My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 903 A mysterious man invites you (3)

Chapter 903: The mysterious man invites you (3)

The destination is a health resort where central politicians in Linhai City, Country A, rest after their retirement.

The villa is very green, has a beautiful environment and good air quality. It can be seen that the country has indeed allocated a lot of money to create a place suitable for retirees to rest.

Just after getting off the car, before Qin lelan could see the surrounding situation clearly, a middle-aged woman who looked about fifty years old came to her: "Miss Qin, please come with me!"

On the way here, Qin lelan didn't think of a way to escape; now that he has come to someone else's territory, it is even more difficult to escape.

Besides, since it's brother lie's father who wants to see her, then she should just go see him and treat herself as their invited guest, so she doesn't have to find a way to escape.

Qin lelan pulled up her coat, and then raised her signature bright smile: "well, I have to trouble auntie to lead the way for me."

Qin lelan was more controllable than expected. The middle-aged woman was slightly surprised, and then made a gesture of invitation: "Miss Qin, please!"

Qin lelan nodded and walked away.

"Leran, wait for me." Although the other party did not say hello to Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiaoxiao still took steps to keep up with Qin leran, but she was stopped after just two steps.

The person who stopped her was the driver who had just brought them here. He said coldly: "The former president only invited Miss Qin to come over and meet."

In other words, the former president didn't invite you, so you should be wiser and stop being troublesome.

Lin Xiaoxiao touched his head, his face full of questions: "The former president also watched me grow up. He hugged me when I was a child. Why can't I see him?"

Qin lelan turned around and gave Lin Xiaoxiao a reassuring smile: "Xiaoxiao, I'll be fine alone, just wait for me here."

Lin Xiaoxiao scratched his head: "Leran, but..."

Qin lelan added: "you said the person who wants to see me is the president's father, and he will not embarrass me. I have also read the news about him. He is a kind old man, so don't worry."

Lin Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Regardless of what Lin Xiaoxiao said, the result was the same. She was stopped, and Qin leran went alone to meet the former president who invited her to be a "guest".

After walking through a tree-lined path and arriving at a spacious office, the middle-aged woman knocked on the door. When she received no answer, she opened the door and said, "Sir, the person you asked us to invite is here."

A middle-aged man stood in front of the large desk in the office. He did not raise his head or say a word, but concentrated on painting.

The woman turned back to Qin lelan and said, "Miss Qin, my husband is not finished yet. Please wait for him a little longer."

Qin Lele nodded.

The woman smiled and respectfully withdrew, leaving Qin leran alone here to face their legendary former president.

In the past, Qin lelan had seen photos of the former president when checking information.

When seeing the legendary former president in person, Qin lelan had to sigh that the photos were indeed a lie, which was completely different from him.

In the photo, he has kind eyes and looks amiable, like a kind elder, but he himself gives people the impression of...

Qin leran looked at the man standing in front of the desk and drawing. The white hair on his head was already gray, but his face did not look as old as he thought.

He was painting, but this elegant thing could not hide the chilling cruelty hidden between his brows.

Qin leran stood for a long time, and old man Quan finally turned his head. His torch-like eyes were fixed on Qin leran, and he looked at her without hesitation: "Are you the little girl of the Qin family?"

He looked at Qin leran with some disdain, and his tone of voice did not treat Qin leran as an independent adult.

The little girl of the Qin family!

Others also said this to Qin lelan, but the tone did not make her hate it. Only when old man Quan said this, Qin leran wanted to beat him up.

Qin leran frowned involuntarily, and raised a polite and unfamiliar smile: "Mr. Quan asked someone to invite me here. Did your people invite the wrong person?"

"You are the little girl of the Qin family!" Old Quan said again in a loud voice, "You look younger in person than in the photo."

"You look different from the photo." Qin lelan hated the way he stared at her. She hated it so much, but she, who had been well educated since she was a child, didn't show it. She still treated him politely.

Even though she hates this man, he is still brother lie's father. Sooner or later, she will marry into the Quan family, and they will be considered a family by then.

In order not to make it difficult for Brother Lie to be a good man, Qin leran was willing to swallow this grievance.

Because she loves Quan Nanzhai, she will always think about him and do her best to help him in whatever way she can.

She will try her best not to cause trouble to brother lie, no matter how much trouble she can cause him, so that he can be a good president of the people of the country with peace of mind.

After looking at her for a long time, Old Quan said again: "You have just turned eighteen, and Nan Zhai will turn thirty in a few days. He is a whole round older than you. Do you think there is a ten-year difference between you two?" Can people with four generation gaps live together happily? "

Old man Quan spoke very directly and his attitude was aggressive. Although he did not directly say that he disagreed with Quan Nanzhai and Qin lelan being together, his tone already made people feel it.

He forcibly invited her here without saying hello, and spoke so forcefully. Qin lelan, who was trying to calm things down, couldn't bear it anymore.

If you can't bear it anymore, then you don't have to bear it anymore.

Qin lelan smiled: "Mr. Quan, can I ask you, what is your definition of happiness?"

"Little girl, I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice, don't make excuses with me." He looked at her with displeasure in his eyes, "Let me ask you again, do you think you are better than the Shen family girl? Who is better?"

Without waiting for Qin lelan to answer, he gave another answer: "You are definitely not as good as the Shen family girl. Whether it is character or family conditions, your help to Nanzhai is far inferior to that of the Shen family girl. Why do you say you give up? Nan Zhai gave up his fiancée and chose you? "

Qin lelan smiled lightly and replied politely: "Mr. Quan, I think you may have made a mistake. There is no comparison between the girls of the Shen family and me."

Because the two of them are different individuals, they are both the best in the eyes of their lovers and are unique and irreplaceable in the world.

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