymore, which was considered to be an admission that she was a smart and good girl. If the third young master of their family could like her, it was because he had good taste.

Her brother lie indeed has good taste!

The two people were talking to each other, and Lin Xiaoxiao was confused as he listened: "Leran, this man is not our driver. I don't know him."

This was something they all knew, and Lin Xiaoxiao just said it. No one wanted to talk to this slow-witted fool.

They didn't speak. Lin Xiaoxiao scratched his head and said, "Leran, the former president he mentioned should be Brother Nanzhai's father. I think it's not a bad thing for Brother Nanzhai's father to meet you."

While Lin Xiaoxiao was chattering away, the car drove onto a very green tree-lined path, with thick snow on the trees on both sides of the road.

The white snow sparkles in the sunlight, which is very dazzling, but also very beautiful.

Lin Xiaoxiao began to sigh again: "Wow, I grew up in Linhai City, but I didn't know there was such a beautiful place in Linhai City."

Qin leran was thinking about why the former president met her, but she couldn't think of a reason no matter how hard she thought. Lin Xiaoxiao kept talking in her ear, which made her confused and unable to think clearly.

She turned back and looked at Lin Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, can you rest for a while?"

This girl is sometimes so confused that people want to hit her twice with a mallet to let her know that this world is really not as beautiful as she imagined.

Lin Xiaoxiao blinked: "Leran, you really don't have to worry. Although..."

Qin leran interrupted her: "Xiaoxiao, please!"

Lin Xiaoxiao then closed her mouth and looked at Qin leran quietly. It seemed that she didn't know what Qin leran was worried about.

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